Reckless | Chapter Six

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Sleep did not come easy for Ozen. Dorian had fallen fast asleep. After only having four hours. His body was still weak from what happened on the beach. As soon as he hit the pillows, he was out like a light. It made Ozen jealous of such abilities. He tossed and turned, sweating and burning under the blankets. When he took the blankets off, it grew uncomfortable for him. He felt like he was being watched. The anchor on his hand was making his hand throb more now than it ever had. He wondered if his anxiety was triggering it to act up.

Then there were the constant thoughts. He was closing his eyes, attempting to think of something good, only to have his sister's haunting face popping into his head. He tried snuggling up next to Dorian in hopes that his soft snores would lull him to sleep.

Instead, he had a constant fear of Dorian's death. No matter what Ozen did, death greeted his mind every chance it could get. If he hadn't known better, a demon was still haunting him. Part of him wanted to find this demon again. He could enter the Fade to do it, or he could ask Dorian to reanimate another dead body. Neither would work, of course, but he still wanted to try. He was sure that whoever this human was, he was bound to find Ozen again. If he was strong enough to bring demons from the Fade, Ozen wasn't sure if he was truly safe. A kiss on his shoulder brought Ozen back to reality. Dorian didn't say much, he simply put his arms around Ozen's waist and brought Ozen closer to him.

"You are safe," Dorian mumbled before falling back asleep.

Ozen nodded, snuggling up to Dorian's neck, taking in his scent. The anxiety coursing through his veins slowed a little. The throbbing pain of the anchor had gone away. Everything was calm enough for Ozen to drift off back to sleep.


The next morning was a rather rude awakening. It was snowing outside, causing a chill to go through the bedroom. This, of course, caused Dorian to wake up rather cranky. He shook Ozen awake, demanding that he shut the doors and put wood in the fireplace. Ozen was rather amused by his complaints. Ozen got out of bed, loving the feeling of the cold air against his skin. He was used to it after living in the woods for so long. Ozen shut the doors, putting kindling into the fireplace. Ozen took a step back, asking Dorian for assistance. Dorian didn't move or even look in the direction of the fireplace. He brought his hand out of the covers and with the snap of his fingers, a ball of fire went towards the fireplace, igniting the wood.

"Now that's impressive."

"I'm glad you have furs. It's freezing up here. What are you made of?" Dorian grumbled and yawned, trying his best to hide further into the furs.

"I'm Dalish." Ozen commented with a smirk. He was proud to be who he was and where he had come from. Even if others had wholeheartedly disagreed. Ozen used this time to get dressed and prepare himself for the day. He wanted to talk to Cullen and Leliana to see if they had found anything about this mystery man, yet. Ozen went over to Dorian and kissed his temple, making his way down the stairs and out into the foyer. He was greeted by the guards who had been there possibly all night. He thanked them for what they had done for him.

"It's our job, your Worship."

"You're awake!" Cassandra went up to Ozen with a beaming smile on her face. Ozen stood there shocked at the smile. She rarely smiled and to Ozen, it was rather creepy.

"Ugh... yes. I am."

"Sorry," Cassandra chuckled lightly, casting her eyes in another direction, "Varric said that you and Dorian were rather weak. I didn't think..."

"You know me better than that, Cassandra, Nothing can kill me." Ozen laughed. Cassandra laughed with him, remembering all of the close calls they had encountered together.

"We are having breakfast soon. You should join us."

"'Of course."

"Will Dorian be attending?"

"No," Ozen shook his head, "he is still recuperating from what happened the other day."

Cassandra nodded, taking her leave to the tavern. Ozen took his morning walk around Skyhold. Greeting the merchants and injured folk. Going to the stables to help maintain the horses. He greeted his friends and made sure they were all doing well. He felt happy here in Skyhold. He was proud of how far they had come. There was still the worry in the back of his mind. Something that had most recently come up.

What if someone had betrayed him?

He didn't want to think too much about it or else he would go insane possibly. It was a thought nonetheless. He frowned when the thought came to him. He paused at the stairs that would lead up the hill towards the tavern. His stomach churned, suddenly felt upset. He was instantly dizzy as if he was holding his breath. The anchor throbbed. When he blinked, it was all gone. He didn't think anything of it. He was probably hungry, tired, and wanting more rest. Ozen continued up the stairs, a little slower this time. No one noticed him acting differently, which he was thankful for.

Ozen made it to the tavern, giving a fake smile to everyone. He noticed the look of worry on Varric's face. Thankfully, Varric played it off. Ozen sat down amongst his friends, letting them know how grateful he was to have them. They all ate breakfast, Ozen barely ate anything. He would smile and laugh at the jokes thrown across the table. Bull was already drinking, along with Sera. Cullen was a little silent, but that was normal for him. Josephine was having a hard time relaxing. Cassandra took her paperwork away from her by force. It was weird not having Dorian at the table with them. He always had a witty comment to shoot back at Varric, or Ozen would catch him glancing at Cullen.

"Ozen?" Varric finally spoke, "You're pale."

