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As Christopher entered the opulent drawing room of their family estate, tension hung in the air. His mother sat regally in her armchair, her eyes ablaze with fury. Christopher felt like a child caught red-handed in disobedience as he stood before her.

She wasted no time in reprimanding him, her voice cold as steel. "I received word that you caused a scene at the Duke's estate. Have you lost your senses entirely?"

Christopher had expected his mother to be upset, but he wasn't prepared for the torrent of anger she unleashed upon him.

"Allow me to explain," he began.

"Explain?" She interrupted, her tone incredulous. "You dare to explain why you, my own son, went crawling back to the Hawthornes, throwing yourself at Madeline's feet?"

Christopher cleared his throat, attempting to defend his actions. "Mother, I... I love her. I can't keep myself away from her, and I don't care if you don't understand."

Lady Wallace interrupted again, her scorn evident. "Understand that you're willing to throw away your engagement to Lady Amelia, a union meticulously arranged for our family's benefit, for some silly infatuation?"

Shame flushed Christopher's face as he lowered his gaze. "I know it may seem that way to you, but I can't ignore what I feel for Madeline. It's not an infatuation. I love her!"

Lady Wallace's face was twisted in disgust. "Love? You're a Wallace, Christopher! You should have the pride and dignity befitting our name. You've humiliated us all!"

Christopher's resolve wavered, but he clung to his determination. "I don't care about the family name, Mother. I care about Madeline."

Lady Wallace's disappointment cut deep, and she scoffed. "You've always been mediocre, Christopher. A disappointment and a disgrace."

Unable to bear his mother's harsh words any longer, Christopher turned and walked away, leaving her fuming in the drawing room. He had made his choice, and nothing would stop him from seeking the love he desired.

☆✿☆Christopher's point of view☆✿☆
Flashback from a few months earlier

Christopher Wallace had always felt like a shadow among his accomplished brothers. They excelled in their careers, while he struggled to find his place.

But he held on to hope that things would change. He had poured his heart and soul into a civil project-a grand vision for the future. The day he submitted it to the Veridian Bureau, he was filled with hope and anticipation.

As he stood in the cold, unforgiving chamber, the officials' stern faces and furrowed brows shattered his dreams. They rejected his project, pointing out flaws and shortcomings that cut through him like a knife.

Defeated and disheartened, Christopher exited the bureau, clutching the rejection letter in his trembling hands. The weight of failure threatened to crush his spirit.

Then he saw her-a vision of beauty with strawberry-blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Lady Amelia Hawthorne approached. Her father worked at the bureau, and it seemed she had come to visit him.

Christopher watched her from a distance, his heart aching at the sight of her. She looked like the radiant sun, contrasting with his gloomy day.

However, Christopher's reverie was interrupted when he noticed something. Several men from the bureau, drawn to Amelia's beauty and status, had begun to approach her. Their advances were forward and inappropriate, and Amelia, despite her grace, struggled to evade them.

Amelia had seen Christopher from a distance, and in an attempt to escape the men, she approached him and took his arm. "Darling, there you are!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with affection.

Christopher blinked in surprise, caught off guard by her sudden approach. His face reddened with embarrassment as he tried to understand the situation.

"Please, play along with me!" Amelia whispered urgently to him, and he nodded, still bewildered.

The officials, taken aback by this unexpected situation, exchanged confused glances and glared at Christopher.

Amelia leaned in closer, her voice a hushed whisper. "These gentlemen were bothering me. I couldn't bear it any longer. Thank you for coming to my rescue."

Christopher, though bewildered, wrapped his arm protectively around Amelia. "Of course, my dear. I won't let anyone harm you."

The men, confused and embarrassed, retreated, leaving Christopher and Amelia alone.

"Thank goodness!" Amelia sighed in relief, her facade still intact. She then beamed smugly. "Well, I don't blame them, though. I know I'm very beautiful. I only wish their comprehension skills were as developed as their taste in beauty."

Christopher was stunned by her brazen attitude. He had expected her to be shaken by the whole situation.

