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On the outskirts of Veridian, where the indigenous people lived close to nature, an eerie series of events began to unfold. It all started with a young man who ventured out into the night and mysteriously disappeared.
As time passed, anxiety grew into despair as he failed to return home. His family and fellow villagers scouted the area, searching for him, but their efforts were in vain.
Then, on a moonless night, something even more sinister occurred. A group of villagers, returning from a day's work, stumbled upon a shadowy figure in their path. They cautiously approached, only to discover that it was the lifeless body of an elderly man.
His skin was white, his eyes empty, and he bore an expression of profound dread. It was clear that something unnatural had befallen him.
A profound sense of dread washed over the villagers as they stood there, staring at the lifeless body of the elderly man. Something heinous has befallen their once peaceful community.
Whispers and hushed conversations spread like wildfire among the villagers, each person grappling with fear and uncertainty. They couldn't comprehend what had caused these ominous events or who or what could be responsible.
Words began to spread, tales of strange sightings in the dead of night, of shadowy figures that seemed to move with a life of their own. Some even claimed to have glimpsed a malevolent presence lurking in the darkness, and we're extremely lucky to have avoided it.
As more time passed, the disappearances continued, and with each passing day, the indigenous people of Veridian grew more fearful and superstitious. They started to take precautions, avoiding certain areas at night and seeking the protection of talismans and charms.
The townpeople gathered to discuss the growing crisis. They decided to send word to the authorities in Veridian city, hoping for assistance in unraveling the mystery and putting an end to the sinister occurrences that had gripped their community.
At the end of the month, Giselle finished her first book, a romantic story featuring a young baker named Elara and a mysterious man named Lysander. The story began when Lysander, injured, entered Elara's shop seeking help. Her kindness led her to let him stay in her house while he recovered, sparking the beginning of their romantic journey.
With excitement, Giselle handed the leather-bound book to Eliza and shared a summary of the story with the entire family, including Andrew, after dinner.
"Wow!" Eliza exclaimed after a moment of stunned silence. She opened the book and noticed her sister's neat handwriting.
"Mr. Andrew helped me with the grammar!" Giselle smiled, acknowledging his contribution. Eliza turned to him.
"You knew about this?" she asked, and he gave a small smile.
"I based the main characters on Eliza and Mr. Andrew!" Giselle continued, causing her brothers to snicker and watch Eliza's face turn red while Andrew coughed. Giselle stood there, wearing a mischievous smile, as she enjoyed the chaos she had caused.
"You all need to go to bed now!" Eliza said it sternly. The triplets exchanged knowing glances and giggled as they ran upstairs to their room.
"Kids!" Eliza sighed, shaking her head. She then turned her attention to Andrew, and they both shared a quiet chuckle.
As the laughter settled, Eliza gazed at Andrew with a playful glint in her eyes. "I can't believe she wrote a book about us, Andrew."
He chuckled softly, his eyes meeting hers. "Well, it seems we've become characters in her romantic tale."
Eliza smiled, feeling warmth in her heart. She chuckled before speaking again. "Thank you for helping her with the grammar. It means a lot to her."
Andrew's smile widened. "I'd do anything for your family, Eliza."
Eliza felt her face heat up after Andrew's sincere words. He squeezed her hand affectionately, feeling a rush of emotion. "You truly are a wonderful person, Andrew."
He leaned in closer, his eyes never leaving hers. "And you, Eliza, are the most remarkable person I've ever met."
She responded with a soft laugh, playfully poking his stomach. Her lighthearted jest seemed to dispel the earlier intensity between them.
"Ouch!" he winced in pain. "That's still hurting though!"
Eliza looked concerned. "Seriously! You really should go see a doctor about it."
He grinned. "Well, if I had left to see a doctor, you wouldn't have gotten to know me."
She rolled her eyes. "Agreed, you just saw an opportunity to live off someone else, so naturally you might not want to leave!"
Andrew laughed, enjoying the light-hearted banter. "Well, you do have a point there. Who wouldn't want to enjoy the luxury of freeloading?"
