89 - Misophobia

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Undyne and Papyrus showed up along with a human woman who I'm remembering is Jessica. She aided Betty in killing Sans. I saw marks go up Asriel's face as he was going to attack but Gaster rushed past him beating him to the punch. Well almost. I shielded my face as his blast impacted causing the area to be smokey. Once it cleared it was revealed that Papyrus summoned the top of a blaster to shield Jessica. 

Papyrus, always the hero. While he and Gaster had a slight argument I looked at the others. 

"Everyone alright?" 

I heard different variations of yes before I looked at Undyne. She looked confused and a bit conflicted, probably because I looked like Sans.

"...I'm Error. I don't believe we've met."

"Uh, no we haven't. I'm Undyne, wish we could've met under a better situation."

"I agree," I said before I noticed Asgore walk in. Guess he's out of jail now.

"Frisk, Asriel... I'll teleport you both to the school." Gaster said.

"I'll go with them if you don't mind Gaster," the king said and Gaster easily agreed to it. The others discussed what they would be doing and Gaster looked at me after making the three going to the school disappear.

"Error, I want you to stay here with Papyrus. As far as I'm aware you're still recovering and I'd rather you not waste you magic when you need it."

"I can help you know." I argued back not fond of just standing around while things were happening.

"Yes but only if it's an emergency. Am I clear?" Something about what was said, how he said it, made me back off from pushing the topic further.

"...Crystal." I said and he looked relieved for a second. Soon Gaster, Alphys, and Jessica left together while Undyne ran out to see what little monsters she could find. 

"They'll be ok," I heard from Papyrus. I hesitated to look at him. 

"....If you say so." I muttered.

"Oh! That's right. I'm the great Papyrus! You're name is Error correct?"

"Correct," I said in response.

"So what brings you to our home?" He asked starting off with some basic questions. I wasn't sure how much he knew so I kept my answers vague.

"Gaster found me in a time of need and brought me here to rest up and recover. Once that's done I'll be able to go home." 

"What's your home like?" Papyrus looked very attentive wanting to learn more.

"Depends. Sometimes it's dark and quiet. Other times it's loud and chaotic. But, it's home and I miss it." 

"I'm sure you'll be able to get home Error."

"I hope so," I said and the conversation shifted to asking basics. Favorite color, favorite food, etc. Eventually Undyne came back from her pink blob hunt and rested up in another room. We stopped our conversation and about ten minutes later a light blue glow alerted us of the group's return. Only it wasn't three but just two.

I ran out the moment I saw Gaster and Jessica. I forgot all about Alphys' death! If I was fast enough I could probably save her.

But why?

She's supposed to die, that's how it happens right? 

....she was still innocent is this messed up world.

Undyne easily caught up to me once she realized the same thing I did. We saw the building and picked up the pace if that was even possible.

"Alphys!" Undyne called out as we ran inside.

I arrived at the nullifier room with her and we pried the doors open. I saw Alphys injured with Betty holding her soul. Undyne summoned a spear and I realized too late that her eye was pink. 

"Undyne! Stop!" She threw the spear and my hand reached for the soul. For a moment things slowed down and I saw an aura surround the soul before the spear struck and it hit the wall. Undyne gasped shocked as the soul glitched away before Alphys turned to dust.

Was that supposed to happen?

I heard a stabbing sound and a thud and looked over to see Undyne down on her knees pierced by a pink spear. Giggling brought my attention back to Betty who was looking at me maliciously. She- it started walking towards me while I used a hand to summon strings. Just because I couldn't change events doesn't mean I can't defend myself. I felt my own magic build up before Betty turned her pink blob thing into a weapon.

A sudden magic spike made me shield my eyes for a second feeling the area pulse. Once it passed I look over seeing Undyne was in armor looking like she was itching for a fight. Her other form. 

"Ha! You think your spears are stronger?" Betty said clutching it's scythe weapon.

"No.... I don't think so..." Undyne said with a smirk. "I know so." She said before she suddenly dissappeared leaving cracks in the ground. Betty looked shocked for a moment before it was kicked to the side. 

"Error leave. I've got this." She said looking at me.

"....are you sure?"

"Completely." I took a step back which caused Betty to suddenly lunge. Undyne thought fast though and pushed the child creature away with a barrage. I went through the slightly opened doors and hurried up to higher ground just as the floor in the room glowed blue. I could hear the sounds of battle as I went up to the viewing room and watched behind the safety of the glass.

I saw Betty use her ability to take away the arrows that Undyne sent. But Undyne just made more, a whole lot more. Betty couldn't defend against that many and was struck down before Undyne summoned a much bigger red one. I could feel the energy coming from it. Too much energy.

I felt the area tremble and panicked before my magic build up and I teleported out of the building just in time to see it get destroyed. The area turned into a crater. I hurried over to the edge and saw Betty pretty much crumbling away, until that pink blob thing ate something. 

Then the fight changed to Betty being healed and fighting back stronger. Once Betty did a slash that destroyed the wall I had enough. I jumped down wrapping Betty in strings before flinging it away into a different wall. Looking at Undyne she seemed hurt but was healing fine. I heard a growl and quickly summoned bones piercing Betty's body to the wall. 