"Aren't you afraid?" he asked her.

"Afraid? Never. They can't do a thing to me, especially not when my father is their boss and a Duke at that. Their perverted behinds will rot in jail."Christopher was amazed by her confidence. The benefits of being a wealthy young lady were evident.

"Those men might come back soon, and I don't know how to deal with them!" Amelia thought aloud, leaving Christopher still observing her, feeling somewhat out of place standing next to her. After what felt like an eternity, Amelia snapped her fingers, as if coming up with a brilliant idea.

I've got it!" Her face lit up with enthusiasm. "Let's get married!"

Christopher's jaw dropped in shock at her audacious proposal, his mind trying to comprehend her unexpected suggestion. The idea of marrying her, even as a mere facade, had never crossed his mind. It was a proposition that could alter the course of his life.

"Married?" He stammered, struggling to find his voice. "We... we barely know each other."

Amelia shrugged nonchalantly, her expression surprisingly relaxed given the circumstances. "Details, details. We can work those out later. The important thing is that once we're married, those men won't dare bother me. Besides, it would drive Mother and Father mad." She grinned mischievously.

"You're certainly not one to shy away from a daring plan," he remarked.

Amelia's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Life is too short for dullness. So, what do you say?"

Christopher hesitated for a moment, still feeling confused. "I am not sure."

Amelia beamed, taking his hand in hers. "Excellent! Now, let's go." With that, she leaned in, planting a playful kiss on Christopher's cheek, causing his face to flush with a mix of surprise and delight.

During dinner, Christopher's father and elder brothers were engrossed in their usual discussion, deliberately excluding him from the conversation. Christopher kept his gaze fixed on his plate, tuning out the world around him, until he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Startled, he looked up. "Huh?"

"Father asked how your day was," Horace, his second eldest brother, informed him.

"He must have fallen asleep!" Eugene, the eldest, chimed in, his tone dripping with mockery. Christopher had never been fond of Eugene. He always made it a point to emphasize Christopher's uselessness and belittle him whenever the opportunity arose.

Christopher mumbled, "Today was fine, I guess. I went to the bureau and met Amelia Hawthorne. She asked me to marry her."

Silence descended upon the entire table.

"Amelia Hawthorne?" His mother began to show skepticism in her voice. "Are you joking?"

"No, I'm not. She even gave me a ring, which was very embarrassing. I'm supposed to meet her parents in two days," Christopher replied, his tone oddly monotone.

"That's a lie. Lady Amelia would never be interested in someone as pathetic as you!" Eugene spat, his face a mixture of annoyance and disbelief. Christopher secretly enjoyed his brother's reaction, well aware of Eugene's infatuation with Amelia, but he decided to tease him further.

Christopher leaned back in his chair, adopting a smug expression. "She even kissed me."

"You liar-!" Eugene seethed with anger, starting to say something more before their father intervened.

"That's very interesting, my son," his father acknowledged with a nod. "At least you have the sense to marry into a wealthy and prestigious family."

"Duke Hawthorne's family!" His mother chimed in with glee.

"But, Father-" Eugene began, only to be cut off by their father.

"I won't listen to another one of your pointless arguments. Stop bothering your brother!" Eugene stormed away from the table in a fit of anger.

"Assh*le," Horace muttered, the only one at the table who remained calm.

Madam Wallace smiled sweetly at her son and said, "My sweet son, good job!"

In the following days, Christopher couldn't shake off the surreal events that happened. He had been certain that her proposal was a mere joke to deter her until the day to meet her parents approached.

Finally, the appointed day arrived, and Christopher made his way to the grand Hawthorne estate. He couldn't help but feel a sense of inferiority. He wondered how a man of his means would ever fit into such opulence.

As he approached the entrance, his heart pounded with nervous anticipation. He had dressed meticulously, hoping to make a favorable impression on the Hawthornes. Lady Amelia had been rather direct with her proposal, and Christopher couldn't shake the feeling that they would be less than pleased with his presence.

