Chapter 1 Red Bad Bug's Back Story & More

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      Ladybug laughs as she swings through the air with another stolen painting and heads on home. She does not care if the artist worked hard on it because her heart was broken years ago by a foolish boy.

      "Everyone the criminal  Red Bad Bug has struck again!   That is right everyone Ladybug is a crook.  Do not her good looks draw you in with deceitfulness. She is considered dangerous and should not be trusted,"  Nadja Chamack reports.

      "She can not be all that bad," Chat Noir remarks.

     "She is a thief and murderer and you say she is not that bad, seriously Chat Noir what leaf did you crawl under?"  Nadja Chamack remarks.

    "How could you possibly defend her?"  Nadja asks.

    "How do you even know it was Ladybug that committed these crimes?"  Chat Noir asks.

    "Here is my proof,"  She says as she shows Chat the video footage of  Red Bad Bug stealing things and another of a video taken during the latest robbery and murder of the workers at the bank. 

    "What, Red Bad Bug is Ladybug, so she is a thief and a cruel heartless criminal?"  Chat Noir says in surprise.  He looks as if the can not believe it.

   Chat Noir leaves the news station rather upset, he is not sure what to think about the fact Ladybug is  Paris, France's biggest criminal.  He sighs and goes home.  Once in his bedroom, he says  "Plagg, claws in!"  He detransforms.

   "I do not understand it, Plagg,"  Adrien says.

    "What is it you do not get Adrien?"  Plagg says with his eyes full of tears. He feels bad for Tikki.

      "Plagg, why are you crying when I am the one who is so hopeless?"  Adrien asks.

    "I am sad because I have not seen my friend Tikki in years, and worry about her safety.  Also, I know you secretly love the criminal,"  Plagg answers.

 "What?  N-No, I do not love the thief,"  Adrien lies as he thinks, why is she so pretty when she is evil?

     Meanwhile, Kagami wonders who the girl behind the Red Bad Bug mask or Ladybug as some chose to call her could be since she sees her as her arch enemy.  She hates this masked crook since Adrien seems to obsess over her when Kagami loves him.

    "Ethan is it sad Chat Noir tries to stand up for the villain?"  Juleka asks her boyfriend.

  "Yes, it sure is Juleka, do not worry though I will protect you," Ethan says.

"I agree this is such a  bummer,"  Sarah says.  *She is Chole's adopted daughter.

"Yes, how can Chat Noir a hero, love such a horrible person as  Red Bad Bug anyway?" Chole scoffs at the very idea.

   "I know I am glad Paris has the heroes, Chat Noir, Rena Rouge, Queen Bee, and Kid Zebra to protect us,"  Nino says.

      "Perhaps, he is just lonely for companionship.  I mean it is bound to be hard for him to be the only boy amongst all the girl heroes."  Alya says.

   Back to Red Bad Bug herself, she goes home, and detransforms as well. She looks lost like she is deep in thought now that she is back inside.  She thinks, no one must ever find my secret identity, not even Chat Noir.

  "Marinette, why did you turn to a life of crime?"  Tikki asks.

    "Well, let's see.  My parent's died when I was little, my crush never notices me, and I have no friends,"  She says.    

  " Is not Alya your best friend?"  Tikki asks.

"Not anymore, never speak her name to me or around me again, Tikki,"  Marinette says.

   "She is the worst of them all, she betrayed me when she told everyone about my acne problems.  As if that were not bad enough she had the nerve to act all innocent about it too,"  Marinette remarks.

   "Then, to top it off she kissed Adrien right in front of me.  I know it was for the school play, but how could?  She knows I  am in love with Adrien and she stole him from me. "  Marinette says sadly and cries.

   "It is all Alya's fault Adrien never speaks to me anymore, we were all such good friends until that backstabber took my man,"  Marinette says angrily.

   "Sorry, I asked, I never knew she did this to you.  This is horrible, but it still does not make crime okay,"  Tikki says.

    "Tikki, I have to be a criminal to be noticed;  I have no other choice,"  Marinette says with fury in her eyes and voice.

   "No one loves the plain, clumsy, average student Marinette anymore anyway,"  Marinette says through her tears and grit teeth.


  With Alya...

  "Nino, have you noticed how the criminal only targets men?"  Alya asks.

   "yes, so?"  Nino asks.

  "So, how could you even say this?"  Alya says. She slaps Nino at once.


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