27 - The Stars and News

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I was hanging out in the living room area with some of the others when the topic of the aus came up. Or more specifically how the aus they were watching were doing and I completely forgot that I wanted to watch over Outertale. So much has happened and I forgot to visit a favorite au.

I visit Sciencetale enough and I check on other aus occasionally but I specifically told Nightmare that I wanted to watch over Outertale. It's been awhile since that day happened it was the same day I was reminded of Underswap I believe.

I waited until the night time hours rolled around and everyone was off doing their own thing before going to the Anti-Void. Making it to my spot and looking up at the puppets hanging above I noticed that I don't have one of Outertale Sans. I'm disappointed in myself. But now I have an excuse.

Without thinking much of it I opened a portal to Outertale and made my way to the spot I was at last time. I noticed the area was cleaned up which was a relief since I forgot to come back to clean up the mess we've left behind. 

I took a seat and started stargazing figuring that I could just look for the Sans of this au later. I remember vaguely what they looked like and I wanted to at least check so I was accurate.

Since the last time I came here I can say life has become intriguing. I've met many new faces, some good, some bad, some... questionable. I've experienced new things, kind of, and had some good times. Along with some bad times but they weren't too bad, I'm still alive so I consider that a win.

Dream has been.... Dream. Ink is being nosey. Blue is.... I don't know how to feel about Blue quite yet. He's just following orders as far as I could tell. 

I heard footsteps approaching and didn't turn to face them since they weren't rushing. I just assumed it was Nightmare or one of the others coming over to sees the stars or see what I was doing. Turns out I was wrong.

"Error?" An unfamiliar voiced called out causing me to go stiff. They didn't sound threatening yet they knew who I was.

"You are Error right?"

I turned around and saw that it was Outertale Sans. When he saw my face his posture relaxed a bit.

"Oh good it is you."

"Umm... hi?"

"Oh right. I'm Sans but you already knew that. You can call me Outer for now at least."

"Ok were you-"

"Isn't the sky magnificent?" He suddenly asked easily making me forget what I was going to say.

"Yeah, this place definitely has my favorite sky." He seemed pleased with the answer and sat himself a good distance from my spot.

"I'm glad you think so. When was the last time you came around since you can hop from place to place?" 

I don't know why he was trying to talk to me but I might as well go along with it to see where this ends up going.

"Awhile ago. Sorry about the mess we left."

"Don't worry about it, it was actually pretty easy to clean up."

As I sat there a thought suddenly accured that I should have noticed immediately.

"So did someone tell you about everything or..."

He looked confused for a second before realizing what I was talking about.

"Oh! Yeah someone did. Actually that's why I wanted to talk to you. Do you think you can come back tomorrow? There's something you need to see."

"Is it a glitch?"

"Oh no not that. Something important. You know of Core Frisk right?"

Hearing that reminded me of the time I met them while Dancetale was collapsing on itself. It was a very brief meeting but we still saw each other.

"I am aware of them, yes."

"They wanted me to get in contact with you since that day you two met and something else happened that they said you must know about."

"Tomorrow, you say. Do I need to come alone?"

"If they want to talk to you about what I think then being alone would be preferable. I mean I'll be here too, we'll meet up at my place since my bro is taking the kid somewhere to hang out tomorrow."

I was unsure about the meet up. This could very well be a trap but I had to see. If it was really important I didn't want to miss it and regret it in the long run.

"Fine... I'll be here tomorrow."

"Great I'll let Core Frisk know, try to come around noonish if you can."

The rest of my time in Outertale went by in a flash. I couldn't remember much else just that I eventually returned to the domain and fell asleep in my room. 

When I woke up all I could think about was the met up later. If it was a trap I wouldn't want anyone else to get caught up in it so I'll just keep it to myself, but I didn't want to face some bad news on my own. I might do something I regret without some voice of reason with me.

I kept looking at myself in the mirror I was provided.I would've been downstairs for breakfast already if I wasnt so distracted. I don't know why but it didn't want my appearance to look bad. I went through the morning pretty much on autopilot.

Luckily for me Nightmare didn't have any tasks for me and I thought I was in the clear however my nerves definitely tipped him off about something. So when other were gone he waved me over.

"Is everything alright, you seem tense. Don't bother lying, you know I can tell." 

"Its nothing bad, Outertale Sans says there's something I should see and invited me over to his place today."

"Ah, the nerves makes sense now. Do you need one of the others to accompany you?"

"I don't need someone else with me."

"Then let me rephrase, do you want one of the others to accompany you?" 

I hesitated because I would bit at the same time if it was extremely important and personal I wouldn't want them to know. But at the same time...


"Very well, have Cross go with you. He is not busy today."


"I'll let him know, when is the meet up?"

"Around noonish, that's what Outer said." 

"Very well, meet up in the foyer around then."

With that Nightmare left and all I could do was wait. What was so important that it needs my attention out of all people?

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