As he waited in the lavish sitting room, he could hear hushed voices coming from the next room, where Lady Amelia's parents, the Duke and Duchess of Hawthorne, His nerves began to fray as he contemplated their reaction to his presence.

The door finally opened, and Lady Amelia entered, wearing an elegant dress that accentuated her beauty. Her expression was a blend of anxiety and determination. She looked at Christopher and offered a small, nervous smile.

Christopher nodded, his throat tight with nervousness, as Amelia walked out of the room immediately after she heard her parents coming.

Christopher sat nervously on a plush armchair, his back straight and his palms slightly sweaty. The elegantly decorated room seemed to increase his nervousness.

Lady Amelia had left him in the room, awaiting her parents, who would soon join him. He had rehearsed what he would say, but his heart still raced. The Duke and Duchess of Hawthorne had a reputation for their strong personalities.

Moments later, the heavy double doors to the sitting room opened, and in walked the Duke and Duchess. The Duke, tall and imposing, carried an air of authority that made Christopher's throat tighten. The Duchess, her elegant gown trailing behind her, had an assessing gaze that seemed to see through his soul.

Christopher stood quickly, a touch of nervousness in his voice. "Your Graces, thank you for granting me this audience."

The Duke acknowledged him with a nod, his expression stoic. "You may sit."

Christopher took his seat, his hands clasped tightly together. The room fell into an uncomfortable silence, and he could feel the weight of their scrutiny.

The Duchess spoke first, her tone as icy as her gaze. "Mr. Wallace, we have heard of your engagement to our daughter, Amelia."

Christopher swallowed hard. "Well, that is why we are here!" He joked nervously.

The Duke's voice was stern. "Mr. Wallace, we are not pleased with your sudden appearance in Amelia's life!"

Christopher felt a bead of sweat forming on his forehead. "Your Grace, I understand your concerns."

The duchess leaned forward, her gaze piercing. "You must understand, Mr. Wallace, that Lady Amelia is our darling daughter, and her happiness is of the utmost importance to us. We expect nothing but the best for her."

Christopher nodded, his voice filled with determination. "I am fully aware of the responsibilities that come with marrying into a family as esteemed as yours."

The Duke exchanged a meaningful look with his wife, and for a moment, Christopher held his breath, unsure of their decision.

Finally, the Duke spoke in a somewhat gentler tone. "Very well, Mr. Wallace. Lady Amelia is of age, and we respect her choice. However, there will be conditions for this engagement. Given that Amelia is the heir to the Hawthorne Duchy, we cannot allow her to marry into another family, as it might affect her inheritance. The only solution is for you to become a Hawthorne by name."

Christopher's face fell, shocked by the unexpected condition. Becoming a Hawthorne by name was significant, and he didn't know if he was willing to go through with it.

The Duke continued, "You'll need to legally adopt the Hawthorne name and renounce your Wallace lineage. This change would also require approval from both families and the appropriate legal processes."

"But that would be after the wedding.So you can prepare yourself for what lies ahead," the Duke added, giving Christopher a hint of what was to come and easing Christopher's apprehension a bit. Christopher considered the implications. He remembered the recognition he had received from his family members and the benefits of this arrangement. He had just been told that he would likely become a Duke one day. The advantage carried weights.

"Sure, I am up for anything!" He answered, and the Duke glanced at him uninterestedly before turning to his wife.

"Okay then, we will plan the official engagement party; just show up on that day!" The Duchess spoke as she and the Duke left the room.

Amelia and Christopher's engagement party was a grand affair, with nobles from far and wide in attendance. The opulent ballroom was adorned with chandeliers and adorned in hues of blue and gold, the Hawthorne's special colors.

Amelia, in her elegant light blue gown, moved gracefully through the crowd, a radiant smile on her face. She was the center of attention at the grand engagement party. The nobles were eager to bask in her radiance. She greeted guests with warmth and charm, her laughter ringing like a sweet melody.

