49 - Morning Outing

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It was the first official day in this place and I was already awake before the sun even rose. Why? Well I was woken up by some back and forth sounds coming from outside the door. Since I was awake I couldn't sleep again. Being in a new place to adjust didn't help.

Nightmare was still asleep so I slipped on my glasses, quietly left the room, and headed down to where I could hear the most noise, which was the kitchen. Inside were Papyrus, Fell Papyrus, Blue, and one of the other Blues. Each with either a cup or a breakfast bar from what I could see. They looked at me and Blue seemed to noticed my not so awake expression. 

"Oh Error! Did we wake you? Sorry about that." I just grumbled and heard something plop on the counter close to me. Looking over I saw a white mug with dark liquid inside, the dark Blue placed it down. Now that they were closer I could see their eyelights were a darker shade of blue, their presence was stronger, and... was that a crack or a scar on their eye? 


"Come on, no way Error likes coffee." Blue said with a scrunched up expression.

"If it wakes me up....." I said before picking up the mug and sipping the beverage. Yep, bitter and strong. Gross really but I was definitely more awake now so I guess it did its job. 

"So, why are all you up exactly?"

"Well brother Error, we have our morning workouts. Would you like to join us?" Papyrus said looking hopefully that I would agree. Unfortunately for him Sans wasn't around so...

"Heh, hard pass." I leaned on the counter while sipping the coffee wishing I had creamer or sugar or something to change to taste.

"Oh come on Error it will be fun," Blue said making me glare slightly. As far as he was concerned I was one of the lazy ones. I didn't want to exercise, I've not done it in so long.

"Still no." 

"You're going." Fell Papyrus said bringing the attention to him, I'll just call him Fell. 

"Oh really? And why should I listen to you? Someone I have never met and I don't know." I probably shouldn't be poking a bear right now but I was still tired enough to not care much. 

"I am the great Papyrus, head of the royal guard! Now you know me and I say I refuse to have another lazy bones brother around here." He glared a bit but I wasn't fazed, yet.

"That's not really-" I started but he held out his hand stopping me.

"Plus you will get to get out of this house for fresh air and to get away from the others." Just like that, I was convinced to leave. My group usually sleeps a good bit, I wonder if the others get up earlier.

"......alright then."

"Wait really?! You'll come with us?" Blue seemed surprised that Fell was able to make me change my mind.

"Of course he did. I already get sick of looking at you marshmallows every time I walk around he. I'm not surprised they don't want to be in here either."

"Don't expect me to do.... whatever you do, I'll just be tagging along. I just need to wear... something else." My mug was finished so I headed back upstairs and checked the drawers. To my luck there were a change of clothes that I deemed workout clothes. 

After making sure Nightmare was asleep I changed and headed back down stairs spotting the others by the front door. Once I joined they headed outside. 

Now, the only thing I willingly did was the run, even though I don't like running I would've gotten lost if I walked behind them. Or maybe not. 

There weren't that many houses nearby from what I could see and at a certain point we reached a hill and I could see many buildings further out. At this point though I pocketed my glasses, they were getting in the way, and sped up to catch up with the others. I was grateful that Classic Papyrus was kind enough to slow down for me.

Once we came back the sky was brighter and they spread out on the yard before starting to do the basics like sit ups and etc. I sat on the grassy ground taking my time doing stretches, should've done that before but this is my cool down now.

"Come on you lazy bones! A hundred push ups should be easy for you." I heard Fell yell at the others.

That gave me an idea and I don't know where this sudden bravery came from but I walked to Fell as he was in push up position. 

"If this is too easy for you, I know how to up the difficulty a bit." What I said caught his interest and he poorly tried to hide it.

"Oh really, and how would you manage that?"

"Stay still." Being careful I sat on his back and made sure I was sitting criss-cross. 

"Get off me!" Even though he could very easily just sit up to fling me off of him he didn't.

"What, you can't handle some weight?" He changed his tune after that.

"Of course I can! Watch me!" He started his set and I heard the dark Blue, I should really get a name, scoff or chuckle. 

"Geez, I should try that next time."

"I think brother Error would be too heavy for you." Papyrus said giving his opinion before continuing his workout.

"Probably. You have armor- I mean a battle body right?" I asked not one hundred percent sure about this specific Blue, I don't think he's the same one that had Gradient almost hurt.

"Yeah, but it is armor. Metal. I see what you're getting at now that I say it out loud. Some weights while training."

"Oh! Maybe I should try it to," Blue said excitedly yet he was a bit slow with his push ups. Not that he was being lazy, definitely not but he seemed tired. Maybe he got up too early. 

Anyways, our outside session came to an end and we headed back inside. In the dining room the Outertale brothers were chilling and noticed the group. "Welcome back guys.... and Error. What a surprise. They force you to join them?"

"Not really, I'd prefer the word persuaded. The fresh air was definitely welcomed."

"It's always good to get fresh air!" Outer Paps said showcasing that Papyrus cheerfulness that I was use to. The others wondered into the kitchen while we were talking and the dark Blue along with Fell as I just sat at the table. 

"All he did was run and-"

"And it's more that what my lazy bones brother would do! I swear he needs to stop lazing around so much." Fell groaned before drinking from the cup he brought over. He answered that pretty fast and guessed he didn't want someone to know he willingly let someone sit on his back. Or maybe it was something else who knows.

The Sans without a nickname sat in the chair one over from mine. "So I've only heard interesting things about you. Is it true that you're a destroyer?" 

"That's true. I don't like being touched because of that. I don't need to accidentally glitch out and hurt someone." I didn't see the harm in saying this. 

"Is that possible now? I mean if Ink can't really create can you destroy?"

"I... have no idea." 

"Perfect time to test it." Outer Sans said before passing over a napkin from a pile on the table. It was just a napkin, so I wasn't concerned. I grabbed the thin material and focused. Besides myself glitching nothing seemed to happen to the napkin.

"Destruction is a no, at least for this." I looked up noticing the others were watching with intrigued. "What?"

"Does that hurt?" Outer Paps asked.

"The glitches? Not really. At first it was uncomfortable but I got used to it. When I crash though it hurts I won't lie. I try to avoid that. I can't let this situation we're in get under my nonexistent skin or else I might."

"That explains why you were pretty calm when you arrived." Dark Blue- you know what.

"You, nickname, what is it? I've been calling you dark Blue this whole time." He looked surprised by the sudden question before seeming unimpressive with my sad excuse of a name.

"Dark Blue? Really? You can call me Viper."

"Huh.... fitting. Au?" 


"Got it," during our conversation Blue and Papyrus never came out of the kitchen so I assumed that they were making breakfast for everyone. Once I heard noises coming from upstairs I left to get cleaned up and relax before having to face everyone and officially start the day.

Author note: I used the Swapfell from a comic by Lazy Cat, I believe. I'm just using them for description not trying to take away something. If this is not ok let me know now please. I was actually getting a headache seeing the different swapfells and fellswaps. There was gold and red and purple and ugh...... help.

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