Red Diamonds Origin

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Log date:Missing
File:Final Update
Opening file.......

White Diamond: this will be the final update it has be around 500 years and there has been no movement or any sign of the gem being ready to emerge and I'm losing hope. I will be checking in but not as often as I have.

White Diamond: I have other things to attend to now that pink is asking for her own colony maybe i won't need you just yet. But I do wish this process was faster. I have so much I wanted to show you. I guess in a way I have become attached to you even though I haven't met you yet My Dear Red Diamond.

It hade been a while since the last time White Diamond hade checked on the gem she planted since she was on the way to home world after colonizing another planet she decided to see if there has been any progress on the gem emerging.

White Diamond: pearl set course for Jupiter

After arriving on Jupiter

White Diamonds POV

the ground shook as I walked towards where I planted the gem and I seen a beautiful red gem a little shorter then me dressed in elegant clothing. But this wasn't just any gem this gem was like no gem I have seen before and I knew then that gem was Red Diamond.

I approached the gem slowly until I was close enough just enough for the gem to hear me. not knowing what the gem was yet capable of I spoke

Red gems POV

Everything was dark and then it was light i guess is the best way to explain it when i emerged there was no other exit holes so i guess I was the only one. I was confused and lost when.

Then this lady showed up she was like a beckon of light when she noticed me she just smiled and then she finally spoke

White Diamond: hello My Starlight

Red gem: um hello can you tell me who I am

White Diamond: you don't know who you are

Red gem: no

White Diamond: don't worry Starlight I will tell you who you are and so much more

Red Gem: who am I

White Diamond: You Starlight Are Red Diamond The First And Only One Their Has Ever Been

             Will White Diamond Tell Red Diamond The Truth About Why She Was Made.....
              Will White Diamond Tell Everyone Else Her True Intentions......

Authors Note: wassup y'all I feel like when I started I gave no information about Red Diamond So I Made A Backstory

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