Eliza chuckled, shaking her head. "You're impossible, Andrew."
He smirked playfully. "But that's why you like me, right?"
Eliza playfully rolled her eyes, a mischievous smile tugging at her lips. "Well, maybe just a smidge, or perhaps not at all!"
Andrew chuckled, his fingers gently brushing Eliza's brown locks as he admired her captivating green eyes.
"I want to be completely transparent with you," he began, his expression serious yet gentle, his fingers idly twirling her hair. "I want to share everything about myself with you."
She gazed deeply into his eyes. "You don't have to share everything, but if you want to, I'm here to listen."
Andrew nodded, his thumb gently stroking her cheek before he clasped her hand in his.
"There's something I haven't told you, and I feel like I need to," he began.
"Go on," Eliza encouraged, her voice soft and reassuring.
Andrew took a deep breath, his gaze unwavering. "I am a Marquis."
Eliza's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't expect that.
He continued, "I've spent most of my life as an aristocrat in Veridian. I was next in line for the title. The day you saved me, I was ambushed while taking a walk."
"In the evening? During winter?" Eliza said, still skeptical.
"Yes, a quiet walk with fewer people on the street is relaxing," he replied.
"Then you carried me home from there. I blacked out, and when I woke up, you were the first person I saw," he continued. "And I'm grateful for it. Meeting you has been the best thing that has happened to me so far."
Eliza's smile grew warmer, and she said softly, "I'm grateful for your trust as well." Andrew's smile matched hers as he gently reached for Eliza's hand.
The door swung open abruptly, revealing Marcus, who entered the house looking utterly exhausted. His clothes were disheveled, with small tears and dirt smudges all over.
"Marcus!" Eliza exclaimed, rising from her seat and rushing over to him, concerned. Andrew turned his attention to them. "What happened to you?"
"Nothing much!" Marcus managed a weary smile as he dangled a small coin pouch in front of Eliza's face.
"What's this?" She asked, taking the pouch from him.
"It's the money I owe you, with interest, of course!" He replied with a smug grin. Eliza opened the pouch and was shocked by the amount of money it contained.
"Where did you get this?" She inquired, eyeing him closely. "Did you perhaps steal it?"
"Nope, I won this fair and square! Good night," Marcus replied with a grin, followed by a tired yawn. He patted her shoulder before heading to his room, ignoring Andrew. Eliza glanced over at Andrew, who simply shrugged.
Eliza watched Marcus disappear into his room with a mixture of amusement and bewilderment. She turned back to Andrew, shaking her head.
"That brother of mine always manages to surprise me," she remarked, still holding the coin pouch.
Andrew chuckled softly. "Well, he is something."
Eliza nodded, her gaze lingering on the pouch. "I'll have to talk to him in the morning and find out where he got all this money."
"Sounds like a plan," Andrew agreed, his eyes warm as he looked at her. "But for now, it's getting late. We should both get some rest."
Eliza sighed, realizing that the hour was indeed quite late. "You're right. I'll count this money and deal with Marcus tomorrow."
Robert found himself frequenting the hotel more often than usual. He would sometimes sit in the cafe, watching Mrs. Evelyn as she sang and interacted with patrons. Her carefree spirit and whimsical attire continued to enchant him.
One evening, as Robert enjoyed a cup of coffee at his usual spot, the world seemed to blur as his thoughts revolved around the colorful woman, occasionally stealing glances at her. Mrs. Evelyn approached his table with a smile. "Good evening, sir. I hope you're enjoying your coffee."
Robert looked up, a hint of surprise in his eyes. "Yes, quite. Thank you."
Mrs. Evelyn leaned in a little closer, her voice low and conspiratorial. "You know, coffee can tell the future; all fated events the coffee knows."
Robert chuckled at her comment, his gaze fixed on her bright green eyes. "Is that so?"
She nodded playfully. "Oh, absolutely! You never know what might happen in your future, so treat coffee right."
