50 - More Skellies

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Breakfast came and went pretty fast and the others, minus Cross, along with the Lust bros and the Swapfell bros were in the living room while I went upstairs to grab a book to entertain myself.

I came across Classic on the phone as I was heading back but didn't want to eavesdrop so walked quicker to the living room to sit on a chair, not the couch. Viper and Killer seemed to be getting along talking about fighting techniques as the others listened in.

Nightmare was in a chair like me reading a book, I couldn't see the cover, but it made me glad he was able to relax. No one really tried to bother him yet and I don't know if it was because of fear or if they just didn't see him as a threat right now.

Sans walked in and sighed catching our attention. "So, the kid is coming here for a bit. Toriel had a meeting and no one else was available to watch over them so they're coming here."

"The kid?"

"The human, Killer." I saw Dust tense up as I spoke and saw Nightmare glance at him for a moment.

"When will they be here?" I asked.

"Soon, she was already on her way when she called." He said while rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"And you want us out of the way?" I asked seeing the nerves building up.

"I mean-"

"Hey don't worry about it. I know we aren't the safest bunch of monsters. If Toriel saw us she might not bring the kid back. You like the kid, we'll be probably upstairs or somewhere else." 

Before he could say anything we heard the machine activate before thuds were heard. More people were here, great. 

"I should check on that," he said pointing towards the machine room. I got up from my seat.

"I'll go with you, just in case." If it was someone hostile I'd rather deal with it then and there.

We headed downstairs to where that stupid machine was and came across some bodies on the ground. Very familiar bodies. 

"Sci!" I pushed past Sans and hurried to the younger scientist. In his arms was tiny Papyrus, he must've protected him. Looking over next to him was another Sans and Papyrus also familiar to me, I haven't seen them in awhile. Dancetale. 

Sci groaned and looked up seeing me. "Error? What happened?" He then noticed Paps in his arms and quickly sat up. While he focused on his brother the Dancetale pair woke up groaning from what I could assume was a headache. Dance Sans looked at Sci in shock, then Classic Sans, and finally me. A flash of recognition showed up before he helped his brother to his feet. 

"So, welcome to... this. Sorry about that." Sans started explaining before I brought my attention to Sci and Paps. 

"Is he ok?" 

"Yeah, he's thankfully just asleep. What's going on?"

"That machine is acting up here and spitting out different aus. I don't know why but we can't leave this au." 

I could see the gears turning in Sci's skull as he faced the machine. "Hmm, I see. That's quite the problem. I could probably fix it." 

"I don't doubt you. But if you decide to don't do it alone. We don't need another incident."

"Right of course." He agreed and we noticed it was quiet. The others left already to be introduced to the rest. 

"Well, we should probably head up." I said before Paps stirred and woke up. 

"Hmm, morning time already?" He rubbed the sleep away before noticed wasn't alone.

"Oh! Good morning! I didn't know you were visiting today!" 

"That's because I'm not. You're on a trip right now."

"Really?!" Better that then say you're trapped somewhere and possibly can't go home. He looked at Sci and he quickly smiled.

"Yep! A trip. You get to see other skeletons like us. Doesn't that sound cool?"

"Yeah! But... can I have breakfast?" He asked patting at his stomach area.

"Of course," I said before leading Sci out to the main floor. We heard chatting and saw the rest of the house came to talk to the Dancetale duo. I saw Cross leaning against the wall by the door to the dining room and waved for him to follow as we slipped by. 

"Sci is here too?" 

"Yep, mind keeping an eye out? We don't need Paps to get scared or hurt."

"Yeah no problem," Cross quickly agreed and stayed by the doorway as I got some left over breakfast from earlier morning. Blue made too much which ended up working out in the end.

It was peaceful, for a moment. I heard chatting at the doorway and looked over to see Cross talking with Blue, Stretch/Carrot, Fell, and Papyrus. Seems like they wanted to see the two other surprise visitors.

I headed over and peeked at them from behind Cross. "Problem?" 


"Yes, I don't see why we have to say out here. Are these versions of us really weak or something?" Fell asked while crossing his arms.


I could tell he wasn't expecting a direct response like that.


"Yes, they are. They are younger, not really battle experienced. I didn't want tiny Papyrus to get scared of you guys so I had Cross keep guard in a sense."

"Can they still meet them? I didn't get a chance to really introduce myself that one time," Blue said referring to the time when Nightmare was younger and we went to Sci's place. I also noticed the Swapfell Papyrus was behind the group also looking curious. 

Looking back at Sci he was paying attention to our conversation and looked concerned but nodded.

"Sure, make the kid cry and I'll string you up like a puppet." Turns out my strings still work here but are a bit limited it what they can do. I gestured for Cross to move and we both headed to a wall near the table to observe the interaction. 

"Woah! You guys are tall! Will I get that tall?"

"I don't doubt it," Swap Papyrus said.

"I'll be taller than you Sans!" 

"Unfortunately," Sci said causing me to smirk a bit, it was funny.

"Well I'm the tallest," Fell said and my gaze immediately went to his shoes, freakin cheater. Blue managed to speak with Sci and the Papyrus's were having fun just talking with the younger them. Then Nightmare walked in and I saw Paps light up.

"You look like Moon!" Oh... I almost forgot about that. Cross, Sci, and myself went tense remembering the incident. Nightmare looked at the small Papyrus and gave a smile. 

"Really? Well I'm Moon's older brother. I heard you two played and had fun."

"Yeah, loads of fun. He was a king and I was a knight. Is Moon ok?"

"He's perfectly fine, he couldn't come here though." 

"Aww... well as long as he's OK. Tell him I said hi." 

"I will," he said before heading to the kitchen. He told that lie so easily and just walked away. 

"Nightmare has a little brother?" Blue asked and I almost facepalmed right there. 

"Anyways, since you came her with Paps you two get to share a room." I said the deflect from the Moon talk.

"I'll show them the way!" Papyrus said before leading them out the kitchen. Swap Papyrus kinda rose a bone brow at me and I just crossed my arms. It was none of his business. He just shrugged and walked away.

Nightmare returned with a mug and slipped the beverage he had noticing the lack of skeletons. Blue followed Papyrus so it was just Fell and Pup, Swapfell Papyrus. Those two were talking amongst themselves about what, who knows.

Nightmare just walked to Cross and myself.

"Just try and get comfortable here. We'll figure out a way to leave but it'll be a good idea to make the best of our situation."

Cross nodded and I just sighed, the day was just staring and there were plenty of hours to go.

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