After Visiting Hours

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This is unedited, beware! Please vote and what not, and enjoy! 

“Just tell her I stopped by.”

The sounds of footsteps echoing off the walls filled my ears. I tried to open my eyes, but my head pounded with so much force I squeezed them shut.

“Just throw out the flowers.”

A masculine voice filled the room, and I recognized it to be Mark.

“No, he brought her flowers she should know.”

Vee’s voice was just as recognizable.

“He’s the reason for her attack, I know he is. He just needs to leave her alone.”

Trying to concentrate on anything but the voices, I peeled open my eyes slowly. This time, the pounding in my head was only a small ache, and I managed to make out the hospital room. Like always, I was hooked up to an IV next to a little beeping machine.

Vee stood next to my bed, looking at Mark who was pacing by back and forth by the door. A small snoring sound made me look over to where Blaine was snoozing in an uncomfortable looking arm chair. God that kid could sleep anywhere.

“I mean, I can believe he-“


Vee must have noticed my eyes were open because she cut Mark off before he could say anything stupid. I pulled myself up into a sitting position as Mark walked over to the side of the bed.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

I put a hand to my stomach just as it growled. “Hungry.”

Vee smiled. “Your mom and dad are picking up your favorite backed potato soup from across the street. They should be back soon.”

Nodding my head, I looked around the room noticing a small vase with beautiful yellow and white roses. “Who brought the flowers?” I suddenly questioned, thinking back to Vee and Marks bickering.

Oh please don’t be…

“Colton,” Vee said suddenly earning an evil glare from Mark.

Sighing, I closed my eyes and rested my head against the pillow. I wanted Colton to leave me alone just as much as Mark did. Well, maybe, I wasn’t sure but I didn’t need to think about boys at a time like this.

“Well seeing as that I’m awake, we should probably get going,” I stated sitting up and swinging my feet over the bed.

Vee’s eyes went wide and Mark grabbed my arm. “No, you have to stay overnight Sutton, the doctor said so.”

Tugging my arm back, I tried to hide my irritation. “What do you mean, I’ve never had to stay the night before. It was just a little-“

“You passed out, and the paramedics said that they were lucky they got to you in time. You weren’t breathing Sutton, you could have died.”

I hadn’t even known Blaine was awake, but his words sent chills down my back. My eyes slipped over to where he was standing by the arm chair. His face shown a grim expression, but then he suddenly smiled.

“But you didn’t, you’re a trooper!”

Rushing over to me, he plopped down on the bed and slung his arm over my shoulder. “So what movies are we going to watch because I’m staying all night!”

“Oh no you’re not.”

Everyone’s gaze darted up to the door where my mother and father stood. My father was a very large man, past six foot with dark brown hair and a very large nose. My mother was practically the opposite, short with light blonde hair and a cute little button nose. My sister and I had inherited our height and nose from her, but Melody had snatched up the eye and hair color too.

All in all, I loved both my parents dearly, and I wouldn’t know where I would be without them. “Hi mom, hi dad,” I greeted sending them a smile.

I could tell from the worry lines in my mother’s forehead that I had caused her quite a scare. She smiled down at my before walking over to the side of the bed. “How do you feel hun, we brought you your favorite soup if you’re hungry.”

The smell of baked potato and cheesy goodness filled my nose. “I’ll take that!”


I was clicking away at my laptop when a little clattering nose filled the hospital room. My mother was nice enough to bring me some stuff for the night, but I had insisted that both her an my father slept at home comfortably in their own bed.

Truthfully, the hospital was a little creepy at night, and I made the nurse shut my room door when she left. The only light in the room was illuminating through the screen of my computer and it gave off an eerie glow. Thankfully, the doctor had unhooked me from the usual machines, but had insisted that I stayed the night.

It didn’t make sense, but I couldn’t really argue. My stomach growled and I frowned. Although the baked potato had filled me up, I hadn’t gotten my usual late night snack and I was hungry. The thought instantly vanished when another clattering sound filled my room.

My eyes snapped over to the window. The drapes were pulled back, and at the sight of a dark figure, my heart practically leapt out of my chest. Before I could even scream, the figure was illuminated by a small light and a familiar face pressed against the glass.

I would have laughed at the sight of Colton Jones smashed face if my heart weren’t beating so fast. Taking a deep breath, I sat up and walked over to the window. Sadly, I was still wearing a hospital gown and I felt a little naked in just one piece of cloth and my black underwear. I took off my bra and tossed in on the chair after everyone had left, so after I cracked the window I crossed my arms over my chest.

