Avoiding WW3

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Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed the last chapter. Here’s the new one, vote and comment bellow what you think!

Someone asked for a picture of Melody, so here's one >>>

“Hey Sutton, who’s at the doo-“

Mark stopped abruptly when he noticed who was standing outside the house. I peeked up at him just in time to see his face twist into a scowl.

“I was just stopping by to say sorry, but I’ll be going now,” Colton said calmly, but I could tell that he knew Mark wasn’t his biggest fan.

Colton turned around to leave but that would have been much too easy. “Apologize for what?” Mark asked swinging his arm over my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and tried to scoot away from him. Colton swung back around, his face expressionless. “Oh, I brought up something I shouldn’t have, it was an accident, I thought I would let her know but now that she does, I’ll just-“

“What did you bring up?” he questioned.

All right, that was it. “Hey Mark, why don’t you mind your own business and get out of mine.”

I surprised myself as the words left my mouth, but I was glad to let him know how I felt. I was in no position to have to deal with an overly protective brotherly figure, especially one I never was supposed to have.

“Is this about you kissing her, because if-“

“I think you should listen to Sutton man,” Colton stated calmly, not taking his eyes from mine.

I gave him a small smile as if to tell him I were sorry, but I knew everything else was about to get worse. Mark’s body stiffened and he sighed.

“Well hey man, why don’t you come in and watch a movie with us,” he suggested, and I practically coughed up the non-existent water I was drinking.

“Yeah, Mark I think he’s busy and I know I have some homework to do and what not…”

 Colton looked a little nervous. “Yeah, I have stuff to do too, and I wouldn’t want to impose.”

“No, it’s totally fine, Sutton you don’t mind do you?” Mark asked, knowing that he couldn’t completely invite someone into my house without my permission.

Putting a fake smile on my face, I nodded. “Of course not.”

Colton turned around and peered at his motorcycle as if he knew there was no getting out of this. I was hoping with all my heart that he needed to be somewhere, or he would lie, but of course that wasn’t possible.

“I guess I have a little time on my hands,” Colton stated turning around and giving me a very small but hopeful smile.

Mark pulled the door open wider and Colton stepped inside. I shrugged Mark’s shoulder off my back and trudged into the kitchen, and then into the family room. I sat down in the middle of the couch, hoping that Colton would take the chair and Mark would sit next to me, but of course that didn’t happen.

They both squeezed in right next to me, their legs pressed against mine. Cringing at the awkward silence, I picked up the remote and when straight to the movie channels. “So what do you guys want to watch?” I said finally, flipping through some of the newer movies.

Colton shrugged. “Whatever works for you two?”

“How about something with action and explosives,” Mark said.

I decided on one of the mission impossible movies and quickly took out my phone to send Vee an SOS text. Both the guys were too interested in the movie to notice.

“So Colton, I heard you got suspended last semester. How’d you manage that?” Mark questioned, his voice coming out cold and the exact opposite of friendly.

I slowly let my head rest against the back of the couch cushion, praying to myself that this unexpected get together wouldn’t turn into WW3.

“Well that’s a funny story actually-“

“Doesn’t sound too funny, I mean suspension is a serious thing. Aren’t you looking into collages now and trying to-“

I cut Mark off at the sound of knocking at the front door. “Oh that must be Vee, I texted her to come join us. I’ll get it.”

Scrambling off the sofa as fast as I could, I ran to the front door and was happy to see both Vee and Blaine waiting outside with popcorn. “You have no idea how great it is to see you two,” I said hugging them each.

Blaine laughed. “Oh, we’re not too surprised; the desperate look on your face gave it all away.”

Vee laughed. “Sutton you left those two alone in your house?”

At the thought of leaving Mark and Colton alone, I hurried Vee and Blaine into the house and walked them over to the living room. Both the guys were sitting stiffly where I left them. Colton’s face was expressionless while Mark’s held a certain irritated look.

Sadly, I reassumed my place on the coach. Both the boys broad shoulders made me feel like I was confined to only a small space- oh wait I was. Colton lifted up his arm as I sat down and then lowered his hand onto part of my thigh as I got settled.

I peered at him out of the corner of my eye, and from the grin on the corner of his lips I knew he was doing it only to make me and Mark uncomfortable. And these were the times I wanted to Ring Colton Jones neck.

Mark noticed his hand and immediately stiffened. “So, Colton I think you were about to explain how you got suspended, right?”

“Yeah, and like I was saying, it was a pretty funny story. Mr. Green my history teacher has a strange phobia of rollie pollie bugs. I thought it was really funny, I mean they’re quit harmless and sort of cute when they roll into the little balls. So, I might have set loss a few of them in his class.”

