47 - Welcome to... this

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Something was happening. 

I don't know what but things have been off.

First, Horror went to stay in his au for a bit then he didn't come back. Nightmare then sent Killer and Dust to find him and they too haven't come back yet. At the same time I've been having trouble finding certain people in their aus. Scoundrel and Insanity were still in their aus so they were fine.

It was at first something I ignored but when Nightmare asked me to look for the trio I couldn't find them or some other skeletons for that matter. Because of this Nightmare has ordered the rest us to stay in his domain and not go anywhere. Things seemed fine for a bit until Cross dissappeared as well. 

We had no idea what was going on and at first suspected the Star Sanses for their disappearances but immediately crossed that theory off when Blue and his brother were missing as well. 

Gradient was getting nervous and I decided to send him back to the Omega Timeline until we figure out what was going on, I didn't want him to dissappear as well. All that was left was Nightmare and me. 

He watched the one way windows with me as I searched around the different and various aus. This was what we did for a while until the one way window became a very forceful portal. We weren't prepared so got dragged in immediately. 

I felt weightless for a bit before I landed on a hard surface. A groan escaped me as I felt pain and dizziness. I heard another groan next to me and could also hear multiple voices. They all jumbled together before I could clearly hear.

"....back up! Give them room!" It was familiar. I opened my eyes and saw Dust looking down at me. He sighed in relief when we made eye contact and reached his hand out. I reached up and instead of grabbing his hand strings wrapped around his which he grabbed to pull me up to a sitting position. 

"You okay?" I heard from my left and saw Cross along with Killer. 

"I feel like my skull was struck by Scoundrel's bat, but besides that I'm fine," I said before taking in my surroundings. It was dusty, like the space hasn't been used regularly for a good while. Behind me was a very familiar but different looking machine, by it was a desk with nothing on it.

"Where are we?"


"Other brothers! Are the new brothers awake yet?!" I heard a loud voice said before a door opened and Papyrus peeked his head through spotting us. 

"Getting there...." Dust muttered but Papyrus didn't seem to care.

"Alright! Make sure they come up once they're ready!" With that the door shut and I was left stunned. 

"So.... who's that?" I heard Killer say and saw him pointing to my right. Looking over I saw Nightmare, well I guess this would be passive Nightmare. The goopines that covered his body was just a puddle underneath him and he was out cold. Cross recognized the purple attire and his eyes widened. 

"Is that the boss?"

"Yeah, he got dragged in with me so it's got to be."

"What?! That's Nightmare?!" The others exclaimed.

"He seems less.... scary...." Killer said leaning closer to get a better look at him.

"I will still hit you with all my might if I must Killer," Nightmare said as he opened his eyes glaring at the skeleton. He sounded different, it was almost jarring if I wasn't expecting it. Once I got to my feet and assisted Nightmare and he straighten out his clothes until he deemed himself presentable. 

"Where are we?" I asked again.

"Well as I was saying before getting interrupted, we're in the original Sans' au. Here he's on the surface and the resets have stopped." Dust answered.

"To our luck he just bought this place not too long ago so there's room for us," Cross said as he crossed his arms. 

"Ok.... why are we here?" The next question I asked was.

"Oh that? He said something about a device or machine not working.... or something like that I couldn't remember." Cross sighed at Killer's explanation before looking at Nightmare.

"Dream is here along with the other Star Sanses. We can't really leave this au, something is keeping us here. So...."

"I see...." Nightmare said, frown already present on his face. This was going to be an issue but considering this place isn't reduced to rubble I can assume Classic Sans has the situation under control. 

Eventually, we all headed up to the main floor and immediately it got quiet. The first thing I noticed were the different Sanses and Papyruses in the area. At least that mystery is solved now.

"Error right? Welcome to... this. Who's your buddy?" Classic said pointing at Nightmare. I glanced at Nightmare unsure if he wanted to be revealed but he just sighed. 

"I'm Nightmare, whatever that portal did limited my magic so I look like this. For now at least...." He avoided looking at Dream and I did as well feeling a bit.... bitter. However my gaze did land on Blue for a moment, only a moment. I looked away as soon as I could since I didn't need overprotective brother keeping a hard eye socket on me. 

I recognized who was currently present and walked over to Horror who was by his brother. I was worried about him since he was the first in our group to dissappear, glad to see he's perfectly fine.

"Its nice to finally be able to meet your brother Horror. What should I call you?" I said to Horror then asked his brother.

"Nice to meet you Error, just call me Sugar. It seems to be the one that sticks the best." He sounded kind as other Papyrus's do despite his less then ideal appearance.

"You got it."

"Look at that! We're getting along just fine!" I heard and turned my gaze to Blue who seemed to be trying to lift the mood... it didn't work. The others and myself just stared at him causing him to chuckle nervously and take a step back. 

I was not happy with a large amount of the people present and I didn't bother hiding that as I felt the air getting tense. 

"Let's not do anything crazy now," I saw Ink shift in his spot bringing my attention to him. "Sans here is letting us stay as long as we don't cause problems. Isn't that kind of him!" 

I hate that he said this because he knows I personally have no grudge against Classic Sans. He's Classic Sans for a reason, he's done nothing wrong. He's the neutral.

"....yeah, whatever." I grumbled. 

"Anyways, we need to settle your rooming. Brother pairs stay together and everyone else buddies up with another Sans." To sum it up we decide Nightmare and me would room together since we already showed up together... and I refuse to have Dream room with his brother.

Is there a possibility that them rooming together could fix their bond? Absolutely. 

Was I going to risk having that bond get worse? No.

"So just get comfortable and relax! Dinner should be ready in an hour!" I heard Blue say as Nightmare, Cross, Dust, and myself headed upstairs. I cringed at the thought of dinner since I had no idea who was cooking. It could be anybody, I don't want to die of food poisoning. I could only pray it was Horror or someone who knew what they were doing.

I will not eat a glitter taco.

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