Taking care of this now would solve a lot of problems. I approached the angry creature and summoned a blaster. It charged up and just as I was about to fire it for a moment I thought I saw Gradient looking at me terrified and stopped myself. That was enough for Betty to flee the area. I was about to go after it but heard a thud behind me and Undyne back in her normal clothes looking down at her hands with tears.

I walked over as she cried. I waited until she was ready before reaching out to her and grasping her arm. I was uncomfortable but helped her up to her feet and shortcutted up to the top of the crater. I felt a slight strain afterwards but ignored it as I helped Undyne back to the house. 

"It will pay," I said after a bit gaining her attention. "It will pay for what it's done. I can promise you that much. You don't know me or what I've done but one thing I don't like is taking away an innocent life unnecessarily."

"...Unnecessarily? You've taken a life before?" She asked, voice cracking a bit.

"I won't lie to you, I have. It was necessary. Like how Asgore killed the humans in order to get their souls. The rules of my life are different from here, I can't do certain things in fear of making this whole situation worse. I'll try to help when I could but I can't promise too much." As I spoke that dullness I've been feeling started lifting. 

Eventually we were close enough for us to hear Jessica's voice on a camera alerting everyone to the situation going on. I decided to teleport us to the house and I managed to do so without issue. We appeared at the broken door and was immediately spotted by Papyrus.

"U-Undyne! Error! Are you two hurt?" He walked over to us. "You look heal-"

"Yes I am..." Undyne interrupted him, "It hurts... so much." She said with tears bubbling up again. "It was my fault."

"That thing made an illusion and Undyne acted on an instant." I said as I felt her weight get heavier.

"I'm so tired," she said before Papyrus hurried over helping me hold her up. 

"Come on let's get you rested in the bedroom." Papyrus said before the both of us took Undyne to the bedroom. I didn't want to stay behind with Gaster and Jessica for multiple reasons. One, the tension between them was too much. Two, I didn't want to deal with a potential scolding from Gaster. He looked annoyed enough to do so.

I stayed with Papyrus and Undyne for a bit informing Papyrus about what happened and what I saw during Undyne's fight. Once she was relaxed I headed out and noticed that it was only Gaster around. Jessica was no where in sight.

"The kid took her to give her something." I heard from Gaster and noticed his condition. 

"Are you... alright?"

"Physically, I'm doing better. Why did you go? I thought I told you to stay here." Oh boy here we go.

"I'm fine Gaster. I went because I wanted to help prevent another death. Turns out I failed anyways."

"You could've gotten hurt."

"Wouldn't be the first time and it won't be the last. I'm not Sans you know. Just because I look like him-"

"I know you're not him. I've seen your soul. I'm just worried about that more than anything else." I should've expected the soul thing but I didn't.

"When did you-"

"When you were resting. I had to check to see if it was stable since you did come out of the Void unconscious. I'm not going to ask for an explanation but do remember that others have died today, don't add yourself to that list. We might not know each other well enough but I understand that you've been through a lot. I care enough about your well-being to make sure to check on you. I don't know what's coming in the future but please, don't be reckless."

I hesitated a bit before nodding. "I understand."

"Good. Rest up for now, we need it for tomorrow."

"Right," I muttered before going to check on Frisk and Jessica. 

I knocked on the doorway when I saw them getting their attention. 

"May I speak with Ms. Jessica for a bit Frisk?" I asked before he shuffled out of the room. I stepped inside and saw Jessica was holding a box with an old pink tutu and ballet shoes. 

"......was she a good dancer?" I asked once I realized that was her child's belongings. She looked a bit surprised by my question but answered.

"She was, she loved it so much. Alina was always trying to do her best. If only I was there more..." 

"But you loved her and cared for her right?" 

"Yes, of course I did." She said with a narrowed gaze.

"You allowed her to do what she loved. Any child would be more that happy to have a love like that." She relaxed hearing that.

"How do you know? You sound so sure of yourself."

"Well, believe it or not I'm actually a parent myself."

"What?!" She looked shocked.

"Yep, his name is Gradient. I don't know if he's safe or even alive but I love him to bits. I didn't have a chance to raise him properly but I made sure that he knew that anything he wanted to do I would support and guide him. Right now he's a little artist, digital to be exact."

"He sounds nice." She said with a slight smile.

"I bet our children would've became friends if they ever met. Though he's shy."

"Alina was always a social girl, I have no doubt she would've had him open up fast." With those words we spend the remainder of daylight talking about our kids. Two parents just getting along. During the night I left her alone and had a run in with another mother. Toriel.

"Oh, you must be the guest I've heard about. Error right? I'm Toriel."

"Nice to meet you. What are you doing up if you don't mind me asking?" 

"I was just making sure everyone has gotten something to eat. Here." She held out a small plate I didn't notice she had and on it was a small sandwich.

"It's probably not much but-"

"No. It's perfectly alright." I said taking the plate from her. She smiled before moving on. I stared down at the plate for a moment before I took it with me. 

I needed to rest.

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