6. From Tense to Intense

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I awoke from my shoulder being grasped and shaken, opening my eyes to darkness and confusion. As I lifted my head to orient, a hand stroked my back, and I screamed.

"You're safe with me, Kate."

"Lorne? Oh, God! Lorne!" I trembled and mashed my face into his chest. "Dreamt the Mafia had captured me. Taking turns raping me."

"That's why I woke you. My soothing had done nothing to ease your writhing and cursing."

"For how long?"

"Don't know. It awoke me a minute or so ago."


"No need to be sorry, Kate. None whatsoever. You've been dragged through a few hells the past while."

"Yeah." I blew a loud breath. "What time is it?"

"No idea." He pulled out his phone and thumbed in, the screen illuminating his face. "Twenty-one ten. We slept long. We've not eaten."

"And I need to – to go again."

"As do I." He unwrapped our cuddle, assisted me up from the couch, switched on some lights and led me into the master cabin. "You use this one again; I'll use one of the aft cabins."

As I sat, I took the pink case from my hoodie pouch and opened it. Damn! Forgot I had used the last one a while ago. Oh, God! Too many hours ago, now. Likely saturated. I glanced down at my panties. Yeah, just beginning to seep.

With it removed and bagged, I searched again for a garbage bin. Need to make this place woman-friendly. Shrugging, I put the bag in the case with the other used one. Then cleaned up, a lip wad wedged and my hands washed, I headed back to the salon.

Lorne greeted me with another hug as he said, "I've not eaten since breakfast, and I'm starving."

"Yeah, same with me. I need to go home and get –"

"That's not wise, Kate. They've likely identified your townhouse by now."

"How? They don't know my name."

"The news channel showed pictures of the dead woman. Fiftyish, frumpy and grey-haired, a far cry from your youthful, drop-dead-gorgeous and red-headed appearance. They'd dig."

"Ummm! I love how you see me, but how would they identify me from that?"

"If they're wise – and it's dangerous to think they're not – they would suspect the mismatched names and appearances."

"Yes, but from there? What use would that be to them – except to know they didn't kill me?" Oh, God! What a horrid thought. "But, they wouldn't know my name or where I am."

"The condo sale. The land title database is public, and the property transfer would show your name and contact information."

"Oh, fuck! Used the new townhouse address for that."

Lorne sighed. "Yeah, and they have Nathan's keys for it."

I shuddered. "Hold me, Lorne. Help me calm again."

A long while later, snuggled into him on the couch, I said, "My stomach's growling has added intensity to the cramps."

"Yeah, we need to eat. I could cook, or we could order in. But it's much faster if I go up to Urban Fare's hot bar."

"Ummm, yeah. I often use it when I've lost track of time following the muse. Also, while you're there, you could pick up a pack of Natracare for me – the super non-applicators – I'll pay you for it."

"Hunh?" Lorne shook his head. "You've lost me, Kate."

Yeah, no reason for him to be aware. Now's as good a time as any to introduce him to it. "Period product, Lorne. I've run out, and I'm now using a lip wad."

He tilted his head and furrowed his brow, "I'm now further confused."

I moved a hand to my belly. "My cycle. I've run out of tampons. Wedged some toilet paper between my lips."

"Oh!" He stroked my back. "I remember my sister with her – her time. How may I best comfort you?"

"Ummm! That's so sweet, Lorne." I reached up and stroked his bearded cheek. Maybe we can move from being only friends. But with Nathan so recently... I winced. Yeah, appearances and propriety. Cool it now, and let it unfold. "But hunger pangs have overtaken my cramps, and at the moment, food would be the best comfort."

"And some – hmmm –" He paused and looked up from my lap. "What was the product name?"

"Natracare super non-applicators. You'll find them along the aisle past the toilet paper and kitchen towels."

"And to eat? What would you like?"

"This time of evening, there's usually a large selection, and most of it is fresh. Surprise me. Choose what attracts you."

"Ummm! You attract me." He cupped his hands on the sides of my head and gently guided it until our lips met.

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