3 - Learning a Skill

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In order to learn about au codes I need access to other aus. I could just portal into multiple aus and keep track of what I find to know which one I've been in... but that would take forever. My second option is to find the Doodle Sphere and snag some aus to look over and learn from. However that had its risks... such as running into Ink. I don't think I'm ready for that yet. I already wasn't the biggest fan of Ink but now I don't know if that same level of dislike was because of me or Error. 

I heaved out a groan before deciding to try my luck with the Doodle Sphere. I opened a portal and peeked inside seeing a bright area with papers. I didn't hear anybody near by so stepped inside before walking the the closest paper. I managed to open that screen up only to see it was blank. I reached for the paper and saw information appear right before touching it. I did avoid actually touching it though since I didn't want to accidentally destroy it. 







This seemed to be coding, good to know. I then had a sudden idea and that was to just... take the au back with me to study. I don't think its the original first Undertale since it wouldn't be so far from the center. Would it? Or maybe this was a newer multiverse. With that in mind I used my strings to grab the paper and headed back to the Anti-Void. Time to do some studying.

Once in my white space I took a seat on the ground. I should really furnish this place when I get the chance. I opened the screen up and hovered my other hand near the paper seeing the information again.







I think one of the numbers changed but I wouldn't even know what it means yet. Let's check out the resets then. I pressed on it a new much smaller screen appeared next to it.


Zero resets have been made. No further information.

Well that didn't help much. I went back to the main screen, causing the other one to disappear and tapped on the corruption option which made a new screen.


Corruption levels are at zero. No further information.

Once again, not much help. But it was good to know that nothing was wrong. Next I decided to check entities, this was different.





Looking through the monsters option taught me that either monsters were normal or boss/important monsters. It let me see their basic stats but not much else. Looking through humans came up empty since there were no humans in the underground currently. Looking through unknown however lead to a bunch of question marks and I couldn't get through them so had to head back. Looking at locations was similar to entities. I'm sure it'll be useful the more I get use to it.

I returned back to the main screen and noticed a change again.







I stared at the numbers at the top for about five minutes before I could confirm something. It seems like CT might stand for 'current time' in that au. I had to count to sixty at least three times before being certain. I don't know what the rest means but I will. I'm not entirely sure what I was going to do as Error but I needed to take the role I've been given and make the most of it. 

I decided after awhile to return the paper back to the Doodle Sphere and focus on a new objective. Get something to put in the Anti-Void besides my strings. And maybe learn Error's hobbies since I'm starting to see he had the right idea to cure his boredom with these activities.

I could also try actually sleeping, I have no idea how long I've been awake doing stuff. Nah. Later. I needed to get stuff if I was going to stay here. I thought of Snowdin hoping to be in a sane au and went through. Everything seemed pretty normal until I reached where a puzzle usual was. There was nothing. I scratched at my skull and continued to the town only to stop when I remembered I could take a 'shortcut'. I falmpalmed and dragged my hand down before walking behind a tree thinking of the inn. 

At the blink of an eye I was behind the building and peeked out to see if anyone was out. I really had to squint though only now really noticing how bad my vision was. I could see things close to me but farther out it gets difficult. I was surrounded by an endless white void mostly how was I supposed to know. I decided to try to open up a screen to see what was up, and see if I learned anything.







Ah, it's evening time. That explains a few things. I decided to walk along behind the buildings and such while I read through the screen. Just like before I checked resets first and discovered there were none however this message was different than the first one.


Zero resets have been made. No resets possible until the far future.

So I'm in the past? How far back did I go? I decided to check the other options when I heard sniffling behind me and footsteps that I didn't notice until now. 

"Excuse me?" 

I turned around and saw Papyrus. A very young Papyrus wearing a pale orange sweater, deep orange pants, a scarf, and a hat. 

"What are you doing out here?" I asked and saw the glitches in my voice startled him a bit but didn't waver him. 

"I want to go home but brother says it's dangerous to walk alone...." he trailed off and I could tell he was a bit scared. Of me or he's situation I couldn't tell. I know I should just point him in the right direction but he was so cute. I couldn't help myself. I extended my hand causing a few strings to come out towards him.

"Grab on kid, I'll take you home."

"O-Oh wowie, thank you. Your powers are cool," he said as he grabbed on and followed me towards the house.

"What were you doing out here alone?"

"I was trying to make a bone like my brother and managed to make a small one. But this dog came out of no where and stole it. I went to get it back and found myself at the edge of town." 

While listening to him talk I noticed I was glitching quite a bit. Maybe I was nervous around the young Papyrus. No I definitely was since I didn't want to hurt him.

"That was brave of you to go after the dog on your own. But don't do that again, your brother might get worried."

He seemed happy to get called brave only to look a bit worried when I mentioned Sans. Soon we came up to the house. My plan was to stop before the door and let Papyrus go in on his own. However the door opened with a worried looking Sans looking out only to lock his eyelights on myself and his brother. This Sans had some goggles on his head and lacked a jacket. Though by the eyewear I could tell this was Science Sans which explained a few things. Papyrus released my strings and ran towards Sans.

"Brother! I made a bone today! I wanted to show you but a dog stole it." 

As Papyrus told Sans what happened I took this moment to 'shortcut' away from the house and was back at the edge of town. I didn't want to deal with that. I still wanted to get things for the Anti-Void but that was going to be a nope.

"It's a bit rude to leave with out letting me thank ya. Thanks to you my bro won't catch a femur." 

I snickered a bit catching the pun before facing the young Sans and trying my hand at one.

"Tibia honest I was trying to avoid being spotted." 

It seemed to work since his smile grew. 

"Heh, nice. Now who are you? You look like me yet don't at the same time. Last I checked there weren't any other skeletons."

"....have you heard of the multiverse?" 

And somehow from that I found myself back at the house, this time inside, and sitting in the kitchen. Papyrus had gone off to bed which was fine by me since I wasn't sure Sans would want the young skeleton to learn about this. Turns out he was looking into anomalies and was about to turn in for the night when I showed up. He's been trying to see if multiple universes existed but hasn't found anything yet.

What did I get myself into?

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