5 - Saving a Brother

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It's been a good while since the encounter with Sci and my space has been coming along. I've been given some books, a notebook, and a few pencils from Sci. I also received a potted flower and blanket with stars on it from little Papyrus. That flower I got pretty much forces me to regularly have to go out and get water to keep it alive but I still like it. I also found crochet hook while wandering in Sci's Waterfall location. I can say now that I have learned the art of crocheting but, I still need to work on it. It wasn't the best but hey, soon enough I'll try my hand at making puppets. 

At the moment I was reading one of the books I had when I had an odd feeling something was off. I tried to ignore it but it made it increasingly more difficult to focus. I closed the book and stood up before opening a portal to Snowdin, I was feeling antsy. Once I stepped through I opened the screen and did not like the results.







The numbers looked different and this was the first Undertale I visited. Something was wrong. I went to the corruption option to see what was going on and saw this. 


Corruption levels are low. Malicious oddity found attached to an entity. Not dangerous but will be if not delt with.

Well that wasn't good. It said it was attached to an entity so I return to the main screen and looked through the entities list to see if anything stood out. Luckily it wasn't attached to any boss/important monsters but it seemed to be attached to a normal monsters in the snowy area. A snowdrake. According to this that snowflake just arrived in the underground and didn't belong. Must be a hacker or something, trying to do something they shouldn't. 

Off I went to start my hunt. I did a shortcut to the ruins' entrance and saw nothing. From there I went forward to find the snowdrake. Past the bridge and passing some puzzles I believe I found it. It was moving a bit oddly and seemed to have a destination in mind. I silently followed it unsure where it was heading until I heard a humming. A familiar humming. I teleported over to a snow bank and peaked out seeing Papyrus attempting to make a snowman. Oh rather a snow him now that I looked at it.


I watched as it spotted the tall skeleton and hid a bit behind a snow bank to avoid being spotted immediately. Then I saw it leap for him. Now the action caught me off guard but not enough to completely freeze me. I reached out and my strings shot out grabbing the intruder before I yanked them to me and shortcutted to some trees. I was unaware that someone else saw what I did and went to find me once Papyrus looked around and shrugged thinking he might have heard something.

Back with me, I held the struggling entity tightly in my strings and hovered my hand opening a screen. Turns out it was a hacker and it was safe to bet that they were curious. They wanted to see if certain characters will react if they were attacked by one of their own before a human ever showed up.

"So you like to try and mess things up. Cause trouble for fun without consequences. Why don't I return the favor and mess you up?" I could just take the soul, if it had one, and destroy it but they might return and I need them gone for good. So I reached down touching the snowdrake causing myself to glitch out and eventually the entity followed suit. I stepped away as it still glitched getting worse and worse until it crashed and slowly dissappeared. I sighed after a few moments of silence before hearing a crunch in the snow and turned around seeing nothing but trees. 

"...I know you're there. Might as well come out."

When I saw Sans walk up I was unsure how he was going to react so to hide my nervousness I clenched my hands as I put them behind me and straightened my back. I could see Sans's eyelights which was a good thing in my opinion though I can tell he was tense. I did look like him kinda and the glitches around me weren't exactly a normal thing to see.

"So... pal, I saw what you did back there and I saw what you did here. Mind giving me an explanation before we have a bad time?" 

No puns, he was definitely on edge. I glanced at the spot the snowdrake was and looked back at the skeleton before giving a slight sigh. I couldn't really tell him everything since he was going to know eventually... or not the multiverse is a bit confusing.

"I won't tell you everything. But just know the monster you saw me get rid of wasn't one of the residents here. If you don't believe me you can check for yourself. I am a destroyer and I am not the biggest fan of glitches that don't belong. I sensed something was off and came here."

When Sans noticed I stopped talking he stepped a bit closer to look at the spot that the monster was at. 

"So if that wasn't a monster what was it?"

"Someone trying to mess with your world, that's all I can really say."

It was quiet between as before Sans shrugged seeming to go back to his carefree way. He reached out a hand for a handshake. 

"Well I have to thank ya, as far as I snow you saved my bro." 

I caught the pun and shook my head with an amused look before using my string to lighting shake his hand which confused him.

"I'm not giving you the cold shoulder. I just have haphephobia." That seemed to be alright with him since he just shrugged it off before showing his hand. A small whoopie cushion.

"Heh, can't get them all. So, what do I call you?"

"You can just call me Error. That's what others call me." 

"Call you? Not your actual name I'm guessing. That's fine. Well I'm Sans and my bro back there is Papyrus."

"Ice to meet you." I opened the screen up and checked the code hearing Sans chuckle. Seems like everything went back to normal with the oddity gone. Noticing Sans staring I closed the screen. "Looks like my work here is done. Everything should be gone and continue just fine."

"Alright, I'm still not sure what happened but I suppose I won't see you around."

"If you're lucky." I gave a wave before snapping my fingers and teleporting away. Once I was sure I was alone I opened a portal and went back to the Anti-Void.

I dragged my feet over to my beanbag and plopped on stomach first then kicked the blanket up so it landed on my back. 

"That glitch took a bit out of me. I almost crashed... geez."

My multicolored eyes stared into the emptiness in front of me when a random thought came to mind.

"I want a television...."

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