"I am fine." Ozen smiled. He grabbed a cup of water and brought it to his lips.


Sudden pain ripped through Ozen's arm. He dropped the glass of water crying out in pain. He jerked from the table, holding onto his hand. The others jumped as well, running to his aid. The anchor was now bright green, shining brightly through the tavern. Josephine cleared out the Tavern, while Cullen rushed to Ozen's aid. Solas sat at the table, examining what was happening to his leader.

The pain had left his hand but now his head ached. He fell down to his chair, exhausted. His eyes were still squeezed shut, his head pulsing at his temples. He could barely move. He had bit his tongue causing blood to come out of the corner of his mouth. Whispers echoed into his mind like a river. Flashes of images danced in his head. His home before he had left to do what his leader had asked him to do.

Elven words went through his head. Ones that were not pleasant to hear.

"There is something bigger going on." Solas interrupted the silence. He placed his cup down on the table, glancing over to Varric and Cullen.

"Is it demon stuff?" Varric asked, already not wanting to hear the answer.

"I knew Dorian being a necromancer wasn't a good idea. Dorian brought a demon into this world. Possibly two. There is one in the Inquisitor."

Cullen blinked.

"He doesn't look like a demon." Cullen rubbed the back of his neck.

"That's because it has not bound itself to him."

Cassandra ran from the tavern. Varric would hopefully assume she was going to check on Dorian. If the Inquisitor was having a hard time with this fade-parasite, then Dorian was as well.

"They want me to help them enter the fade," Ozen grumbled, his teeth still clenched. His head felt like daggers digging into the temples, "they want us dead. He wants us dead."

Silence filled the Tavern again. It wasn't long before Ozen was back to reality. He was able to breathe again. The bitter copper taste in his mouth made his stomach lose the little breakfast he had. Thankfully the dwarf was quick enough to move. Ozen apologized for what had happened. He wanted to clean up his mess but when he moved, he grew light-headed and sick again.

"I don't understand," Ozen whispered. Solas walked over to his friend and shook his head. Solas wasn't quite sure what was happening, but what he did know was that Dorian and Ozen were in trouble if they didn't find the man who was stealing their life force out of their bodies.

"Whatever that man has done, he is killing you from the inside out." Solas commented.

"Then how do we stop it?"Varric questioned, all the while Ozen was attempting to stand. In the end, Bull came up to the elf and slurred an apology. Bull picked up the Inquisitor as if he was the bride to his own wedding, and carried him out of the Tavern. Solas and Varric stayed behind, helping clean up the mess that occurred when everyone rushed out of there. Solas was lost in his own thoughts, thinking about the Fade and what the idiots had done. There was a chance that the anchor the Inquisitor possesses had something to do with it. There was also a chance that it was all due to necromancy. This man was more than likely a blood mage. He could have easily gone to Lilly and used her blood to set a trap for Dorian and Ozen. Solas wanted to go back and examine the place for himself. He didn't want the distraction of the others lingering behind him. He needed the silence.

Cassandra rushed into the Inquisitor's room, hearing commotion coming from inside the bedroom. Cassandra opened the door quickly, seeing Dorian on the floor with the look of fear in his eyes.

"What happened?" Cassandra ran to his side, noting a cut on his left shoulder.

"A demon appeared out of nowhere!" Dorian yelled, "I've seen demons before but not something that hideous. That thing attacked me and threw me out of the bed."

"Where did it go?"

"I don't know. It vanished."

"Makers breath," Cassandra muttered. Dorian sat up, trying to catch his breath. He collected his thoughts before he stood again. He stumbled, but Cassandra caught him.

"I don't understand..." She muttered, "We put spells on the doors... we have guards watching..."

Without a word, Dorian ran to the bedside and grabbed his cloak. Cassandra watched as he panicked. He threw his cloak into the fireplace.

"Take Ozen's armor to the Smith. We need it gone. Melted. Whatever."


"Just do it, Cassandra!" Dorian snapped. Dorian turned back to the flame, putting his hands out in front of him to cast a protection spell. Only for a few moments until the clothes were destroyed. Dorian can hear Cassandra gathering the armor plating of the Inquisitors, rushing out of the room with loud clanking sounds. She kept dropping pieces and swearing. It amused Dorian, but he wasn't in the mood to snark back a witty comment. Whatever this human was doing, he had used Lilly's blood to summon the demon. While Dorian was ensnared in the demon's grasp, there was no telling whose blood was on his clothes. He could have had an old injury burst open again, or it could have been Lilly's blood. He wasn't too sure.

If blood magic was in play, they needed more mages, and to perform a ritual rather quickly before the demon took over Dorian or Ozen. Dorian watched the last of his clothes burn into ashes. He could always go to Orlais and get new garments. Besides, it would be a great time to take Ozen shopping for new armor that fits him properly and not just some foraged from the remains of a dead soldier.

