53 - Shopping Trip

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Things have cooled down for the most part, I've decided to ignore Red completely. I made it clear that I don't want to talk to him to the point where if Red needed to say something Fell would have to be the one to tell me. Though he doesn't like doing that so it barely even happens.

Dream tried to tell me that my actions were childish but Sci surprisingly was the one to shut him down. I did tell him what happened with Gradient and myself so he has been giving certain skeletons a slight cold shoulder. Sci won't let Paps out of his sight when myself, Cross, or Nightmare are not around.

Sugar kind of scared Paps at first... but then they made cookies and everything has been fine between them. It was nice.

The others including myself agreed that we should start looking for jobs or something soon if we want money to buy our own things. Heck if more people just keep coming then buying a new place wouldn't be too bad. But I just hoped we didn't stay that long for it to be a concern. We weren't even sure how to go about it but to my luck today was a shopping trip. 

"Hey there~" I heard as a knock sounded on the door of my room. I didn't look up from my book. 

"What do you want Lust?" 

"Well today a group of us will be going to to city to restock the fridge and get whatever else we need. Want to come with?"

"You're going?" 

"Of course, I'm the one that buys the clothes. I refuse to wear the same thing everyday you know. But, today is a grocery day." 

"Huh, makes sense. Sure I'll go." I said as I closed the book. If Lust was going then I'll go, he will keep the others away from me.

"Great! I'll tell the others." With that he left to go down stairs. Glancing at the window I saw it was pretty cloudy so ditched my normal jacket and picked out a hoodie and pants to wear. I might be used to Snowdin temperatures but I was unsure how long this was going to take and we were going to be around people. The less attention on me the better which mean markings and bones got to be covered. 

I'm pretty sure monsters were pretty much accepted here but I was still the odd one out really. I don't want that kind of attention.

I had no doubts that there would probably be haters too but I was told that this city fully supported monsters along with others further out but it didn't hurt to be careful. There were laws in place so being attacked wasn't going to be an issue. 

I headed down and saw the Outertale brothers, Lust, Fell, Sans, Ink, Sci, and Cross. Papyrus had a car but it was currently in the shop for some reason so we had to shortcut over to the city. Since I wasn't familiar with the area I allowed Sans to touch my shoulder for a moment in order to reach our destination. 

It didn't seem too busy today, I'll blame the weather for that, so we were able to walk along the sidewalk without any issues. 

"So Error..."

Did I say any? I take it back. Looking over I saw that Ink had slowed down so he was walking by me which I wasn't really comfortable with since our last big encounter.


"I was just wondering what you're going to buy?" Ink asked looking curious.


"What? Why?"

"Ink, I don't have spending money and I'm not asking any of you guys for some." I don't get why he tries talking to me after everything. He's stubborn. 

"Ok we're here," I heard Sans say and looked up seeing a grocery store. "I have the list, we'll split up and sense there's nine of us we'll go in groups of three." 

Lust appeared by my side. "Dibs on the dark skeleton." 

"...that ok with you Error?" Sans asked looking unsure. I keep forgetting that they don't know we've actually talked with each other before ending up here.

"Yeah that's fine." 

"I'll go with them." Ink said causing me to roll my eyes and stuff my hands in my pockets. The other split into their groups and Sans ripped up the list before handing a piece to Ink. 

"When you're done you can either wait for us or head back." 

"You got it Classic! Come on you two." Ink said in a cheerful tone heading inside Lust nudged me to follow and with a sigh I did. Seems like we were tasked with collecting the produce and some other things. Looking at the list I decided to get the cleaning products that were listed. They weren't that far away. 

"I'll get those," I pointed at the items and remembered them before walking away. I repeated the items in my head as I entered the aisle I needed to go down. I looked at the different products reading each label before plucking out a packet of sponges and dryer sheets. Easy, I wrapped strings around them and let them dangle in one hand.

I was looking at the dish soaps and found the brand written down but didn't know what scent they wanted. I apparently was taking to long because I heard someone obnoxiously clear their throat. Instead of acknowledging them I decided to move on the detergent. 

Apparently that was the wrong thing to do.

"Excuse me? Didn't you hear me try to get your attention?" It was a woman and I was already getting a bad feeling. I wasn't going to play nice though. 

"Do I look like I work here lady?" I ask and I could see my voice startled her. 

"Well no-"

"Exactly, whatever you could possibly need from me I can't help you with." She could've just been trying to ask for help but she had heels and was taller than me so it wouldn't be that. Plus she had a hand on her hip and had this aura to her that just screamed I'm better than everyone. 

"You do know you have to pay for those right?" She sneered at pointed at the items in my strings.

This bit-

"Is there a problem here?" I heard and I've never been happier to see Fell before. 

"Yes-" the random lady lady started only to freeze when she noticed the skeleton that towered over her. 

"Well?" He said as he raised a bone brow. The woman stuttered unable to say anything comprehensible. "If not then don't waste our time. Come on Error, they like the lavender scented ones." Fell snatched a soap bottle while I grabbed a detergent and hurried to catch up with him.

"....thanks for that." 

"Of course, you need to shut those kind of people down swift and without hesitation. I have my height as an advantage. Don't let them see a weakness." I followed him thinking about what he said before he stopped in front of Ink shoving the soap bottle at him.

"Here, take this," he grumbled before leaving and Ink just looked confused.

"What happened?" 

"Nothing, can we go yet?"

"Uh, let's check with Lust first."

Turns out Lust was done and was just waiting by reading a sign about the different uses of different apples. We followed Ink to the register and let him pay before stepping out of the store. On the way out I noticed a stand of free papers and some flyers so decided to snag some of those real quick folding them up and hiding them in some pockets.

"Shopping done! What next?" Ink said his attention already on something else.

"Can we leave?" I said wanting to return to the house already. 

"Come on dear lighten up~ look at all the shops around here. Isn't there something that catches your interest?" Lust asked as he gestured to the different buildings around us.

"Not really..." 

"Hey, there's an electronics store over there. Want to have a look?" Ink said pointing to said store. I was going to reject it but a thought crossed my mind and I decided to walk towards it. The other two followed, bags in hand. I looked at the different items that were being displayed looking for something specific. 

"What are you looking for?" Lust ask sounding curious. 

"Just something for someone."


"....." I didn't want to get my hopes up. I chose silence and Lust shrugged before letting their gaze wander to something else. Ink was also looking at the items before something else got his attention.

"Oh! The art store!" He hurried off to a nearby building and Lust just kinda let him do it. 

"Well now that he's gone, what are you looking for?" 

".....a drawing tablet. Or something similar."

"Interesting, I doubt you want it for yourself and Ink doesn't use electronics for his art. These can be a bit pricey though." We spent the time just looking at the different things before Sans met up with us and had us get Ink before heading back to the house.

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