35 - Small Talk

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Author note: sorry it's short but something happened over here and this needed to be written before I lost motivation.

Ever since the incident with Dusttrust I've been keeping an eye on the blue colored star sans. Of course I was supposed to do that anyway but something caught my attention with my last encounter. 

I wondered how much Blue actually knew about what was going on. How much was he told. What was truth and what was a half truth? 

Speaking of our new member, who still doesn't have a nickname, has been in their room mostly. I don't blame him. I was the same a bit when I first came here. He was the most stable out of the lot of us. He was just a Blue that had one kill under his belt.

Nightmare has been keeping an eye on them mostly to see how they could be useful and to make sure he doesn't go off the deep end like how Dust almost did. 

So imagine my surprise when I was in my room making the new puppet for my collect and heard knocks on the door and it turned out to be him. 

"Come in," I said after putting down the work in progress and saw the new Blue cautiously enter. I was not use to the cautious approach, it's been awhile. 

"Ah, new guy. Is there something you need?"

"No... erm yes I mean.... it's just... can we talk?" 

"You're already here so sure." I moved my seat so a was facing him and gestured to the arm chair. "Sit."

He awkward walked over to the chair as I got comfortable. 

"What's the problem? Here to yell at me? Ask why I did it?"

"No Nightmare already explained the why. I just don't get why you wanted me here? Nightmare told me it was your suggestion. From what I know you guys work for negativity, why didn't you just leave me there? I was- I was a mess! I was perfect for Nightmare to feed off of- does he feed on negativity?"

That question took me a bit since it was always a different answer depending on who was telling the story. "Eh... I don't think about it but let's assume yes."

"Ok, so why? When I asked I was just told to ask you."

"Ah well....." New problem, I can't tell the entire truth. Solution, tell the same half truth I've been saying. Error's truth if it comes to that. "I didn't want you to be in the same situation as some of the others."

"What do you mean?"

"Well.... do you know about Dust?"

"A little bit, he's what my brother became yes?" 

"Sure let's stick with that. He killed everyone to be stronger than the human. Unfortunately with all the resets he had to do and constantly killing to regain what he lost it got to him. One day the human just stopped coming."

"Wouldn't he be happy then?"

"No, he killed everyone but the human was gone along with the resets. He was alone in a dust filled world with no one but himself. The past haunted him until.... one day... he wanted it to stop."

I stopped talking but it seemed dto be enough to get the message through to the other Blue since a look of horror crossed his expression.

"What about the others?"

"Everyone is going through something."

"Even you?" I heard a record scratch in my head.


"I mean you do destroy for a reason right?" He seemed to choose his words carefully which was fair honestly.

"Yes but it's more like a job if anything. The destruction does give a sense of satisfaction," more like eases the urges but that besides the point, "but I have to otherwise things will become too much. You used to look at things for the royal guards yes? When there's too much paperwork what happens?"

"Well, you keep what you need and get rid of what you don't to clear up space and stay organized." He smiled as he talked showing that his spirit hasn't died yet. A look of realization appeared. "Oh, I see." 

"But I did kind just put you in this mess so here's an idea. You can either stay here with us or I can have you placed somewhere else to live your life. You don't have to answer now but I'm just putting it out there."

"I see, uh thanks Error I'll think about it." With that said he left and I let out a sigh of relief. He may be a Sans but he was still a swap which means he's not as observant as the others.

He would've seen through me if I wasn't too careful. The others haven't caught on about my lies of the past because they don't really ask too much or pry to know more. The only one who might know something is Nightmare but I'm not really sure.

"Hopefully I won't have to explain that mess......" I huffed before returning to work on the new puppet for the collection. 

The Anti-Void was still the Anti-Void, barren white nothingness endlessly. But I found it a bit funny that there was one area that just had stuff there. 

I continued on in peace until dinner time rolled around. That was the time to listen to everyone complain about their day and what they saw. 

A normal evening for us. 

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