70 - Café Chat

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"You really like chocolate huh?" Dance asked me as I finished my drink. 

"Yes, I've come around to enjoying all types of chocolate. In my human life I wasn't allowed many, if any, treats of any kind. Sugar was pretty much not allowed unless it was juice or something like fruit. They didn't like it when I had candy. My past Error life was also pretty fond of chocolate if I remember correctly." As I was talking I didn't realize that Dream had ordered another drink for me until it was placed in front of me.

"So... I've been wanting to ask about your past but I never wanted to bring up bad memories," Dream said as his hand retracted away from the new drink.

"What did you want to ask?" 

"Well anything really. I realize that I don't know you very well or even a little. It would probably benefit us if we knew more about each other."

"That's a big probably," I said glancing at Dream from the corner of my socket. "Besides there's not much for me to share that would be beneficial information."

"The Aus?" Lust said sounding unsure in their guess.

"Dream knows them as well and we're all stuck here so that's not important." I said brushing off the topic entirely.

"My au?" Dance pitched in which made me pause.

"....I still don't know what happened there. I'm sorry."

"What happened?" Dream asked looking curious. I just nodded towards Dance since it was his au. 

"Well my au suddenly started falling apart one day. I don't know why or even what caused it. Error doesn't know either since they were surprised by it as well. They tried to help by saving who they could and getting us to a safer location. They couldn't save the au, it fell apart. We have a new home now but still, it would be nice to know how that happened."

"I have very few theories and no proof whatsoever so I pretty much am blind to the cause." I said with a frown. 

"Oh, I'm sorry that happened to you. I had no idea." Dream said and that bothered me a bit. Not that he didn't know just something else about it. He can sense emotions like Nightmare and track them down yet that went completely under his radar. Weird.

"Anyone else have something to share to change the subject?" I asked. I feared it was going to be silent until Lust suddenly leaned forward.

"I got something. Check this out~" He said before opening his mouth and sticking out his tounge revealing something that caught me off guard for a moment.

"When did you get that? Have you always had that?" Dance asked looking conflicted yet intrigued. Lust had a piercing on his tounge. So many questions came up and at the same time I didn't want to asked any of them.

"I got it once we came here. I always wanted one so I figured why not." He said with a shrug. 

"I could never, that seems so uncomfortable," I said wincing a bit imagining the sensation before remembering something about myself that I should probably keep to myself.

"It's definitely interesting. Did it hurt?" Dream asked, being the brave one to ask.

"Only for a bit. It felt weird but I got the hang of it and don't think about it that much." He seemed proud of what he's done. It made me wonder.

"I don't pay attention much, what has everyone else done while we've been stuck here?" I asked and Dream hummed in thought. 

"Well Blue has a motorcycle-" 

"What?" I asked in surprise. 

"Who would've thought Blue of all people," Lust said thinking about it. Dance just shrugged.

"I can see it, he is different from most of us." I couldn't argue with that.

"Yeah, he keeps it in the garage mostly to keep it safe," Dream explained to us.

"Ah, that's why I didn't know. I don't go to the garage," I said realized why I didn't know.

"Also his bro is very cautious about him riding it for fun."

"Sounds like Stretch," Dance muttered causing me to nod in agreement.

The conversation continued from there with just the four of us talking about what the people we mainly hang out with do since arriving. 

Eventually we ran out of time so had to head back to the house. This time I didn't hesitate to use a shortcut. Very quickly we separated, well they went upstairs while I decided to wander towards the living room. I was tired but not sleepy.

I sat on the couch when I realized Horror was there. I immediately grabbed a small cushion to hug as I slipped my shoes off. 

"You good?" I heard from Horror and glanced up for a moment before continuing to make myself comfortable.

"Yeah, I'm good. Tired but not really sleepy you know?" 

"Ah.... want to watch TV?" He asked having me just realize that he was sitting in the dark. Well a lamp was on but still.

"Sure." I waited til he found something to watch before speaking up again. "So, why are you up?"

"I was worried."

"Worried? Why?" I didn't know why he was worried. There could be any number of reasons that would cause him to worry.

"You were out, last time I came home and you were out you didn't come back for a while."


"Horror, you don't have to worry."

"I don't have to... but I will. I wasn't there last time. I didn't want something to happen again." I understood a bit better why he was concerned. That fight did happen when he was at work so he was completely unaware until he returned. 

"I'm sorry that you have to worry. Nothing bad happened this time so I think we're good." I got a hum in response and figured just to take what I can get. The show we were mindlessly watching soon became a movie. 

I didn't know which one but I heard screams of terror and something about being eaten... I don't know. I had my head rested on the arm rest of the couch and the rest of me tucked up into a ball. The movie quickly became background noise as my eyes shut. I felt a weight go over me and stay there which made sleep come all the faster.

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