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❝ Y O U ' R E  J O K I N G

The next morning, Addilyn awakes to the constant vibrations of her phone's notifications going off. Groaning, she rolls over and grabs it.

Fifty texts from Aurora stare back at her, each one either yelling at her to wake up of asking if she's dead. Chuckling to herself, Addilyn replies.

I'm awake!

Aurora replies almost instantly.

It's about time! Go get ready.


BECAUSE WE'RE GOING TO THE AQUARIUM!!! We'll meet you there in twenty minutes.

Addilyn smiles and climbs out of bed, not once regretting her decision to befriend the wild girl.


Twenty minutes later, Addilyn pulls into the aquarium's parking lot. Spotting the Corvette Aurora and Carmen had been driving yesterday, she parks next to it.

As her feet hit the asphalt, Aurora springs out of the passenger seat, grinning broadly. She pulls Addilyn into a hug, distracting her from the other people getting out of the car as well.

"You need to meet everyone!" She declares excitedly, finally letting Addilyn go. Pulling the bewildered girl over to the large group, she points at each person in turn. "The tall giant is Jonah, my boyfriend. You've already met Caramel. That's her overprotective boyfriend, Zach. And the awkward blond is Corbyn."

The three guys wave in response.

"Everyone," Aurora continues. "Meet our new and currently single," she looks specifically at Corbyn, "friend, Addilyn."

Addilyn waves, smiling brightly.

Jumping onto Jonah's back, Aurora yells, "Onward, my noble steed!"

"I hope you're okay with getting banned," Zach says as they follow the couple to the doors. "Because that's what happens every time we take her somewhere."

Addilyn simply winks in response before redirecting her attention to the lone blond lagging slightly behind.

"Come on, Corbs," she waves the boy forward. "Don't be a loner."

Corbyn laughs, picking up his pace as they reach the double doors. "Did you just call me Corbs?"

"Yep," Addilyn replies, popping the p. "Now let's go see the fishies!"

From a distance, Aurora and Jonah watch as Corbyn's mood becomes brighter than it has been in months.

"You're matchmaking skills have done it again," Jonah says, indicating where Addilyn and Corbyn are staring in wonder at the jellyfish.

"I know," Aurora replies confidently. "Let's go look at the sharks!"

"It's Dory!" Addilyn squeals, pointing at one of the many fish.

"And there's Nemo!" Corbyn exclaims, pointing at a clownfish.

Addilyn's eyes wander over to one of the tanks without a protective glass barrier that reaches the ceiling.

"I bet there are turtles over there!"

Corbyn's eyes widen. "Then what are we waiting for?"

Grabbing her hand, they sprint over to the surprisingly uncrowded tank. Addilyn leans over the short barrier, hoping to get a better view of down below.

"Careful," Corbyn warns, pulling her back gently. "You can't swim with the fish."

Says who?" She asks, a mischievous smirk crossing her face.

Corbyn grins. "You're joking, right?"

"No," the girl replies cockily. "I'm Addilyn."

Subtlety sliding her sandals off, Addilyn scoots closer to the water. Just as she's about to jump, a loud splash comes from the opposite side of the tank.

Aurora resurfaces, pushing her hair out of her face. Jonah stands at the barrier, not even surprised.

"Since we're already getting kicked out, go on and add to the reasons why," Corbyn says, gesturing to the water.

Addilyn smiles and hops over, grabbing Corbyn's arm at the last second to drag him in as well. Both shriek as the cold water hits them before swimming over to Aurora.

"I believe Addilyn brings out your reckless side," the girl comments, shrieking as a fish brushes against her foot.

Before Corbyn can respond, Aurora starts singing a Disney song rather loudly and Addilyn joins in.


A shrill whistle blows, interrupting them. Standing on the feeding platform is an elderly man, looking rather unhappy.

"Get out of this aquarium IMMEDIATELY!" He bellows, blowing the whistle again.

"Only if we can get carried out." Aurora retorts.

There's another splash and Addilyn looks around to see Zach in the water as Carmen laughs from her spot next to Jonah.



"So," Jonah begins, stealing a drink from Aurora's milkshake. "Has this crazy girl scared you off yet?"

Addilyn smiles, glancing around the crowded Dairy Queen before she answers. "Nope. If anything, I regret not meeting her sooner."

"Here is your peanut butter milkshake," Corbyn declares, setting Addilyn's drink down in front of her and sliding into the seat next to her.

"Thank you, Corbs."

"Weren't Jack and Callie supposed to meet us here like ten minutes ago?" Carmen asks, taking a bite out of her blizzard.

"Yeah," Jonah agrees. "But apparently something with Callie's family came up."

Aurora mutters something under her breath, earning a reprimanding look from Jonah.

Checking the time on her phone, Addilyn stands up with a sigh.

"Where are you going?" Aurora asks.

"As much as I'd love to stay longer, I have to make an appearance at my cousin's birthday party." Addilyn explains, not noticing the crestfallen look on Corbyn's face.

However, Carmen didn't miss it.

"Can you come over to the house later? Aurora can text you the address."

Addilyn furrows her eyebrows as she grabs her purse. "Do all of you live together?"

"Unfortunately," Zach jokes.

"We'll explain it all later. That is, if you come over later," Corbyn says, not caring if he sounds clingy as a hopeful expression appears on his face. "So will we be seeing you tonight? You'd be able to meet the others as well."

"Absolutely," Addilyn confirms.

As she leaves the fast food restaurant, a dazed look crosses Corbyn's face.

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