“A few,” Vee questioned?

“Well a couple hundred.”

“Oh man I think I saw him that day, he ran out of his classroom while I was in the hallway screaming some sort of gibberish. Funniest thing I ever saw!” Blaine said with a chuckle.

A question tugged at the corner of my mind, but I refused to say anything. I didn’t want Mark to think that I was at all interested in Colton’s prank.

“So how did you get caught?” Vee asked taking her eyes off the screen and turning towards Colton.

Colton shrugged. “I think someone snitched, but they found a few empty jars in my locker and put two and two together.”

I could still feel the presence of his hand on my thigh, and the burning sensation it caused made my stomach flutter nervously. Why was he even doing this? His sudden interest in me couldn’t have come at a worse time. It didn’t make sense; no one ever paid any attention to me. I was practically translucent standing next to an ordinary person.

“Sutton what do you think about the prank? Was it worth being suspended over?” Mark asked coldly.

Sighing, I looked at him and then over to Colton. If I said yes, then Mark would probably think I was already getting into Colton’s pants, but if I said no, then Colton would think I was some little baby unable to stand up for myself.

I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know, if you’re into that sort of stuff. It would have been funny to see it I guess.”

Marks eyes formed into little tiny slits as he went back to face the television screen.

 Silence fell over us, but Blaine spoke up to end the awkward silence. “So Colton, have you pulled any other cool pranks?”

At this, Colton’s face lit up and he started to explain the interesting and very creative pranks he had pulled over the three years of his high school life. Blaine and Colton seemed like best friends after only a few minutes of talking. They were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn’t realize the movie had ended and the credits had started rolling.

I stood up, and Colton’s hand slid off my thigh and back onto the coach. He finally pulled away from his conversation to notice Mark standing up too. “Well man, I think you should probably get going, it’s getting a little late.”

Mark’s words were not at all polite, but Colton nodded his head and stood up. Before I could register what was happening, he pulled me into a tight hug. I stiffened in surprise, and couldn’t help but notice how good he smelt as he released me.

“It was fun seeing you Sutton, and nice meeting you guys.”

After nodding towards Blaine and giving Vee a warm smile, Colton headed off towards the front door. Mark stood in place and glared at me across the room. Then I did something I didn’t expect and followed Colton outside. I could hear Mark call my name, but I ignored him.

Colton was already putting on his helmet when I met him by his motorcycle. “Colton,” I called as he started up the engine.

He turned his head and a grin spread across his face. “Decided you couldn’t be without me? I bet you’ve been dying to take a ride on this bad boy,” he said looking down at his jet black bike.

Frowning, I tried to make out the jumbled thoughts in my head. “No look Colton, I came to apologize for Mark’s behavior. He was very unreasonable, and I’m sorry he pulled you into tonight.”

He shrugged his shoulders. “I actually didn’t mind it. Why does he treat you like you’re his girlfriend?”

“Why did you come here today?” I blurted without even thinking.

“I told you why, I came to-“

“Why are you even talking to me? I don’t get it, your type doesn’t mix with mine, its how the world works. Maybe it should stay that way.”

Colton’s lips formed a frown, and he actually looked a little offended. “Our kind? Why, because I don’t get straight A’s and follow all the rules? Why is it so hard for you to except that I might want to get to know you?”

I shook my head. “Because it just doesn’t happen, people like me and you don’t hang out. And it doesn’t make sense; I’ve seen you before, why all the sudden do you take an interest in me?”

“Why do you think everyone looks past you and right to your sister?” he asked immediately, bringing up a topic I really didn’t like.

“Because they do, or did, especially guys like you, so it’s probably best if you don’t come by again. Like I said, I’m sorry for Mark, goodbye Colton.”

Without another word or glance, I swung around and headed towards the house. The familiar feel of my chest tightening and my breath catching hit me fast, and as soon as I made it to the house and shut the door I collapsed to the ground with a thud.

Mark and Blaine submerged from the family room as I tried, and failed to intake any air. They both rushed to my side, Mark lifting me up from the ground. I tried again and again to catch my breath, but nothing came. Little white dots appeared in my vision as my chest tightened even more; it was a painful feeling I was used to.

“Call 911 now!” Blaine shouted to Vee who already had her phone out.

Mark lowered me to the ground and my vision became a hazy mess. The last thing I saw before blacking out was exploding white dots.

 Well this wasn't edited, so sorry for the mistakes. If you like the story, please tell your friends and have them check it out! Love you all, vote and comment please! 

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