“What the hell are you doing?” I whisper hissed as a cool breeze blew into the room.

Colton’s smile only spread. “Ha nice getup,” he gestured to my outfit and I rolled my eyes.

“Seriously, it’s like eleven o’clock at night, visiting hours are way over dude, what are you doing here?”

Before I could push him back out the window, or convince him not to come in, Colton climbed through the window making as little noise as possible. Cringing at every sound he made, I hoped that none of the night nurses had heard him.

Colton finally made it through the window and he straightened himself out. “This is sort of cozy for a hospital room.”

Trying not to roll my eyes again, I turned around and marched over to my bed.

“Cute undies,” he said right as I felt a breeze pass over my open back night clothes.

Ignoring his comment, I tried to hide my red cheeks as I got in bed by turning my laptop away so that the screen wasn’t facing me. Colton was still standing by the window.

“Is there any particular reason why you’re here? Don’t you have something better to do? I mean I was pretty rude to you earlier today and yet you’re here.”

“Well I wanted to see if you were okay,” he stated coolly.

I raised an eyebrow. “Why didn’t you come during visiting hours?”

“I did, you were asleep and Mark made me leave. Well he didn’t make me, no one can make me do anything but I didn’t want to punch the kid.”

For some reason, the corner of my lips moved up at the thought of Colton punching Mark. It’s not that I really wanted him to hurt Mark, but he was getting on my nerves and someone needed to tell him to back off my life. If this was how he was with my sister, I don’t understand how she even tolerated him.

“I left you some flowers,” he said after I didn’t respond.

“I know,” I replied without thanking him.

If it took me being rude to get him to leave me alone, that’s what I would do. Colton once again ignored my comment and sat in the arm chair across the room. I soaked in his handsome features through the bad lighting; his strong jaw line and beautiful blue eyes. Even the was his back muscles moved when he did made me feel nervous.

Whoa, I noticed his back muscles?

Shaking the thought from my head I looked down at my hands. “So how are you feeling?” he asked getting up from the chair and walking across the room.

He sat down on the edge of my bed, and I felt myself shift towards the weight change. I shrugged my shoulders. “Fine, they just made me stay the night.”

Colton smiled. “How’s the food been?”

“Oh just delicious,” I replied sarcastically, still aware that I never got my late night snack.

He smiled. “I thought you’d say that.”

Reaching into his leather jacket pocket, he pulled out a bag of sour patch kids and a cookies and cream Hershey’s bar. My eyes immediately widened at my two favorite snacks. How had he known?

“Are you sure you’re not stalking me?” I asked looking down at the candy.

My stomach growled right before Colton laughed. “No, I just have really good taste in candy, why do you like these?” he asked looking down at the food.

I nodded my head. “They’re my favorite.”

He smiled. “God I’m good.”

“You’re arrogance makes you even more unattractive,” I said with a little smile.

Colton laughed. “You know I’m attractive, and so do I.”

Rolling my hands, I reached out for the food but he pulled back. “Wait, I’ll give you the food under one condition.”

Sitting back against my pillow, I crossed my arms over my chest. “You hang out with me this weekend, I have something cool planned for you.”

“I’d starve before hanging out with you,” I stated with a chuckle.

He grabbed at his heart like he was hurt. “Oh come on Sutton!”




“Not even for this delicious candy?”

I kept my face straight. “No.”

Colton didn’t look defeated as he stood and walked over to the window. With one wide grin on his face, he grasped the top of the window before pushing it down with all his force. The sound echoed through the room and I was too shocked to even move.

His smile grew even wider as he pulled up the window and slammed it shut again. “Stop!” I finally hissed knowing that the sound must have notified a nurse somewhere around the hospital.

He laughed. “So you’ll go then?’

I shook my head stubbornly. He reached for the widow again as the sound of footsteps filled my ears. “Not don’t I’ll go okay, but no matter what, it is not a date!”

Colton fist pumped into the air. “Get out of here now!” I demanded.

Laughing, he chucked the candy at my bed before waving goodbye and climbing out the window. He shut it behind him, and I immediately turned my computer off and lay down on the bed. My eyes closed just as my door opened. I held my breath until the sound of retreating footsteps echoed around the walls in my room.

Colton Jones was so dead. 

Hey so sorry for any mistakes. 

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