59 - Fun pt.3

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Games, more specifically fairground games. I don't know how to feel about them. I was mainly taught believing that those games were completely rigged. Yet from what I've seen they aren't impossible to win. Especially when there are multiple players since there has to be one winner. 

Where am I going with this? Well I just don't understand how Viper has been winning every game he's played. To the luck of the workers he only played once before moving on to the next thing. I think he just gets a kick out of winning. 

I didn't really find any of the prizes all that interesting since a good chunk of them looked poorly made. Or maybe I'm just picky since I make my own puppets and have a slight bias to that. 

Also Fresh hasn't been in this au for too long and he's already popular. I don't know what happened one moment he was there the next he was twenty feet away from us taking pictures with people. I don't know how he does what he does. I'm guessing since the crowds started thinning down that people noticed him more.

I still don't know what he's done in this short amount of time to cause him his sudden popularity. 

"So... you know him right? Better than we do anyways." Viper said while pointing to Fresh. I just raised a bone brow wondering where this question was going.

"Is he always so... odd? He gives off a weird vibe."

I stared before laughing catching Viper and the others off guard. I couldn't help it, with everything I've seen, experienced, and know odd doesn't even come close to what Fresh would be. Soon I composed myself and looked at Viper.

"You are not prepared if you think he is odd." That was the only warning I was going to give him about the colorful entity before I heard my name being called and saw Fresh wasn't taking pictures and was waving me over. 

"There's a game I wanna do over there!" He pointed a certain direction and I just wordlessly followed him interested to see what caught his attention. I don't know what the others were doing but they'll catch up on their own. 

We came up to an area that had lots of inflated jumpers and similar things. Fresh lead me to one that was elevated, had foam cubes at the bottom, and a thick beam. I could see two teens a human and a monster, laughing up a storm as they tried to hit each other with these foam sticks that had inflated ends. They both ended up loosing their balance and falling into the cube pit. 

"You want to... joust?" 

"Totally brah! It'll be so lit to play! Come on broski, it'll be so rad." He said before hurrying to get in the pretty short line. I was a bit unsure but got in line as well. Soon enough it was our turn and I walked over to the other platform to get up and listened to the worker drone on about what to do, what not to do, yada yada yada. It was very boring and very unnecessary. I grabbed my 'weapon' and stepped onto the beam. It was wider than the balancing beams I was used to which made sense since this was supposed to be fun for everyone and you can't do that with a narrower beam. 

"I don't know who to cheer for! Good luck!" I heard and glanced over seeing Pup cheering while waving his hands to get our attention. I just looked back at Fresh ignoring the group that just arrived. Soon a bell went of and none of us moved yet, I was trying to see what Fresh would do and he was struggling a bit to keep his balance. It wasn't hard to but looking down at the pit was throwing him off.

I advanced to him by scooting over and swinging at him which he ducked and placed a hand down to regain his balance. Seeing that he was ok he quickly tried to hit me off but I blocked it with my stick and waited for him to stand before swinging again. He seemed to get the hang of it fast enough and we were really trying to knock off the other. If this was a fight this would be different but it wasn't. No magic, no hitting the head or other sensitive parts, no hitting with the stick only the inflated ends, you get the idea. There are rules we had to follow so as much as I would want to just hit him off to win fast I couldn't.

I could hear the others cheering for us and took a step back when Fresh swung a rather harsh swing causing him to wobble. Seeing this I stepped forward quickly and poked him causing him to fall in the pit with a dramatic yell of defeat. 

"Winner!" I heard a worker say before I decided to jump into the pit as well instead of walking back to the end I came from. With a bit of struggling Fresh and myself pulled ourselves out of the pit to allow the next people to have their turn. 

"It was a good try Fresh," Dream said once we were back with them.

"Yeah, Error was going easy on you. You were so off balance," Viper said while Fresh just grinned and shrugged.

"I think its time to head back, all sorts of people will be out soon enough." Lust said causing us to notice the sky changing to a darker blue soon to be orange.

We headed for the entrance hoping to run into the others at least on the way out. We ended up meeting up with Outer, the Swaps, and Ink. Stretch looked drained, the opposite of Pup which was kinda hilarious. Ink and Blue immediately migrated to Dream while the other two hung out in the back of the group looking tired.

We were curious but didn't ask not knowing what could've possible happened while we weren't around. It didn't take long to spot the rest with Toriel waving at us when we were spotted.

"It's good to see everyone is back safe and sound. I hope everyone had fun today," she said with her kind aura putting everyone at ease followed by various sounds of agreement. I spotted Gradient standing by Frisk, Sans, and Sci who was holding Paps in his arms.

"Hey kid, did you have fun?"

"Yep. Look." He said before holding up the plush he wanted to get.

"How'd you get it?" I asked wanting to know who won it for him between Killer, Red, and Fell but from their less than pleased expressions it wasn't them.

"Frisk won it for me." Gradient said while Frisk looked proud of themself. Sci chuckled holding onto a sleeping Paps.

"You should've seen it Error, they just walked up to the game and did it like it was nothing. They got some good aim," he said as Sans chuckled ruffling the human's hair. 

Killer grumbled a bit before standing by my side having me noticed a bag he had. 

"What did you end up getting?" 

"Huh? Oh, just some stuff to bring back to the guys. I'm sure Horror and his bro will get a kick out of some of these fair foods I was able to get. The rest are just prizes and stuff... i got a bit competitive." He said with a shrug. 

We all headed out and watched as Sans and Papyrus walked Toriel and Frisk back to their car while waving bye to them. We'll probably see them again if Toriel doesnt think too badly of the group. I dont know what could've happened when we left them.

"Well, I'm tired. Peace." Red said before shortcutting away causing Fell to seeth in anger for a bit calling his brother lazy. Outer, Lust, Fresh, Ink, Dream, Killer, and Sans when he eventually walked up also shortcutted away. Killer had asked if Gradient wanted to go with him but he shook his said saying he wanted to walk with the rest of us. 

The rest of us being Viper, Pup, Papyrus, Blue, Fell, and me. We wanted to walk since it was a good way to wind down. Also a majority of the group wasn't lazy so... there's that. 

"Come on, time to go back to the house," I gave the fair one last look as Gradient clutched the prize he wanted to give and held onto my jacket. 

"I wonder if the others are making dinner?" Blue said after a moment.

"Probably, if not the others would just have shown up by now and told them," Viper said while having his hands behind his head. 

"If not I can make us all some pasta! Some warm food after an exciting day will have us sleeping peaceful!" Papyrus said. 

"Pasta sounds good right now," I said thinking about it. Papyrus really has improved his cooking during our stay. I guess access to more ingredients and opinions would do that. 

"It's alright I guess, no doubt my lazy brother probably is asleep already," Fell said seeming to have calmed down.

I noticed Gradient slowed down a bit and decided to not think too hard about what I was going to do. I had lowered down and had Gradient attach to my back using my strings to keep him up and in place while tasking Pup to hold the prize. Gradient struggled to keep his eyes open.

"Just sleep kid, we'll be there before you know it." I said and it didn't take long for his weight to shift and his eyes to close. The group lowered their volume, thankfully, and continued talking about the day. 

It was pretty good.

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