90 - Hypengyophobia

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Author's note: this week.... tested my patience I swear.

I woke up to Papyrus lightly poking my arm. Gaster must've told him about how I was about touch. I opened my eyes and saw that it was now morning. 

"Error, you got to wake up. Just because you look like my lazy bones brother doesn't mean you get to sleep in." 

I groaned a bit but sat up.

"Alright alright.... let me wake up a bit more."

"Excellent! We'll be in Undyne's room was you're ready." He left me to my own and I couldn't help but sigh. I just keep hoping that this is a bad dream and I'll wake up eventually back to where I belong. It doesn't happen. It was quiet, peaceful, and bright, a contrast to how the world was like outside of this building.

I pushed myself to my feet and stretched out before wandering over to Undyne's room. When I got there I saw Gaster walking away looking upset. I wandered in as Papyrus excused himself to talk to him. I saw Jessica was upset and looked to Undyne for answers.

"That thing that powered up the creature, Jessica was in possession of it before." 

"Ah, I see...."

I stayed with the females before feeling something was off. I wandered  to find the others and heard Papyrus.

"Gaster!!!" I hurried over and saw that Papyrus had an eye glowing red while Gaster was clutching his chest. One eye red and the other blue. Sans was back.

Gaster groaned a bit trying to do something and Papyrus quickly caught on.

"You can't teleport yet..." 

"But I can," I muttered but the other two heard me. Gaster's expression changed as he realized what we were thinking.

"Wait.... you two..." he started but Papyrus just smiled and turned to me before nodding.

"Papyrus. Error. Don't." We turned away from Gaster and ran off hearing Gaster yell for us not to go. Papyrus knew which way to go I just teleport us in the general direction. We arrived on the outskirts of the concrete jungle and I followed Papyrus the rest of the way. When we arrived Papyrus wasted no time jumping in between Frisk and Sans blocking a blast. I could see Betty watching with a sick grin.

I couldn't hear what was being said but I knew he was going to attack again. I jumped down when I saw his hand rise up and summoned a blaster to counter Sans'. The two blasts collided but I pushed more forcing Sans back. I felt a strain strike me and clutched my chest as my blaster dissappeared. Ok gaster blasters are a no go until further notice. Well, the blaster part anyways. I looked at Sans and felt a slight chill as I looked at him. His demeanor reminds me of Dust while his aura gave off Killer vibes. 

"Frisk, go deal with Betty and leave Sans to us." I told him and before he could respond I glanced back with a look that said 'don't talk back'. 

"...Fine," he said before running towards Betty. 

"Don't hurt him," I heard Papyrus said to me worried for his brother.

"...I'll try." I responded before he stepped up and summoned a half made blaster shielding us from Sans's bones. Papyrus went up to higher grounds by making a large bone while I stayed on ground level and Sans had two blasters. Suddenly a dark barrier went around us and I saw the light of a blaster come for us. I quickly summoned one to block the blast.


"I'm fine!" I said before realizing a bit too late that the second blaster was still there and got struck flying back a bit before sliding on the ground to a stop. I forgot how much those blaster attacks hurt. I shook my head to get rid of the ringing I heard.

"Lucky shot," I said through gritted teeth before looking over and seeing Sans approaching Papyrus with a sharp bone. I stumbled up about to hurry over when Sans stopped just moments before stabbing his brother. Yeah, they'll be fine. 

Looking over towards Frisk, Betty wasn't even fighting. Just trying to avoid Frisk. Suddenly it looked shocked and I heard Papyrus cry out Sans' name before a bright light engulfed the area destroying the dark barrier. I saw Gaster, Toriel, and Asgore nearby. Toriel rushed over to Sans to try and heal him and I looked over making eye contact with Betty before it disappeared.

So now Sans is in a coma like state, Betty is gone, Asriel had his soul taken, and things were only going to get worse. Once everyone had gathered themselves we decided that it would be best to head back. I suggested teleporting and wouldn't budge for objections.

I grabbed onto Frisk and Gaster and had everyone else hold on before teleporting the large group to the building where Undyne and Jessica were. I felt another strain and gritted my teeth but ignored it. I noticed that the glass was broken and hurried to the door.

We saw a pink blob leap up to tackle Miss Jessica and I quickly threw a bone at it causing it to splat on a wall and dissappear. Toriel hurried to the fallen human while I looked back at Sans. He was going to die, it was practically set in stone that he was. I wasn't sure if anything I could do would change that. Even if I were to stop him from using magic when he woke up his soul would eventually give up. It was too drained. 

I heard a sound that I could easily pick up, a glitch. I glanced over to Frisk and saw him looking at his hand. His gaze met with mine and he jumped a bit. I didn't say anything to him just made sure that he knew that I was aware.

He was going to talk to me later.

I went with the skeleton group to go to the underground lab. The only thing keeping us out was the lack of a password. I leaned against the wall thinking about the future. I don't remember everything or the order in which things happen but I could remember definitive things. Sans's death being one, Jessica's death being another, and the glitch. 

Frisk is still here but soon he'll switch places with Chara. I wonder what will happen during that time. Everyone's memories will be altered and then the final fight. Do I help with Betty or do I help Undyne and the humans with the future mess going to happen? Either way I'm going to fight.

I came out of my thoughts when I saw Papyrus go inside the now opened lab. I followed in and wandered over to Gaster by his computer as Papyrus place Sans in a small chamber. I watched the green glowing screen already knowing the results but I didn't want to be shooed away once the results came in. 

