4 - A Gift

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I ended up talking with Science Sans, who I'll just call Sci, about what I knew. About the different aus, how he was the younger of the original, a few other differences, and even my own role. Granted I was nervous about revealing myself as a destroyer but he seemed pretty ok with it. Muttering about how there's was a balance and the multiple different possibilities. As he wrote in a notepad I took the chance to look around. It was like the regular house except with less decorations and more papers.

"Do you need glasses?"

The question caught me off guard since I felt my body glitch a bit which didn't seem to scare Sci, just surprised him a bit. I gave him a confused look and he seemed to catch on.

"I noticed that you would squint when you tried to read some on the things on the counter yet didn't do that with the papers on the table. Seems to me like you are near sighted. Right, hold on for one moment," he said before getting up and heading out of the kitchen. I heard a few thuds from beyond the doorway and he returned with a pair of red rimmed glasses before holding them out to me.

"Here, try these."

Carefully I grabbed the glasses not wanting to touch Sci and placed them on my face. Immediately things were much easier to see.

"Well? How is it?"

"Woah! This is what I've been missing? I should've gotten glasses sooner." I could see Sci pretty much the same but he looked a bit clearer with the glasses on. He also looked pleased with the results.

"So what were you doing here in the first place?"

"Oh right. I was looking for... stuff."

"What kind of stuff? Is it too embarrassing to share?"

"No! I just don't have any possessions. I live in the Anti-Void which is just this empty space with nothing but myself. I was just seeing if there was anything I could snag. I should probably get going now that I mentioned it."

I got up from my seat and readied to just immediately portal out when Sci suddenly perked up.

"Wait! Before you go-" He hurried off and I decided to wander into the living room. By the time I reached the door Sci returned with a large blue beanbag. "This was just laying around. I figured it'd be used more with you."

He handed it off to me and I can say I was effectively stunned. I felt a sudden heaviness before opening a portal.

"Thanks. I'll see ya around maybe. Keep an eye on the ankle biter."

I heard Sci chuckled and waved before going through with the beanbag. The portal closed up and I walked a bit away before plopping the seat down. This was a meaningful gift in my opinion, he didn't have to give me anything yet he did. Not even my 'friends' back in my old home would give me a meaningful gift. My vision got a bit blury and I reached up only for my fingers to touch the glass of the eyewear on my face.

I pulled the glasses off and reached up with my other hand feeling something on my hand. Tears? I was crying. I didn't even cry when I died and was chatting with Error. Not a single tear came up while spending time in the Anti-Void learning my magic. It took receiving two items to cause waterworks.

I wiped my face making sure all my tears were gone before plopping myself on the beanbag and placing the glasses to the side. I had to admit that it was nice not having to sit on the hard ground anymore. As I stared at the ceiling above I realized that I didn't get any material to make stuff. I'll just try looking next time I go out. Thinking of my old life made me remember what I used to do. I wonder if I still can do things.

It took about thirty minutes of thinking before I stood up and took a few steps away. I did a few stretches before I leaned back and touched the ground looking like an arch. I huffed before kicking up and standing on my hands moving a bit forward.

"I guess not having skin and muscles in the way makes this easier," I lowered myself to the ground before kicking up and landing on my feet. "Then again it is magic helping me move my limbs. It's weird to think about."

I was in gymnastics in my past life, it was fun until it wasn't. My parents liked that I was good at it when I was younger and made sure I continued on for years. I grew less and less passionate for the sport until eventually it felt like a chore. Now that I'm away from that maybe I could learn to love it again.


Probably not.

I should make sure to remember that world's code so I can go back to it when I need to. Shouldn't be to hard.

I was stretching as I was letting my thoughts fester and really looked at my gloves as I was stretching up. Around my hand was blue but then it faded to black and stopped at the gold bellow my elbows. I'm not against the change but I am curious why I look a bit different. The only thing I could come up is that I look like this because Error merged us or whatever he called it. I wish he was still around, he could tell me what to do.

I just need to figure it out myself.

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