Christopher, her betrothed, wearing a gold tuxedo, stood on the sidelines, feeling like a stranger at his own engagement celebration. His eyes remained fixed on Amelia as she effortlessly socialized with other nobles of her status, her smiles and laughter reserved for others.

As Amelia chatted animatedly with other nobles, her gaze rarely drifted in Christopher's direction. She seemed more interested in the compliments and flattery of the guests than in her future husband.

Christopher tried to muster the courage to approach her and engage her in conversation, but every attempt felt futile. He couldn't break through the invisible barrier that seemed to separate them.

It was as if he were a spectator at his own engagement, watching as Amelia conversed with other people, her laughter and liveliness drawing everyone's attention. He felt a growing sense of frustration and inadequacy.

Christopher felt more uncomfortable. He couldn't help but wonder if their engagement was nothing more than a convenient arrangement for her.

Finally, unable to bear the isolation any longer, Christopher made a decision. He excused himself from the ballroom, his heart heavy with disappointment. He needed a moment away from the festivities, which only pointed out his loneliness.

With each step he took away from the celebration, he couldn't help but question the path he was on. The pressure of the engagement weighed on him as he watched his future bride engrossed in conversations with other nobles. Christopher needed a break from the suffocating atmosphere of the ballroom, so he slipped away, making his way to the moonlit garden.

The soft fragrance of flowers lingered in the air, and the gentle rustling of leaves provided a calming atmosphere. Christopher became relaxed in the peaceful surroundings.

And there, beneath the pale moonlight, Christopher saw her. She stood near a marble fountain, her hair cascading like a waterfall over her shoulders. She bore a striking resemblance to Amelia, but she had cold and calculative brown eyes in contrast to Amelia's bright and playful blue ones. She was lost in thought; the sequin from her elegant dress shimmered in the moonlight.

Christopher approached her cautiously, his footsteps barely making a sound on the gravel path. He cleared his throat to announce his presence, not wanting to startle her.

She turned to him, her expression unreadable. "Ah, Christopher, was it? What are you doing away from your party?"

Christopher took a deep breath, feeling strangely calm in her presence. "I needed fresh air."

Her lips formed a thin line. "Indeed, the atmosphere in the ballroom is oppressive."

Ah, She even spoke intelligently.

Christopher hesitated for a moment before deciding to confide in Madeline. "Am I allowed to feel overwhelmed by all of this? This engagement has expectations. I can't help but wonder if I'm making the right choice."

Madeline regarded him thoughtfully, her eyes reflecting the moon's gentle glow. "Choosing a life partner is a significant decision, Christopher. It's natural to have doubts, especially given the circumstances surrounding your meeting."

Christopher searched his feelings, his gaze locking with Madeline's. "Yes, and that too; there's a part of me that wants to follow my family's wishes and honor this engagement. But there's another part that longs for something else."

Madeline nodded in understanding. "Amelia ignored you all through, right?" Christopher nodded as he walked to her side.

"How does that make you feel?" She questioned, extending her hand,her fingers trailing through the trajectory of the water spraying from the fountain.

The moonlight bathed her in an ethereal glow. Her question hung in the air like a gentle breeze, and Christopher hesitated before answering.

"It makes me feel... lost," he admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. He stepped closer to her.

Madeline's gaze shifted from the spraying water to Christopher's troubled expression. There was a depth of understanding in her eyes that he found comforting.

She spoke softly, her words carrying a sense of empathy. "I understand that feeling all too well, Christopher."

Christopher nodded. As they stood there by the fountain, Christopher felt a connection with Madeline that he hadn't experienced before. It was as if she understood him in a way that no one else did, and for once, he felt seen.


Now we know the premise of Amelia's engagement to Christopher. I am so glad I am done with this chapter, I just wanted to add a little note at the end of this chapter. I don't support any reckless action portrayed by my characters. *Cough* 😓

So if you indeed like the chapter, please don't forget to vote and leave comments, your genuine thoughts and creative criticism is allowed. And I updated almost every week! Stay safe everyone (◕ᴗ◕✿)

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