"Papyrus, could you bring me a pen and a notebook. They're in the left side room at the bottom of the hallway," Gaster said to the tall skeleton.

"Will do!" Papyrus said without hesitation before leaving. Once he was gone I walked over to Sans. Once he gets that determination in him he will be strong but his soul won't be able to take it. I would like for him to live or even just come back. I'm not a creator though, how can I? 

While Gaster was distracted I tried to open a screen again. No good. It stayed open but I could select anything. The reason?

Timeline not stable. 

Those were the words I saw before it fizzled out. I needed to wait for the switch to happen. I heard footsteps and looked over seeing Papyrus had returned.

"Hey are those the results? What does it say? Is he okay? Will he... wake up soon?" He asked looking at the screen showing wing ding characters. The screen then shut off, most likely Gaster's doing, and he reassured Papyrus that Sans was going to be fine.


"Papyrus... I need to ask you a favor."

"Of course! What is it?"

"I need to research some... things... and then go talk with Asgore. I need you to stay here and watch after your brother."

Papyrus was smiling but looked a bit conflicted. He wanted to help more instead just being told to stay put. This was something they were going to have to sort out on their own. I stepped back as Papyrus kept pushing to the point where Gaster whipped around summoning his hands, each lit with a different color of magic. 

Seeing Papyrus look startled was enough to snap the doctor out of it. He looked a bit remorseful before sticking with his earlier request.

"I'll go talk with Asgore. Stay here. Error are you-" 

"I'll be staying down here for a bit. If you're going to talk about getting Asriel back then I'm pretty useless. We barely even talked so there's no bond like with Sans and Papyrus. I'll be up later." Gaster looked unsure before heading off for the elevator. 

It was quiet for a bit before I heard Papyrus. 

"Sans... is not ok... is he?" 

"What makes-"

"I can feel him. I know Gaster is trying to protect me but I don't need protection all the time. Error please tell me the truth.

".....Sans is not ok. I'm not sure that he will be. Gaster is a brilliant mind but this will be a tall hurdle to get over." 

"Is it still possible?"

"...yes but I'm trying to figure out how. I'm not a healer and the magic used to bring him back is dangerous. Hate, that black stuff, is a very controlling substance. His soul needs more magic to be stable since most of its been drained, I can't do anything right now so it's going to have to wait until he hopefully wakes up. I'm sorry Papyrus." 

After making sure Papyrus would be ok I left the lab to find Gaster, it was almost time. I found him reading holding two colored vials. 

"Any luck Dr. Gaster?" 

"No, I trying to see if the extract of these traits can some how stabilized his condition but its not strong enough. I need something-"

"Like determination." I said as we both heard the others return. Asgore was hurt and Asriel was no where in sight. 

"Gaster... Error... I need to talk with you," Frisk said. Gaster looked over at the king and former Queen before leading us away. Before anything could be done Gaster requested a blood sample from Frisk and he agreed. We went to the old lab and Frisk talked to me as Gaster started the process.

"You know about the glitch?" Frisk asked me.

"Kind of. I know of many glitches, have you seen me. I am called Error for a reason. I can feel that this world is unstable and unfortunately you are the cause of it. Because the reset button is gone the world has to come up with a way to get rid of you, the unknown factor of this world. You weren't supposed to do that."

"Are other timelines like this?" 

"....not exactly. Every world plays by different rules. You've always known it a like a game. You get to a certain point and that's the end before you start over."

"I just wanted everyone to have a happy ending, I didn't want to be here anymore." 

"And that's what you have to do. You cannot be here anymore but, there has to be a holder for the determination soul or else Betty wins and takes over killing everyone else. You have a plan?"



Gaster was listening to us and joined in at this point.

"So... why are we here exactly?" 

"To speed this up a bit we need you to recreate on of your experiments that failed do to a lack of determination using Frisk's soul to power it." I said before Frisk added.

"I need to get into the Void."

"That experiment! Are you sure? You do know what that means for you right?" He asked the child only to receive a thumbs up in response. At his approval Frisk went into a chamber and the machine powered up.

"Good luck," I heard from Gaster before the area was blinded by a white light. Uncovering my eye I looked and saw nothing was happening, everything was frozen. I opened a screen and saw that I was able to access things now. The world was currently on pause since the world was missing its main entity. 

I immediately started looking up what I could unsure if I was able to access stuff afterwards. I first checked on the faded name of Alphys and saw something odd. 


- current state unknown. Body has dusted while soul is still present. 

Her soul is gone though, right? Where is it? I was running out of time and went back seeing that Frisk's name was entirely glitched so I'm assuming that the switch was happening. I was able to access something else. Under Entities were three slots with question marks. Selecting one I found out was me, just my name and nothing of my own condition. There was a sentence though.

In possession of two entities, unsure of how to continue.

The screen started to glitch and I saw that Chara has successfully taken over and closed everything since the world was setting in. Changes have been made after all. The white light faded away and the world unfroze. I saw Gaster slumped over asleep and Chara asleep in the container. First I walked to Gaster and teleported him to his room so he could rest properly. Then I went back and got Chara out before taking them to Frisk's room. Well, I guess it would actually be Chara's room. 

Things were set now. I needed to figure out where I go from here. The final battle was coming and it was going to take place in multiple areas.

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