Back To School

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Hey everyone, here's the new chapter! Picture of Mark to the side>>>

After everyone had left our house, Mark, Blaine and Vee had talked me into watching a movie with them. She's The Man was one of my all-time favorite movies, and because Amanda Bynes did an exceptional job playing both her and her brother, I found myself enjoying the show.

I laughed at the funny parts, and just hearing the sound of my laughter was weird. Half way through the movie, I found myself falling asleep against Blaine's shoulder. Mark nudged me awake near the ending credits and Vee and I walked upstairs to my bedroom.

"Sutton, I picked out something for you to wear to school tomorrow, and I got your back pack ready," she said as we made our way up the second flight of stairs.

Vee was one voluptuous girl, with short brown had and golden brown skin. She had even more curves than Melody. Two light brown eyes stared back at me and I nodded my head.

As we passed Melody's room, I had to refrain from going inside and collapsing on her bed. It was only seven thirty at night, but I was exhausted from the long day. I slipped on a pair of shorts and put a sports bra on before climbing into my queen bed next to Vee.

She snuggled up against my side and we both quickly fell asleep.


It was the first time sleeping in my bed since the night of the party, and I couldn't quite get comfortable. As quietly as possible, I pulled away from the covers and crept across the hall into Melody's room. I just about had a heart attack when I found Mark snuggled up in her blankets, snoring softly.

My mother let him stay the night? No, that didn't sound right. The answer came to me when I found the window at the other side of the room slightly cracked open. Melody had been sneaking Mark in using the tall Willow outside her window for years, and now Mark was using it to his advantage.

I guess that meant no sleep for me tonight. Frowning, I made my way towards the door. "Stay."

The sound of Mark's sleepy voice had me creeping back towards the bed. He scooted over, and there was plenty of room on her queen bed. I nestled into the familiar covers and buried my face into her pillow. Soon enough, the warmth radiating off Mark's body and the familiar feel of my sisters bed had me fast asleep.


Morning came much faster than I wanted, and by the time I woke up Mark was gone and Vee was already done getting ready. She didn't seem upset that I had migrated to melody's room, but she did push me to get going.

"Come on, jump in the shower and meet me downstairs. I promised your mom I would get you up in time for school today," she stated throwing a towel at me.

The warmth of Melody's bed practically begged me to stay, but I knew that I had to get back to school eventually, and today would be the day. Sighing, I pulled myself up and trudged over to my bathroom. After turning on the hot water, I stripped my night clothes and jumped under the shower head.

After washing my hair and body, I stood under the flow of the water hoping that is I stayed in long enough, I would turn into a wrinkled raisin. "Come on Sutton! Breakfast is almost ready!" Vee shouted, banging on the bathroom door a couple of times.

I reluctantly turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my dripping wet body. I avoided the mirror at all costs as I opened the bathroom door into my room. Me and Melody were both lucky to have bathrooms connected to our rooms, it was something I always appreciated.

The clothes Vee picked were lying out on the bed. I pulled on the faded dark blue jeans after putting on my undergarments. Then I shrugged on the off the shoulder sweater and made my way downstairs, the smell of eggs and bacon filling my nose.

"Morning," my father greeted me, and he even managed a small smile.

I returned the favor with a kiss and sat down at the table next to Vee. She was in her usual get up, a pair of dark blue jeans, a vibrant yellow shirt and a colorful scarf her mother made for her. We always joked around that she looked like a rainbow, always wearing every color in one outfit.

"Hun, I talked to your teachers yesterday, they said all your makeup homework has been excused," my mother informed me placing a plate full of delicious food in front of me.

"Really? Because I'm sure it won't be a problem making it up," I said truthfully taking my fork and piercing a piece of sausage.

My mother shook her head. "They understand our, well situation and think it's reasonable to let this slide."

I didn't argue with her any further, and even though I didn't want any special treatment from anyone it was nice knowing I wouldn't have to make up the past four days. After taking one bite of my eggs, my stomach seemed full and I stood up from the table.

"I'm going to go grab my bag and do something with my hair, I'll meet you outside Vee," I said before turning to go upstairs.

"But you barely touched your food," my best friend argued, her mouth currently full of eggs.

"I'm not hungry."

I took the steps two at a time and stopped in front of Melody's door. It was already cracked open, so I pushed through and into her room. I made my way towards her closet and pulled out a pair of her old brown boots. She always let me wear them, and I couldn't help but shove me feet into them before heading to go get my bag.

I passed her dresser and stopped in front of her favorite perfume. After applying one spray to the cuff of my sweater, I shut her door behind me and went to my room. Maybe every once in a while I would be able to breath in her familiar scent and I would be able to make it through the day. I quickly grabbed my bag and threw my hair up into a messy bun. Remembering what my mom said the day of the memorial, and Colton's comment about how I looked like I had been locked in a cellar for days, I applied a quick coat of blush and mascara.

Finally a little happy with how I looked, I made my way downstairs and said goodbye to my parents. I rushed out the door, and in no time Vee and I were off to school. "Everyone's going to be looking at me," I said as we pulled up to the school parking lot.

