69 - The Show and Gifts

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Frisk did amazing. I do forget that the kid has gone through multiple runs and so has heard some various music. Does the kid even hear the music from the game when they battle? 

Anyways, when Frisk came on stage and I heard Death by Glamour I knew they had nothing to worry about. I could only guess that Mettaton had the song or had it made for their performance. I couldn't help but to smile. They were having fun. I could see what Mettaton taught them and what Dance had taught them. 

Any poses or flare was from the celebrity robot while some moves were from the more active Sans. They took advantage of the stage size to move around, the song had energy so they had to keep up that energy. I was just having fun because of the song, it was good. As the last notes played they did a slid to the center a low spin and posed. 

They were tired I could tell but hearing applauds and cheers, from Papyrus, Blue, and Undyne, they were relieved. I guess they were more worried about this then I realized. They practically skipped off stage and the performances continued.

Since it wasn't a contest there was no judging, just a final group performance and the teacher coming out once again to thank everyone and tell them that the kids will meet them in the main room. 

"My child did so well," Toriel beamed as we wandered to the main room. 

"I agree! Frisk did amazing! The Great Papyrus approves!" Papyrus said as the others gave their two cents of what they witnessed. I however noticed a small stands selling flowers and thought to get some for Frisk. However, I didn't have spending money since I pitched in for that tablet. 

I felt a nudge and looked over to see Dream also eyeing the flowers. "We should get some, they'll be really happy to get some." I couldn't even respond before I found myself looking at different colors of roses. There were a few large bouquets, some small bouquets, individual flowers, a couple flower crowns, and etc. This was from a small local business I could tell, their logo had the iconic golden flower, but they seemed to be doing well. Maybe their kid was performing here as well and they decided to sell.

"What do you think they would like Error?" Dream looked to me not making a decision himself which was a bit surprising.

"Um... I guess... I mean a small bouquet should be ok? But the flower crown looks really nice. There are different colors." I wasn't sure if Dream was trying to pull something so I was a bit tense.

"Why don't we get both? I'll pay for it. What colors should we get?" Dream spoke turning his attention to the different roses, I might as well play along to see if this goes somewhere.

"Definitely not red or purple. I was thinking blue but I'm pretty sure that means sadness or something similar." I'm not a flower expert, sue me.

"You might be right." We eventually decided on a white and ivory flower crown that had hints of pink and a small bouquet of yellow and pink flowers. Dream held the crown while I held the bouquet. Heading back we noticed quite a scene.

The group was together but Mettaton was looking smug staring down at the woman I saw earlier. Lust was also standing there looking quite sassy and I wondered what we walked up on. Stretch walked over to us when he noticed our forms. 

"What's going on?" Dream asked him.

"Turns out a bit ago Mettaton attended one of Frisk's classes and heard that women say some... less than proper things about the human and the monsters so Mettaton said that Frisk could out perform her kid and... here we are. They're being civil but very passive aggressive with each other."

"I can tell you left out a lot but that's probably for the best," Dream said before smiling and walking to the group. I followed and saw Frisk was behind Mettaton and Lust with Gradient and Paps chatting with them.

"Hello Frisk, you did so well in your dance. Error and myself got you some flowers as a congratulations." Dream said before placing the crown on Frisk. Because of his aura, attitude, and appearance it looked like he was crowning the kid. The warm feeling he gave off caught eyes and even Frisk looked a bit bashful. But Dream gave the woman a side glance and I could tell he was using his abilities to his advantage.

And I wasn't complaining. Can't be rude to someone who looks like Dream and expect no consequences from it.

"I can't wait to see what else you do if you decide to participate in more performances. I don't think I could ever pull off dancing in front of other on stage like you." Dream was all smiles, no force. 

I looked past the scene for a moment and saw Killer and Dance snickering with Undyne, no doubt making fun of some of the routines they saw while Alphys was making motions to keep quiet. It was nice to see them getting along. Gradient wandered to my side as I handed the bouquet to Frisk. 

"Good to see you have improved since I last saw. You did good." Frisk took the flowers and beamed happy to get praise. I didn't want to deal with the theater mom so I ignored her and headed out with the others.

"It's wonderful to see you all again, do get home safe," Toriel said. 

"We will Tori," Sans said giving a wave.

Toriel left with the others as Mettaton left with his cousin in their fancy car. I wondered if Mettaton was going to say something to the media, who knows?

"Well this was nice but I don't want to head back yet. Dance and I were going to hit up a café, anyone want to come with?" Lust asked. The other dismissed the offer just wanting to go home except for two others. Myself and Dream to my honest surprise. 

The others shortcutted away while the four of us started walking.

We mainly chatted about Frisk's performance until we reached a café and sat in a booth. I was a bit unsure about this outing since I had to deal with Dream next to me.

".....OK I'll ask. Lust? Why were you and Dance going to a Café? I would jump to conclusions and say a date but you invited more of us to join so it's probably not that."

"Hmm, fun guess but no~. We don't hang out as a group often so I decided to throw the idea out to see who would join. Now there's four of us." Lust was smiling as his gaze looked over the menu for a moment. 

"Well that's nice of you Lust, thanks for the offer," Dream said before looking at the small menu.

"I'm surprised that Blue didn't want to tag along, he usually like doing stuff right?" Dance asked sounding a bit unsure.

"He's been taking time for himself to just relax on his own, so he's not forcing himself to interact with everyone."

"That's nice," I muttered before a waitress came and we all order a drink and treat. The atmosphere was not tense which was new, I was a but unsure with Dream but he seemed to be on the same page as me. 

No need for pointless arguments and just enjoy the moment.

I got a mocha and a brownie, I was not letting a distrust ruin my treat.

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