Their conversation was interrupted when Victoria appeared at the entrance of the cafe. She glanced at her father and then at Mrs. Evelyn with a raised eyebrow. Robert quickly averted his gaze, feeling a pang of guilt.
"Father?" Victoria called out again, clearly surprised to see him in the cafe once more. She approached his table.
Robert cleared his throat and rose from his seat. "Victoria, I was just enjoying some coffee. How are the partnership discussions going?"
Victoria, still suspicious of her father's intentions, replied, "They're progressing well, Father."
Robert nodded. "Of course, I trust your judgment."
With a final nod to Mrs. Evelyn, Robert exited the cafe, feeling embarrassed by his daughter's watchful eye. Victoria observed her father's retreating figure with narrowed eyes, growing increasingly suspicious of his peculiar behavior.
Evelyn, who had noticed Victoria's curiosity, chimed in with her whimsical comment. "Do you want me to tell your future, dearie? All you have to do is drink coffee."
Victoria glanced at Evelyn with a meaningful look before swiftly leaving the cafe. She sensed that something was amiss with her father, and she was determined to uncover the truth.
The following day, Victoria arrived at the cafe early, selecting an inconspicuous spot to observe her surroundings.
Right on cue, her father hurriedly entered the cafe. His eyes scanned the cafe, seemingly looking for someone. Victoria watched him discreetly, her curiosity growing by the second.
Robert's gaze finally settled on Evelyn as she hummed a cheerful tune while arranging coffee cups on the counter. He approached her, and Victoria strained to eavesdrop on their conversation.
"Good afternoon, Mrs. Evelyn," Robert greeted her, trying to sound casual.
Evelyn beamed "Why, good afternoon, dearie! What can I get for you today?"
Robert had a pint tint on his face. "The usual, please!"
Evelyn nodded and went to work. As he waited, Victoria, on the other hand, remained puzzled by her father's unusual behavior.
He took the coffee and sat in his usual spot. Victoria watched him from a distance, observing the way he occasionally stole glances in the direction of the cafe where Mrs. Evelyn worked. It was unlike her father to be so captivated by anyone, let alone an eccentric person.
Mrs. Evelyn continued her duties behind the cafe counter, occasionally sharing her quirky remarks and laughter. She continued to be her whimsical and carefree self, oblivious to the effect she had on Robert.
Jaxon, Victoria's manager, entered the cafe with a concerned look on his face. He had been searching for Victoria all afternoon, and when he finally found her, she was sitting inconspicuously at a corner table, seemingly engrossed in something.
However, Jaxon knew Victoria well enough to recognize that something was amiss. He approached her table and cleared his throat to get her attention.
"Miss, what on earth are you doing?" He asked slightly, exasperated.
Victoria jumped slightly, her heart racing from being caught red-handed. She turned to Jaxon, trying to appear nonchalant. "Oh, Alexander, I was just... observing something. Nothing important."
Jaxon raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying her explanation. "Observing something, you say? Well, it must be quite the spectacle if it has you sneaking around."
Victoria sighed, realizing that she couldn't keep this from him, especially when she might need his help in the situation. She leaned in closer and whispered, "It's my father. He's been acting strangely, and I think he's meeting someone."
Jaxon's expression turned serious as he processed the information. "Your father? Here? Meeting someone?"
Victoria nodded. "He keeps coming here every day."
Jaxon sighed and leaned back, rubbing his chin in thought. "Very well, Victoria. But promise me, you won't do anything reckless. We'll observe and gather information discreetly."
They both continue to observe Victoria's father making secret glances at Evelyn and acting out of character whenever she comes close to him.
"Oh!" Jaxon smirked. "I think I understand what's going on!"
Victoria shushed him. "Don't let anyone know we are here!"
"Your father seems to be attracted to Miss Evelyn. How cute!" Jaxon continued
"It's not cute, and of course I can see that," Victoria sighed.
"You are probably going to get a stepmother!" He teased
"Heavens forbid such!" She smacked his arm. He pouted and rubbed the stinging area.
"I am not doing this anymore!" He stood grudgingly and left the cafe, leaving Victoria to continue her spying.

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