68 - A Gift and a Show

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Author note: I wanna write another story but literally can't and I don't know why this one has me going so well. Also I would like apologize, not for something in this chapter but something.... don't worry about it. It won't come up til much later.

This little session of going back and forth took a bit before coming to an end. My opinions haven't changed at all. I wasn't sure about the others but there was an agreement to not bicker about who's right and who's wrong. I still didn't like them. 

Once I was able to leave that pain I had something that I needed to do. Wandering back to my room I grabbed the bag Nightmare took from me and checked that the contents inside were still there. Unfortunately, as I stepped out I came face to face with the reaper.

"Well, just the skeleton I was looking for," he said with a grin. 

"What do you want?" I asked while shuffling by him.

"Just wanted to see my favorite glitchy skeleton." 

"I'm the only glitchy skeleton present as far as I'm aware." 

"Details," he said waving off my point. The reaper skeleton still made me uncomfortable but not as much and thinking that made me realize something. 

"Anyways I should probably thank you."

"Thank me? What did I do to get the great destroyers thanks." I rolled my eye and saw his grin grow from my reaction.

"Yesterday you stopped me from doing something I might have regretted. I'm going to gloss over the fact that your death touch did nothing and just give my thanks." 

He blinked and his expression went blank. I had no idea what he was thinking of or his mood. I don't think he was upset... possibly surprised. I don't know. I wasn't paying attention so didn't notice his hand when his head dipped down. I noticed once I felt a chill go through my arm and felt my unoccupied hand lift up.

That coldness I was feeling was him holding up my hand. I couldn't help but tense and glitch slightly, even more when he hand my hand by his mouth almost like his was going to kiss it. But he didn't, he just hovered and observed me with a lazy gaze. 

"You're welcome." He smirked before releasing me and walking away to do who knows what. I couldn't help but shiver, that was such a weird experience. Definitely a first and I didn't know how to feel about it. But like most things I'll just say I hated it and hope it doesn't happen again.

Then I remembered what I wanted to do before I got distracted and went looking for a skeleton. My search lasted a bit until I ended up in the backyard area. Blue, Dust, Gradient, Paps, and Sci were present sitting around under the shade by the garden. One of them was who I was looking for. 

I walked over and Sci noticed first.

"So... how'd it go?" He asked gaining the others' attention.

"Horrible, I never want to do it again."

"Oh come on Error, it wasn't that bad," Blue said with an amused chuckled. Dust just watched as I stopped by and eyed the bag I had before looking invested. 

"It was bad. But that's not important right now. Here." I said before holding the bag out for Gradient. He blinked surprised and gazed up at me.

"For me?" 

"Yes, I wanted to do this for awhile and had some help with Dust, Lust, and Fresh. So... take it." He took the bag and I sat down next to Dust. He knew what it was and wanted to see his reaction as much as I did.

Gradient looked curious before removing a box from the bag and opening it. His bone brow furrowed in confusion until he pulled out the object and gasped understanding what he was holding. 

"You guys got me a drawing tablet!" He sounded so excited and was beaming. He started geeking out turning the device over and over around in his grasp, eventually he found the pen that came with it. Blue and Pap immediately went to his side to see it in action while Sci shuffled over to Dust and myself.

"So last night wasn't a total failure I see," Sci said looking to be in a good mood.

"Yeah, I've wanted to do this for awhile plus I'd like to think of this like an apology for having him go through that mess." 

"You know he's not upset with you right? He was pretty mad at the others before he tired himself out. Not sure when he left but he's not harboring any negative feelings to you." Sci looked a bit concerned by my reasoning, the second part not the first.

"Even so I still want him to not see me at my worse. I'm his parental figure, I need to be a good example."

"You are, Ink doesn't even come close. That kid has you and us," Dust said watching the three happily try out the new tablet. Gradient suddenly put down the device and ran to me before colliding into my torso causing me to reach back and brace myself so I didn't fall onto my back.

