60 - Winding Down

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Author note: *me noticing the gaps between publishing chapters* should I be worried? I hope not.

It's been about a week since the fair and things seemed to have eased up between everyone. A day out with different people really changes some things. 

At the moment the sun was setting and I was in the dinning room drinking some tea with Nightmare. Usually it was coffee but we weren't trying to stay awake for something so tea was preferred in this moment. Nightmare appreciated the gift he was given but didn't really show it. Though, since no one really enters our room randomly he has it displayed on a side table facing the door. 

"How are your powers coming along?" I asked after a moment. He hummed a bit seeming in thought before looking up. 

"They are coming along. I can't seem to go back to my other form however I can still form my tendrils as long as there is enough negativity for me. It doesn't last long though. For some reason it's like my powers are being limited on purpose."

"That seems impossible but considering the fact that we're all here and nothing bad has happened... yet... there has to be something going on."

"The question is what." 

Hearing that made me think of my own powers. I can't open one way windows or portals yet I can still open screens. But even that is limited. I placed my cup down and swiped to make a screen appear. It glitched for a moment but remained stable enough for me to use.







Nightmare watched as I attempted to open up some more but I couldn't Locations, Resets, and Entities leave me with a blank screen. I can't even open up Corruption to see if this au is at risk. Everytime I try it just fizzles out. Eventually I groaned in frustration and just closed the screens.

"Don't worry too much. We'll figure this out and find a way to send everyone home. Sci is working on try to fix that machine still right?"

"Yeah, though there's not a lot of progress," someone chimed in catching our attention. Walking in was a tired looking Sci who just plopped down in an open seat before pouring himself a cup of tea. Seems like he was done working for the day. 

"Didn't yours use the energy from my soul to activate that one time." Nightmare was aware of what I was talking about so didn't chime in just waiting patiently to get some information.

"Yes and I thought of that but so did Sans. The kid already tried to activate it but nothing happened so there's just something not there or something I'm missing. It's more advanced than mine was also."

"This is complicated," I said before leaning my head against my hand. The silence crept over us as we all went into our thoughts. Everyone else didn't seem too concerned about heading back to their aus, or were just really good at hiding their worries.

But unlike everyone else I feel like I was the only one on edge at times. Sure Nightmare isnt pleased with his situation but he's remained calm and continued to do things at his own pace not bothering to alter that base on the others or with what's going on. He looks like he's peaceful and not bothered by whatever it is that's bothering me. The others have adapted mostly but I can't settle. 

"Seems quiet in here, no died did they?" I heard someone say before I groaned and rested my head on the wooden surface. I heard that same voice chuckle before a chair was pulled out.

"Oh hey Reaper Sans, we're just winding down for the evening," Sci said. I got that uncomfortable feeling when I felt a gaze on my form and tried my best to ignore it since I knew reacting would just please the reaper. 

"It's around that time when everything dies down I suppose. What's up with Error?" I haven't removed my head from the table yet and was just listening to them talk. 

"They are a bit tired from over thinking things... or they fell asleep." I heard from Nightmare before feeling a poke at my shoulder and shifting away from it. "Ah, still awake." 

"I don't blame them for thinking so much. Before this they would be looking over aus and destroying things, but now they can't." Sci said knowing the basics of what I did in the multiverse.

I moved my head up a bit to rest my cheekbone on my folded arms. "I suppose I am restless. The others have helped with sparing sessions and stuff but it can only do so much you know." 

"Maybe you should go to bed?" Sci suggested before continuing, "Paps and Gradient pretty much crashed in our room and I doubt they're waking up anytime soon." 

I would've disagreed but drinking tea and not doing much pretty much slowed me down for the day. I just stood up and headed for the stairs. While walking out the kitchen I almost bumped into Stretch who looked surprised by the near collision.

"Easy Error, no need to crash here." He was trying, I'll give him that. But I'm tired, I grumbled and continued on my way. I wasn't too worried about the others with Reaper Sans since I doubted his abilities worked here. 

Just outside my room Dust was lingering around on his own, I'm sure his ghost brother was near but didn't bother trying to look for him.

"This feels familiar. You willingly going to sleep?" He asked following me as I entered the room.

"To bed at best. I might be a bit drained but it's unclear if I'll actually sleep right away." 

"Hmm, another one of those nights then." Dust said as he situated himself at the desk while I removed my coat and other items from my person. I sat on my mattress and removed my gloves as he spoke more, "so... penny for your thought? You seem a bit... in your skull."

"That's one way to say that I guess." It's been awhile since we chatted, just the two of us. It was welcoming since he was the calmer of the murder trio. Plus other things. 

"This whole situation just bugs me and I can't do anything to change it. The lack of the control that I'm used to is getting to me." 

"Ah, understandable. Still try to get some rest. The others have relaxed but we're still a bit on edge. Can't trust everyone here..." I just nodded in agreement and eventually was laying down. Dust was hanging around I guess since he didn't leave.

"What with the stuff toy here?" Oh, that got his attention.

"Oh yeah, remember when a group of us went to the fair? Well Gradient got that for Nightmare."

"Did he now? Huh, that kid." I heard a small huff, I think it was amusement.

"Yeah..." I said not noticing I was drifting. Dust did however and kept talking about what he's witnessed these past few days. I did tune out eventually when he was saying something about Sugar and Blue trying to make a dessert and my world went dark. I don't know if Dust had stopped talking or was even staying around, sleep snuck up on my me so quick.

My dreams thankfully were not nightmares and troubling thoughts this time around. 

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