34 - A New Ally

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Some time has passed and things were normal.... well as normal as they could be anyways. My urges haven't been acting up, the other Sanses are doing their thing like usual, the star sanses are being annoying as usual, checked on Gradient, checked aus, etc. 

Sometimes there were fights amongst ourselves. Sometimes there were fights amongst the star sanses. I wasn't really sure how much time has past but it's enough for me to notice it. 

Then something happened.

Something really... odd.

I was in the Anti-Void looking over aus because someone was being really annoying lately, it's Killer. I stumbled across a random Underswap au and figured that maybe this would be my next au to destroy. 

I opened a portal and stepped into the au before hiding myself and making a screen. That's when I noticed it. 

The title for the au was glitching. It kept changing between Underswap, Dustswap, and Dusttrust. Like it couldn't make up its mind on what to be.

"....odd." I was only familiar with two of those titles, not the last one. I felt a shift in the air and saw the Underswap option was completely gone. I won't lie it's kinda freaky. The problem had to be the resets or something. Before I could check the menu to search for a cause I heard Blue calling for his brother. 

If I remember correctly Dustswap is just Dusttale with the Underswap citizens. That ment Blue was going to die here. I really wasn't bothered by this but the fact that the title was changing ment something might or might not happen. I should really just leave but something in my gut was telling me not to.

It's not like I wanted to watch the Sans die, this is Dustswap its going to happen. I can't, won't, change the path an au goes. But something was definitely wrong.

I walked towards where I heard the voice call out and hid behind a tree when I noticed Swap Papyrus, though his hood was up, he facing the direction of Blue's call, and his aura wasn't at all friendly.

Then I saw Blue, Papyrus saw Blue, and Blue saw him. 

"There you are! I can't find any of the monsters in town. I even went to Muffet's and no one was there." 

Papyrus didn't say anything and I could see Blue was getting uneasy. 

"What... are you doing here? You're supposed to be looking out for humans?"

I'm not going to lie, I pretty much tuned out the conversation as they were talking since I already knew why he was doing what he was doing and what was going to happen. Though it still felt odd. 

There was a bit of back and forth as Papyrus explained about the human, the resets, everything, including the lack of monsters. He delt with them to get stronger just like Dust did. 

I was expecting Blue to just smile and open his arms to try and convince his brother that he didn't need to do it and that he loves him no matter what he chose to do. But... that didn't happen. Instead I saw the smaller skeleton take a step back and let out a shaky breath.

He was scared, of his brother. Why? I mean yeah, he was going to die but it was really weird to see a brother scared of the other. 

He was begging his brother to not do it and honestly it was a bit hard to watch. Then it happened.

Papyrus raised a hand summoning a blaster and out of sheer panic Blue summoned his bones for defense. While falling back his bones shot out, and into his brother. 

I was not expecting that and neither did they apparently from their shocked expression. Papyrus fell and turned to dust and Blue shakily stumbled over the the remains of Papyrus, being just a pile of Dust and his jacket. Once the first few tears fell it was all over. He started bawling, crying, screaming. His voice echoed through the trees. 

I felt bad for him.

Unlike Dust and his brother, he wasn't use to killing. That was his first and it was an accident at best. It was a lot.

Too much.

I could feel the air around me become much heavier and turned away from the scene to wander away a bit. Sure enough I noticed shadows moving and saw Nightmare slink out of the darkness and walk toward me.

"Error, I sensed something wasn't right and came over when I could. I would assume it came from you or one of the others but that doesn't seem to be the case." 

Another cry echoed out and seemed to be all Nightmare needed to fill in the blanks.

"Ah, I see. What happened?"

"I was just looking through the aus when I came across this one. I was going to select it to be my next target and came to see it's code so I didn't end up destroying the wrong Underswap. However something was wrong. It kept changing. It was Underswap, then it became Dustswap."

"Dustswap? That's not an au I see very often. So then what happened?"

"I was observing the event between Sans and Papyrus knowing what was going to happen and just waited to see everything going the way it should. Then it didn't. This Blue ended up killing Papyrus by accident it seems."

"Hence all the negativity."

"Yes," out of curiosity I opened the screen and saw it had changed to Dusttrust, "and now this au is known as Dusttrust."

"I am unfamiliar with that au."

"It's a first for me as well." I headed back towards the scene and heard Nightmare follow me. 

Soon I saw Blue in the same spot, he was still crying but he has toned down a bit. 

"What do you suggest? You were going to destroy this au anyways."

"......take him with us."

"And why would I allow that?"

"You kept Killer plus you could always the extra hands."

"......" Nightmare said nothing but slinked into the darkness and appearing closer to Blue. With that done I decided to go and stall the human. This au was going down regardless but it might take some convincing. Having the human ready could be a good thing. 

Turns out I was right. My mess of strings and such has effectively distracted the human from their original task of hunting or talking with Papyrus and they stupidly followed me to Judgement Hall.

What can I say, I like fighting there.

I spent most of my time just tossing the kid around since I didn't want to kill them and have them reset. It was hilarious watching them get frustrated with their situation. This went on for about twenty minutes before Nightmare and Blue showed up shocking the kid even more than they were when they saw me. 

I saw Nightmare lean over and whisper something to Blue, I need a new nickname for him, before the short skeleton that now wore Papyrus's hoodie strode forward. The kid was tired from their beating so I wasn't worried about them attacking but I felt the end coming so I took their soul. 

If they were going to die here I'm making sure they don't reset everything and have us start over. I dangled their soul in front of them before walking away towards Nightmare to let the Blue do what he was going to do. 

Mercy apparently was not an option.

Blue didn't even try to say that the kid could still be good, he made a bone and stabbed the kid. He didn't just make a bone appear from under them no, he summoned a bone, grabbed it and stabbed down on the kid's form. The kid choked and gasped in pain before going limp. 

While that happened I noticed one of my string move and frowned before looking towards Nightmare. 

"We've got company."

"I see, time to go." Nightmare walk over to the new addition and place a hand on their shoulder before they both dissappeared into the darkness. Once they were gone I shattered the soul starting off the chain of events to collapse the au.

Not even a minute later Dream and Blue showed up seeing just the kid's body and myself. No Ink surprisingly but I wouldn't rule it out.

"Error! You can't just blindly follow Nightmare's orders! You don't have to do these things!" Dream said sounding.... annoying honestly.

"Why is it that you lot love to tell me to stop when it's already too late."

I summoned a bone wall just as Blue came swinging. Now I wasn't wearing my glasses but with him so close I noticed something about him. 

"Hmm, interesting." 

My comment caught him off guard before I tossed him away and yanked on some strings. The place trembled violently and before I could do much else I was enveloped in darkness and found myself back in Nightmare's domain.

"I was handling it." I said with a light groan before brushing off my jacket.

"I know, but I am not a patient person." He walked away gesturing me to follow and we were heading to the foyer.

Guess it was time to introduce a new member.

Author note: I hate myself, this took way too long to do.

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