5. Bits and pieces

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Lorne's gentle hands slowly calmed me as I desperately tried to think of anything but Nathan. But my mind continued flashing with gruesome images. And questions. What had they done to him? Face beyond use? How had he provoked them to cause this? What did he...

A quiet murmur soothed me, and I focused on Lorne's words, "...stay here with you. I don't have to go."

"Mmmm, I'd like that. But what about identifying? You told them you would."

"If you have photos of his tattoos, any body piercings or prominent scars – whatever – we can attach them to an email. Save my having to visit the morgue."

I snuggled my face into his chest. "I don't know if I have any that would be of use. Haven't shot photos of him in a long time and never undressed. None that would show his tattoo or his –" I winced. "His mutilation."

"You could describe them. If enough of them – no – if there are no matches, they can dismiss the possibility."

"Yeah, we need to know. He has a tattoo at the top of his right arm just below the shoulder, an eagle with a snake in its beak. He said it was copied from an old Mexican coin."

"What size?"

"Almost the width of his shoulder."

Lorne released the hug and picked up his notepad and pen from the table. After jotting a short note, he looked up. "What else?"

"The rings around the rim of his left ear."

"Ummm." Lorne winced. "Need more than that."

"Hunh? Why? Not obvious from a distance, but up close, they're distinctive."

Lorne set down the pad and pen and wrapped me in another hug. Then after a long pause, he sighed and whispered, "Decapitated. Head's not been found."

I fought to control my gag, the sting of bile burning as I repeatedly swallowed. When again under control, I croaked through my ragged throat, "Monsters! We're dealing with monsters, not mobsters."

"Yeah, and we need to help the police find and stop them."

"Ummm. First, I need a glass of water to clear my mouth and throat."

A while later, refreshed and a bit calmer, I said, "We should complete the list. He has an appendectomy scar, but with his soft belly, it looks closer to a second navel."

When Lorne had noted that, he asked, "Anything else?"

"Beads, many large beads implanted in his –" I winced and blew a loud breath. "In his penis."

"Yeah, this should be more than enough." He took his phone from his pocket, thumbed in, tapped call and recent, then tapped again.

While he waited for it to be answered, I said, "Put it on speaker, Lorne. I want to know too. There's no need for you to filter now."

"Ummm. You sure?"

I paused to assess the stability of my stomach while reviewing recent events and information, swallowing a few times. "Yeah, I can handle whatever shit comes."


I listened to the beeps, then a click and a voice. "VGH Morgue. How may we assist you?"

"Lorne Wilson here. I spoke with Dr Morin a few minutes ago about identifying the body found in the West 7th fire this afternoon. I have more information."

"I'll put you through to him."

After a click and some short burrs, a voice said, "Jay Morin."

"Lorne Wilson. We spoke a while ago about the headless body from the fire. The situation here is too tense to leave, but I can give you a verbal description from the missing person's wife."

"Yes, anything will help. What have you?"

"Most unusual are the many large beads implanted in the penis."

"The genitals had been severed, and they didn't accompany the recovered remains."

I slapped a hand to my mouth and blew out my cheeks.

Lorne grimaced. "Appears they're copying the fictional Mafia trope."

"Yeah, or the Mexican cartels. What else have you?"

"On the right shoulder, a large eagle tattoo with a snake – like on Mexican silver pesos."

"Good! That's one of our two prime markers."

I choked back puke while Lorne continued, "Also, a flabby belly with an appendectomy scar that resembles a navel."

"Yes, the other prime marker." There was a pause before Dr Morin continued, "We can match that to his medical records, but with everything else, we've now more than sufficient to confirm."

"Do you need anything else from me?"

"A written statement for the record. Also, his doctor's name, so we can access his files."

"I'll send those tomorrow. More pressing matters at the moment."

"No rush. Thanks for your assistance. Might I refer her to a grief counsellor?"

"Thank you. It's well in hand. But for the ongoing investigation, it would be best if you keep the ID confidential. There appear to be some real heavies involved in this."

"VPD requested the same."

"Yes, of course, they would have. I'm not thinking straight at the moment. Again, thank you."

"And you."

Lorne clicked off and pocketed his phone. "Sorry, that was heavier than I thought it would be."

I shook my head. "Listening to you calmly going through it while I was choking back puke. Doesn't crap like this affect you?"

"Deeply. To the core of my being. I'm a mess inside."

"You don't show it."

"My legal training. My role as Crown counsel. A crust I've needed to develop and maintain."

I spread my arms. "Come, we both need a hug."

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