"Dorian! Ozen needs help!" Bellowed the loud voice of Bull. Hearing that Ozen was in trouble caused Dorian to move his hands, letting the spell disperse. The flames roared for a moment, and screams of a demon could be heard. Dorian was able to look at the flames before his body flew back against the stone wall, causing a crater the size of his body. Bull set Ozen on the floor gently; grabbing his weapon from behind his back.

"Damn demons!" Bull hollered. He charged towards it. The flaming demon roared at him, launching its lava-like body towards him. Bull brought his ice-enchanted axe down to its body. The sounds of hot lava meeting something ice cold could be heard, and the screaming of the demon echoed joylessly in the Qunari's ears. Dorian got to his feet, throwing a spell towards the demon, letting it fall to the floor dead. Dorian and Bull witnessed the demon disappear back into the Fade.

"No matter what, that is still trippy." Bull muttered.

"Ozen!" Dorian ignored Bull's comment and ran over to Ozen who was now sitting up along the railing of the stairs. Dorian could tell that Ozen was sick. His once beautiful tanned skin was now pale as a ghost. Blood fell down the corner of his mouth, and his long, dark brown hair was matted. Dorian noticed the vomit on his shirt. He wrinkled his nose at the smell, but, nonetheless, went to Ozen and pulled him into his arms.

"Blood magic was at play." Dorian commented, holding Ozen's back to his chest.

"Great." His deep voice sounded like there was gravel in his throat. Dorian frowned.

"What the hell happened?" Dorian snapped his attention to Bull.

"Don't know. He was in pain, he had his eyes closed, saying there were voices and that the demon wanted him dead, and then he threw up. He missed the dwarf."

Bull was disappointed that he missed. Dorian rolled his eyes.

"I don't feel good, Dorian," Ozen muttered.

"You look sick," Dorian frowned, "Let's get you to bed. Bull?" Dorian and Bull helped the Inquisitor to his feet once again. They took him to the bed, Dorian already started to unbutton his shirt so he wouldn't smell like vomit anymore.

"Bull, be a doll, and go get Solas and Alistair."

"Alistair?" Ozen looked puzzled. He did as much as he could to get his arms out of the skin-tight sleeves.

"He knows more than we do. Blood magic is involved. He was there with the Hero of Ferelden when the child was possessed." Dorian tossed the shirt to the side, going into the closet to find another piece of clothing for him. Ozen put his arms around his chest and shivered. If there was a demon inside of him, it was sucking the life out of him. Bull had disappeared down the stairs, and the familiar sound of the heavy door opening and closing echoed into the partially empty room.

"I never had so much excitement in this room before." Ozen chuckled to himself.

"Oh? Such a pity." Dorian came back to Ozen with a slightly warmer long-sleeve shirt. It wasn't as nice as the others, but it would keep him warm, and it was loose-fitting. Dorian helped Ozen get his shirt on, looking for any marks or blood stains. When he checked Ozen's back, he saw dried blood. He swore under his breath, no cuts were on his back. Dorian didn't know much about blood magic. He wasn't sure how demons worked with it. If you used your own blood to summon the demons, or if marking someone with blood would make them possessed.

"I want you to stay here and rest. We will figure this out and-" Dorian went to leave but Ozen grabbed his hand. He was shaking. Dorian looked at Ozen, he was terrified. Dorian kissed his forehead.

"Nothing is going to happen. We will get rid of this demon. You are going to be alright."

Ozen nodded, getting himself in between the fur covers. Dorian grabbed the dirty piece of clothing from the floor and tossed it into the fireplace, just in case. He made his way to the stairs and left rather quickly to find Bull and Alistair. He, himself, was feeling better than Ozen looked. Either he wasn't possessed, or it was because he was a mage. He wasn't too sure, but whatever the case may be, he was glad that they both were not down and out.

"Keep an eye on him. If he starts acting strange, call out to us. Do. Not. Kill. Him." Dorian glared at the guards. The guards looked at each other and then back to Dorian.

"Aye Sir." They said in unison. Dorian turned at the heel, making his way outside of the main hall. It had stopped snowing outside. The ground was littered with a small amount of snow. The sun was already beating down, causing the little bit of snow to melt. It was making the ground muddy everywhere. Dorian groaned. After all of this, he was definitely taking time to scrub his boots.

"I found 'em, Boss!" Bull shouted. Alistair was taking the lead, running up the stairs two at a time.

"Where is he?" Alistair panicked.

"In his room. What the hell is going on?"

"Is he possessed?"

"We don't know. What we do know is that he looks sick, and he's hearing voices."

"We need to–"

A sudden loud, trembling force could be heard inside the main hallway. It made the hair on the back of Dorian's neck stand. Slowly, Dorian turned around. He didn't want to see what he was seeing. He witnessed something he never thought he would witness before. He saw Ozen walking down the main hall, everyone screaming and running from him. His blades were in each hand, blood hitting the floor. His eyes seemed to glow red. Causing shivers through Dorian and Alister.

"For Maker's Sake, not again!" Alister groaned. Dorian turned his direction towards the main hall again, this time, Ozen was up to Dorian with his blade to his throat.

"Maker have mercy on your soul." 

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