"Oof! Warning next time kid."

"Thank you," I paused for a moment not realizing how much the gift really meant to him. Eventually I smiled and patted Gradient's head. 

"Yeah yeah, go have fun. It's all yours." I felt his grip on my tighten for a moment before he went back to his tablet, Blue, and Paps. I was pleased that he was happy.

Eventually Lust and Dance joined us outside with Lust giggling a bit. Which could be a good or bad thing. 

"What's got you so giggly?" I had to ask.

"Oh nothing~" He said causing Dust and myself to deadpan a bit not believing him in the slightest. Sci just raised a bone brow as Lust noticed Gradient's gift. 

"Oh you gave it to him, and I missed the reveal."

"Yep, Dance what's up with Lust?" Dust asked wanting to get to the point.

"Toriel called and apparently the kid managed to get extra tickets for their dance recital so they wanted us to come watch." Dance said ignoring Lust who whined that he wanted to tell us.

"I think I'll pass," Dust said right away.

"I'll go and bring Paps with me," Sci said.

"I guess I'll go, just to see if they've improved any. I'll bring Gradient too." 

"So that's six so far, I'll ask if any of the others want to go and let Classic know," Lust said before walking away seeming way too excited to see a children's dance recital. Dance stayed behind just watching him walk away like the rest of us.

I wondered who else would go?






A few days went by since that incident and everything seems to have calmed down. No one was walking around like they had to step on eggshells. It was also the day of the recital.

Our group met together outside with Frisk's family. That being Toriel, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphyss, Mettaton to my surprise, and Napstablook. Our group had myself, Gradient, Sci, Paps, Dance, Lust, the Swap brothers, Killer, and Dream. Such a weird group.

Undyne was the most ecstatic to meet us and was really excited to know how we differed to the Sans and Papyrus she knew. Of course Alphyss had to calm her down when they started gaining attention. Going in and finding seats was no issue but I was quickly reminded of something I dreaded, theater moms. I saw camcorders, I heard light bickers, and I spotted two mothers pacing by the door to the stage with bedazzled water bottles being cut off by a teacher. My parents weren't the best but the weren't like theater moms and I was thankful for that. 

I was seated by Mettaton and decided this might be my only chance to really talk with them.

"So, aren't you a really busy person? I wouldn't expect you to be watching a children's recital." I said to just throw out something and they seemed to take it.

"Well I wouldn't miss my biggest little fan's first performance on the surface. If anything, their time in the underground should give them style and I want to see them outshine their fellow classmates." They said this with a smile though the tone was a bit strained, a familiar strain. Someone said something and now Mettaton wants to prove a point or prove someone wrong.

I can get on board with that. I looked forwards and noticed that Stretch heard the same thing I did and he subtly pointed to an area in front of us to left. There was an older women not so sneakily staring in our direction with a displeased look. I was curious so leaned over to see Papyrus.

"Papyrus," I whisper catching his attention. In his hands were pamphlets and I gestured for him to pass them over. Once I had one I passed them over to Stretch and looked at the list. Seems like there were different group performances for the start and end with plenty of solos and small skits in the middle. Frisk was part of the first group and had a solo.

I know Frisk has had help from me, Dance was also help as I've seen them practice before, and Mettaton seems to have helped Frisk as well. I closed the pamphlet when the lights dimmed and a teacher walked out welcoming everyone and such. 

The first performance was just a basic ballet routine, nothing too crazy. Just showing that they learned the basics, some tricks, and could perform well. Well most of them, I could hear some prissy mother silently scolding their kid because of their form. Brings back memories. I won't lie I really tuned out most of the routines. I know these were just children but they were allowed to pick there own song and such as long as it was appropriate, some were really bad.

This was a recital based on creativity, I wonder what Ink would've thought of this. It lacked that. Some you can tell tried while others just looked at popular dances online and copied that. The lack of actual movement was a big clue. 

The kids seemed entertained though so I guess I couldn't complain entirely.

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