46 - Telling Sci

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Currently, I was with Gradient standing in the snow outside of someone's front door.

".....aren't you going to knock?" Gradient asked after a few moments went by and I didn't move.

"I will... I'm just trying to figure out everything I have to tell them. There is so much...."

"...if they're your friend then they won't get mad at you, right?"

"Oh kid, that's not what I'm worried about."  I sighed slumping a bit before taking in a deep breath and knocking my knuckles on the chilled wooden surface. We heard shuffling and movement before the door opened revealing a surprised Sci with Papyrus peeking around to see who was at the door. 

"Oh Error! I wasn't expecting a visit anytime soon." 

"Yeah things were a bit hectic last time... um, may we come in? Got some talking to do."

It was then that he noticed Gradient with me and stepped aside to let us in. 

"Oh yeah, come in. Would you like some tea?"

"That would be nice, thanks."

"...can I just have water?" Gradient hid in his hood a bit as his shyness started to surface.

"No problem, get comfortable I'll be right back." With that Sci left and I walked over to the couch where Papyrus was.

"Hi Error! Who's this?" The smallest skeleton questioned as we approached him.

"This is Gradient. Gradient this is Papyrus."

"The awesome- no- the great Papyrus!" The smaller skeleton got to his feet and approached Gradient before holding out he's hand. "Nice to meet you!" 

Gradient looked a bit awkward and instead of shaking hands he placed a hand on the hat covering the small skeleton. A head pat. Papyrus didn't seem to mind the gesture and just got comfortable as we sat down. 

Soon Sci came back and gave everyone their drinks. However when he gave mine I just stood up and gestured for Gradient to stay. 

"We do need to talk Sci."

So that leads to me and Sci in his workspace while the kids were in the living room getting to know each other. 

"So... what did you need to talk about?" 

"First things first, how does that machine that took me and Ink work exactly?"

"I'm not even sure how it turned on. There needs to be a strong power source of some kind to even activate it. I don't have anything like that at the moment and the only thing I can think of is soul power, not monster but human. And there's none here so-" As he was talking he started pacing and picking up papers looking at the information scribbled onto it. I could tell he was starting to go down the rabbit hole so I did something to get his attention. 

I took out my soul.

It took about three seconds for him to realize my soul was exposed and I could've sworn he physically buffered because he looked frozen. He then hurried over and looked over it with curiosity but never bringing his hands too close. 

"What?! How is?! How did you?! What-"

"Sci breathe. This is part of the reason I wanted to talk to you."

He sat down and I started to explain everything that I told the others not that long ago. From my past life to Error's to well... everything. He just listened intently which is something I could always appreciate about him. He's a listener. Plus he wants information so he'll stay quiet for it. 

Once I finished he let out a huge sigh and clasped his hands together. 

"I see.... that is a lot. May I?" He gestured to my soul and I careful moved it over to him. I knew he would be careful with it, I trust him the most with it honestly. I rested my head back against the wall I was leaning on and let my eyes close for a moment. I could feel tingles and other sensations but I figured it would be less awkward if I didn't look. 

"This.... this explains a few things... geez Error..." he returned my soul to me and I feel less cold, he put it back inside. "Are... are there any other surprises that I should know about?"

"That skeleton I brought with me, that's my kid and Ink is the other parent." 


"I'm not repeating myself."

"Does Ink-"

"As far as I'm aware, no. I would like it to stay like that but Gradient already knows so it's only a matter of time."

"I see.... that's a lot. I'm surprised you even decided to tell me about this."

"Well you've been there and helped me with issues. Its only fair you knew about me properly."

"I... thanks Error. I won't tell anyone."

"That wasn't a concern but thanks."

After Sci wrote some things down we headed back to the living room and saw both children sitting on the ground with books around them. 

"Hey Paps, showing Gradient your books?"

"Yes! I wanted to show him books he hasn't seen." 

To be fair he hasn't, because I don't have picture books in my room. I don't think there's a picture book anywhere in Nightmare's domain..... I should get lower leveled books for Gradient to enjoy. I'll ask him about it later. 

We pretty much decided to spend the rest of the day hanging out at Sci's place. Besides having to talk with Sci, it was a good excuse to leave the domain for a bit. Papyrus did seem to drain Gradient since he got really quiet later on and fell asleep on the couch. Papyrus followed soon after dosed off against the cushioned surface. 

It was a moment of peace and warmth. It made me glad I had my first run in with Sci when I did. I have no idea how different my life would be if I had managed to leave before he stopped me. Who knows really. 

"I guess you're staying here a bit longer?" Sci asked as he retrieved some blankets. I grabbed one and covered up Gradient while he adjusted Papyrus before also covering him up.

"Yeah, let's just let them sleep," I said before we quietly went to the kitchen so we could talk more without disrupting the younger ones.

"Are those different glasses?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you what happened after we left your place. So after I went into the Anti-Void and Ink had followed-" I pretty much told him about what had happened since I last saw him. 

It was good to have someone around who was willing to just listen to you talk.

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