School Project?

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Hey everyone, sorry it was a busy week, and a long weekend! Anyway, schooling coming to an end, thankfully, but when exam week comes around I might not be able to upload for a while, so I’ll warn you when that is coming. Anyway, here’s the new chapter, enjoy! Sorry for that wait!


Thankfully the next morning my mother picked me up bright and early for school. The doctor had okayed me to go, and I was happy that I was getting back into the normal schedule of things.

“This is my jam turn it up!” Blain hollered as he leaned over to make sure Mark didn’t change the station.

The lyrics to Sail came blasting through the stereo and Blaine hollered out the words very out of tune. “You should just stick to listening, or maybe humming,” Mark suggested cringing at the awful noise Blaine was making.

I silently agreed with him as we pulled into the school parking lot. “Hey Sutton me and my friends are having a little thing this weekend, you should come and hang out. It would be fun.”

This was really the first time Mark had invited me anywhere, unless it included tagging along with him and Melody, but the thought of being surrounded by people who just pitied me sounded so fun…

And then there was Colton.

“Ah I think I’m just staying home this weekend,” I stated casually, knowing that it would probably end up a lie.

I could just refuse to go with Colton, but then again I had promised him, and I wasn’t the kind of person to break promises. Then again, it was Colton Jones and he made me crazy.

“Aw come on it will be fun!”

“Yeah come on!” Blaine chimed in.

I groaned. “No”

“It will take your mind off things,” Mark added as he pulled into a prime parking spot and turned off the car.

I shook my head. “You know what guys, I really don’t think that’s my scene. And you don’t have to act like you want to hang out with me, it’s not like you cared before-“

I almost added before Melody died, but that would have been a little un-called for and unnecessary. It was the slightest bit true, but it wasn’t something you should just say out of the blue.

Without waiting for either of them to answer, I stepped out of the car and made my way up to school. Luckily for them, and unluckily for me they had long legs and caught up right as I was walking through the doors.

“Wait Sutton don’t say that, it’s really not like that,” Mark said immediately.

Blaine nodded. “We just want to make sure you’re okay, and I guess you’re not that bad.”

The smile on his face was true, but I still wasn’t in the mood. “Yeah well I’m fine. How many times do I have to say it? I’m capable of taking care of myself, just like I always have. Now will you two please stop acting like just because Melody is dead I need to be supervised twenty four seven.”

“Whoa I sense some intense stuff from the looks on all your faces.”

At the sound of Vee’s voice, I felt a little better inside. She must not have heard what I had said, but it was probably for the best.

“Look Sutton we’ll leave you alone if you just come to this party. It will be good for you, really.”

The pleading look on Blaine’s face made me realize how harsh I had been acting, and how they really were just trying to help.

“Fine but if I want to come home, one of you is driving.”

They both fist pumped into the air and turned around to walk to their classes. Vee and I rolled our eyes. “He does know that our class is this way, right?” I asked as Vee walked me to homeroom.

She shrugged her shoulders. “You never know with him…”


After my first three classes I went straight to my media studies class where I was unhappily greeted with a new seating chart. And of course Colton was right next to me.

“Let me guess, you begged the teacher for a new seating chart, and might have mentioned that you wanted to sit by me,” I said sarcastically as I sat down in the back row next to Colton.

His grin only grew wider. “No actually I just asked.”

Rolling my eyes, I faced the front of the room and listened as the teacher tried to talk over all the students. The bell rang and everyone went silent.

“So students, today I’m assigning that big project, and since you have new seats, your table partner will be partnered with you for the project. That way, you can get to know them,” Mr. Renalds stated and more than half the glass groaned in frustration.

I was one of those students groaning, even though the thought of making a film with Colton didn’t sound too bad. God what was I thinking, this was going to be horrible.

“Now I passed out the rubric and everything the other day, and it all still stands the same. It’s your choice of film, and no Noah, pornos don’t count. It can be a nature film, a documentary, you name it. Use the devices listed and the rest of the year is yours to master this project!”

Mr. Renalds seemed overly happy about the project, while in my mind I was thinking about any option available.

“So I was thinking a nature film, which would probably be easiest. Just film and narrate,” I suggested, turning to face Colton.

His eyes were already on me, and I couldn’t help but feel trapped in his gaze. “But that’s so boring.”

I bit my lip in frustration, of course compromising with Colton wouldn’t go well. He was just too stubborn

“You’re cute when you bite your lip,” he said casually, looking back up at the board.

I felt my face growing warm and slouched in my chair to hide it. “Oh and when you blush.”

“Do you have to point out every little thing? Because it’s really annoying and it’s not helping the situation. We need to figure out what we’re doing for this project!” I snapped crossing my arms over my chest.

“Sutton, you have to learn to get along with Colton, you two will be partners awfully long,” my teacher cut in.

Frowning, I turned to face Colton. Mr. Renalds gave me a stern look, and my frown instantly vanished and the fakest smile I could manage appeared on my face. “So, what were you thinking then?” I asked.

Colton smiled. “I have an idea, but I’ll show you this weekend.”

My eyes widened at the mention of this weekend. What if he wanted to hang out the same day as the party I already promised to go to with Mark and Blaine?

“About that-“

“You’re not ditching out are you?” he asked suddenly, the smile on his face falling.

I sighed. “Look I forgot.”

“Come on Sutton, just think of it as time towards our project, and you sort of promised.”

Well I guess Mark and Blaine would still be happy, even if I showed up to the party a little late. And it was for school.

“Okay, Friday after school then,” I said.

I caught the teacher sending Colton a little wink. Why did Mr. Renalds have to like him?

“So join me for lunch?” Colton asked as the bell rang.

I gathered up my stuff and decided that not answering would be the best. Obviously no matter what I did, Colton wouldn’t leave me alone. Even after I pretty much told him to get lost, he showed up at the hospital after hours to bribe me into hanging out.

“Mark will be at lunch, he might not think that’s a good idea,” I mentioned as I followed the flow of traffic to the lunch room.

Colton laughed. “When are you going to stop caring what he thinks? And does he hate me so much? It’s not like I do drugs or sell them. And I’ve never been to jail.”

A laugh escaped my lips. “I actually really would have loved to see that joke you pulled on that teacher.”

He smiled. “It was a pretty go idea wasn’t it.”

I nodded my head as we entered the lunch room. “It was very creative to say the least.”

Vee was immediately by my side and her arm was hooked around mine in seconds. “Ah yeah I got you your usual so you can just come with me,” he said sending Colton a small smile.

“Great well I’ll just join you two ladies after I grab some food.”

Without another word, Colton took off towards the line and Vee pulled me to our usual table. Blaine and Mark nodded as we walked past their table, and I sent them a small smile.

“What was that about? Did you invite him to sit with is?” she asked.

I shook my head. “Ah no he invited himself actually.”

Vee rolled her eyes. “So about that party on Friday, want to ride together?”

Oh crap, what would I tell her?

“Yeah about that, I might be a little late. School stuff…”

Well at least it was some of the truth….

Sorry everyone for this horrible chapter, I realize that’s a little boring. I kept re writing it and finally I just pumped out this. Please don’t hate me.!

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