54 - Dancing with Death

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Currently, I was with a nervous Horror located in front of a butcher and deli shop. Maxy's Meats, fun name. 

"Are you... sure about this?" Horror asked.

"Horror relax, I wouldn't do this if I wasn't sure. Let's just give it a try, yeah?" 

He sighed and nodded I'm agreement so we entered. A little bell above rang and a man looked up from some papers and immediately noticed Horror.  He was an older male, you could see the grays and wrinkles and was a bit on the smaller side. 

"Ah you must be Horror, interested in a job here right? And you must be the one I talked to on the phone, Error?" 

"That is correct."

"Good. I need someone that can really chop into these things. I'm getting older and can do the Deli section just fine. You look a bit... well worse for wear. Are you able to cut this cleanly?" He gestured to something on a table, I couldn't tell what type of animal it was since I'm not a meat expert, and Horror wandered behind while I stayed in the front on the other side of the glass.

He poked the thing a few times and the owner turned to me with an unsure expression. 

"It's nice of you to look for jobs for your friends but are you sure-"


We both jumped and looked over seeing that Horror cleanly chopped the meat in half with one of the large cleavers and looked over at us. 

"It was a bit frozen in the middle..." 

".....I see. Welcome aboard Horror." They shook hands making it official.

After that we headed back to the house. Yeah, I've been helping with the whole job search thing. Not everyone was doing something but we are trying. Horror expressed that he wanted to be involved so I found an opening that could benefit with him due to his... experience. Of course he was nervous since he looked the way he did but I assured him that it was ok. The owner and I talked for a bit before we showed up so he was fully prepared to see Horror.

The others either don't notice or don't care so we chose to keep to ourselves about it until someone asks. 

When we entered the house we noticed it was really quiet. Like super quiet. I looked at Horror to see he was already looking at me and we shrugged before wandering to the living room where we noticed everyone else. I guess a new skeleton or skeletons joined us, I wonder who-

"Well isn't that interesting." A new voice called out and I noticed multiple eyes turned to us.

"What?" Horror asked not understanding why the attention suddenly went to us.

"Where were you two?" Ink asked.

"Out. Is that going to be a problem?" I said while crossing my arms.

Before an argument could break out a figure shrouded in a black cloak appeared before us and held out a hand. 

"Hello I'm Reaper Sans, nice to meet you." Instinctively Horror reached up but I reached out and wrapped his arm in strings before pulling his arm down. Reaper just chuckled and put his hand in his pocket. 

"Cautious, I can respect that. You must be Error, the glitches definitely give you away."

"Is it just you here or...?" 

"Yes, my brother seems to not have come along for this unexpected trip." The way he was staring made me uncomfortable. He was going to stare regardless, he was talking to me after all. But something about his gaze just didn't sit right with me. I don't know what it was but I shuffle Horror and myself away from him to join up with our group.

I could feel a shiver crawl up my spine.

"How'd it go?" Dust asked referring to the reason we were gone.

"Successful, we just need confirmed days and then he's good to go." Dust relaxed after hearing that. Seems he was worried about Horror getting rejected. 

The others eased up a bit and chatter started to fill the space before people started going off to do their own thing. With the new addition, he got a room to himself.

The rule was simple, don't touch the reaper. Though a part of me was very curious. If Dream, Nightmare, Ink, and myself had our abilities limited does that mean Reaper can't kill just by touching? I didn't want to be the one to test and find out so I kept that thought to myself.

Later that day I was in the kitchen drinking some coffee, I know it wasn't morning but I felt drained. The sound of the kitchen door opening caught my attention and I glanced up seeing Dancetale Sans. I assumed he came in for something so didn't say anything. However he leaned against the counter nearby and crossed his arms gaining my attention. 

"Is there something you need?"

"No, I just- I wanted to talk to you real quick." Compared to Classic Sans there really wasn't a big difference upon a first glance. However this Sans was more active and in so stronger than Classic. He was more confident.

"Ok," I said while shrugging not really knowing what he'd be wanting to talk about.

"Well I wanted to thank you, properly that is." 

I paused for a moment before putting down my coffee. He now had my full attention.

"Thank me? Why would you-" He put a hand up causing me to stop.

"I was about to be destroyed. My au was falling apart and there was no escape for us. Then you came out of no where and lead the others and myself to safety. You risked it to save us despite being a destroyer." He sighed and rubbed at his neck looking a bit unsure.

"I will admit I thought for a moment what if you were the one that caused that, you were a destroyer and you were there but... I don't think that's possible. You wouldn't have care enough to save us if that was the case, you would've just left us all to die if you were the reason the au fell apart." 

Right, that. I kinda pushed that moment to the back of my thoughts. It was such a weird event. Usually when an au fall apart there's a reason to trace back to. But that wasn't the case that time. The human was perfect fine, no foreign entries were trying to mess with the coding, and no one did something that would've caused the au to freak out.

It was... corrupted. Weirdly so, if I remember correctly no resets were possible and the world just had to fall apart. There was no saving it.

"You guys may be just some au but you didn't deserve that fate. It is unclear what happened but you really didn't deserve that kind of ending. I will admit I felt guilty.... around that time I was just watching aus, barely doing anything, yet I managed to miss that until it was too late."

"You still helped. Because of you alot of the others are alive. Papyrus is alive because of your efforts. You probably don't think much of it but I do. So thanks, I definitely owe you one bud." 

I was shocked. I didn't know how to take it. He was so genuine, I could hear it in his voice. It made me feel some deep happiness that I was being thanked even if a part of me felt it wasn't deserved. But, I answered the only way I felt comfortable doing. 

"Whatever, don't call me bud and we'll be even."

He scoffed a bit before chuckling and I couldn't hide the smile that crept up. Seems we've come to an understanding. 

Author note: This is just my curiosity speaking so don't look too much into it please. Alright. Who do you ship with Error and why? Now I mean us, this Error, not normal Error. If it's no one I'd like to know why. Same if it was someone. I'm just really curious to see what people say. I acknowledge that I can't avoid shipping however I am curious on what everyone else thinks since this is different. You don't have to answer if you don't want to, I'm just nosey and like interacting with others.

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