Entirely New

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Mystery Ruby Pov
    "Alright,this should be good for now." Mystery Ruby said as they stepped in the empty cave that they found as Sapphire got comfortable she lifted her bang "thank you." She said looking at the Ruby's showing her eye when she did that Ruby was stunned and speechless.

A fire formed under her feet causing her to step back in shock. "Good thinking, Ruby now she can keep warm." Mystery Ruby praised as she patted Ruby on the back.sapphire warmed herself up at the bonfire. While Ruby paced around in panic.

Ruby: what type of Ruby am I supposed to be? look at this! It's my fault we're stranded here.How am I gonna save you?

Mystery Ruby 💭 : We saved her already

Sapphire: You Already Saved Me

Ruby: What!?

Sapphire:You already saved me

"So what was with the cotton candy lady back at the arena?" mystery Ruby said changing the subject. "I.. I've never fused before. I never realized you just disappear like that." Sapphire said recounting the events and how it felt. "Its never like never like that! Whenever I fuse it's always just been me but bigger."

after saying what was on their minds they looked at mystery Ruby for her input "I have never fused so I don't know what it's like." She said shrugging her shoulders smiling eyes covered by her Afro bang.

'Which was true since she emerged she had never fused with the other Diamonds when she asked White Diamond why the answer was never clear'.

"Whattt! You've Never Fused Before?!"Ruby said shocked that what she thought was a fellow ruby never fused.

"Well I guess I just never got around to it." Mystery Ruby said with a sheepish smile on her face."Never got around to it!?now that I think of it I have never seen you before"ruby said looking at the mystery "Ruby" in a suspicious manner.

"No need to be wary. I just saved you I think that makes us friends"mystery Ruby said with a hand out stretched for Ruby to shake "alright but I'm keeping an eye on you mysterious Ruby" Ruby said taking the stretched out hand shaking it "call me red and we'll call it even". Red said smiling brightly eyes still covered.

"Alright well we should get going." red said as she exited the cave to see it had stopped raining.


Reds POV

'After a while of walking and a beautiful musical performance provided by ruby and sapphire they ended up fusing again and I can't lie I was so amazed my eyes probably had stars. I didn't get to see their fusion up close back at the arena it was beautiful'.

The moment was cut short as the fusion fell down the hill we were currently standing on

"...ouch" garnet said as her head hit the tree at the bottom of the hill. She jumped up when pearl at her with her sword and pointed in her face.

"Don't hurt her!Don't hurt.... Me?"Garnet yelled in confusion. "It's you!The fusion... pearl said as she examined the being before her.

"We didn't mean to fuse!well...well ,we did this time. We'll unfuse! We we'll..." as Garnet was confused on what to do with herself rose quartz approached from behind pearl.

"No, no, please... I'm glad to see you again." Rose spoke acknowledging the fusion directly. Red came tumbling down the hill as rose finished her statement catching them all off guard.

"I'm okay!"red yelled as all the attention shifted to her. "Red, I see you changed your mind and decide to join us." Rose said excitedly to the new addition to the group.

Rose laughed as she said "welcome to Earth!"as garnet took it all in she said "c-can you tell me!?how was Ruby able to alter fate? Or why was sapphire willing to give up everything? W-what am I!?

As Garnet was having an internal crisis rose spoke "No more questions. Don't ever question this" rose said as she held Garnets hands "you are already the answer" rose finished.

'After that rose took us to her base and asked garnet to join her team which she accepted'

Time-skip(again 😑)

Author Pov
'It has been a while since red came to earth with ruby and sapphire. Rose has been using most of that time to convince her to join her side'

"I'm going to fight for this planet" rose said as she looked in to the distance "I know you don't want to do this with me." Rose said as she frowned as she thought of not being able to have you on her side.

"Rose I know your mind is set on saving this planet and I won't try and stop you anymore" red said as she looked at the back of roses figure "but I won't fight them and I can't fight you pink" red said saddened at the thought of having to fight the only family she has ever known.

"I won't make you fight but you must choose it can't be both" rose said as she tried to convince red.

Authors note: alright 2️⃣ chapters in one day what y'all think about the story so far give me ya thoughts Inna comments

What do y'all think red should choose?

What do you think of red?

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