Vee shrugged her shoulders. "Give them something to look at."

"There's not much to see," I mumbled to myself as I opened the car door and stepped outside.

Sure enough, I felt the parking lot go quiet, and the stares of everyone. I lifted the end of my sleeve to my nose and inhaled Melody's scent. It instantly calmed my breathing and I slammed Vee's door shut.

Keeping my head high, I walked around the other side of the car and Vee hooked arms with me. We made our way towards the front doors with millions of eyes glued to us. "I picked a good day to wear makeup," she joked and I found myself smiling.

Like usual, we departed at my locker and I made my way to homeroom without her. Sadly, homeroom was a mixture of all four grades, and I knew Melody's friends would be in there. I stepped into an empty classroom luckily and made my way to my usual seat in the back. Mark was in this class, but I was surprised when he entered with his group of friends and sat by me. He usually sat in the front with all the popular seniors.

"Hey Sutton," he said pulling his chair so he was closer to me.

We both shared the same gloomy expression as I replied. "Hey Mark."

The classroom was silenced at the sight of me and Mark together. It wasn't shocking really, he talked to me every once in a while, it was the fact that we both had Melody in common. I wanted to hide behind my backpack as the rest of the students filled in, eyes on me.

"Everyone take a seat please, it's good to have you back Ms. Bran," my home room teacher Mr. Tisher said as he walked into class.

I smiled up at him the best I could, and he smiled back. I still felt like I had something on my face as some kids made it obvious that they were turned around, eyes trained on me.

"Mr. Tisher, isn't it appropriate that everyone faces the front once you enter the room? As pretty as Ms. Bran over there is, I don't think it's quite polite to stare," someone said from the other side of class. I knew his voice.

I felt my cheeks grow warm as I peeked over to the left where Colton sat awaiting a reply from the teacher. I had almost forgotten he was in some of my classes. A few students who had been watching me looked over at him.

"Mr. Jones is right everyone, please face the front," the teacher said.

Colton looked over his shoulder with a grin. As much as I appreciated him getting everyone to look away, I didn't like the fact that he had embarrassed me even more.

"What's that all about?" Mark asked me, leaning over.

I shrugged my shoulders before looking back at Colton. His broad back faced me, and for some reason I wanted to see his handsome face.

"Are you wearing Melody's perfume?"

Mark's question took me by surprise, and I turned to face him wide eyes. "No, this shirt was in her closet, it must just smell like it," I lied.

Was it bad that I had worn her perfume? I just needed something to remind me that she would always be here. Mark turned back to face the front of the class, and once again I brought the sleeve of my shirt up to my nose for some reassurance.

Finally, the short homeroom period ended with the ring of a bell. Everyone stood to leave, and both me and Mark stood up at the same time. I watched as Colton left the room, but he turned around at the last moment and waved me goodbye with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Hey look Sutton, I promised your sister to always look after you, and you should know that Colton's bad news."

I almost didn't hear Mark's words because I was still caught up in the moment and I picked up my bag and followed him out of the room. "I don't need you to watch over me, I'm not a little girl."

He sighed. "Look, trust me I know you're not a little girl anymore, but Colton isn't the type of guy you need to get involved with. Melody would kill me if I let him taint you."

Taint me? What was Mark thinking, he knew me better then to pin me as a girl to hang with Colton. He might have stolen my first kiss out of surprise, but that's all he was getting.

"Look don't worry about me, I'm a big girl and can make good decisions," I said turning away from him and towards my second hour.

Mark grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Just promise me to stay away from him Sutton."

Rolling my eyes I said, "I promise to stay away from Colton Jones. Now let me get to class."

I yanked my arm back and turned in the direction of bio. Walking the halls weren't any better than being in the classroom, everyone still managed to stare at me like I was some freak of nature. I had almost made it to class when Blaine stopped me.

"Hey Sutton," he said throwing his arm over my shoulder and leading me in another direction.

I tried to go back in the direction of my classroom, but he pulled me along with him. I mean, it might have been easier if I weren't so short, and Blaine so tall. "I have to get to class Blaine," I complained hating the idea of walking into class late.

Then everyone would be sure to stare at me. I could just picture how red my face would be. "Look don't hate me but I've been sent to get you on a top secret mission," Blaine stated lowering his voice a little.

I frowned up at him. "Yes and what would be your top secret mission?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

He stopped in his tracks and faced forward. I followed his gaze and stared at the door in front of us. A small plaque was bolted to the wood, and the letters engraved on it read out Guidance Counselor. I pulled away from Blaine and gasped.

"How could you bring me here! You know I didn't want to talk to some stupid assho-"

"Hello Ms. Bran, it's good to see you."

At the sound of someone with authority, I looked back to the door. It was now opened, and our school guidance counselor Mrs. Harvey stood tall. "Thank you Blaine, I just wanted to chat with Sutton for a class period."

Blaine smiled up at her, and I could tell from the blush spreading across his cheeks that he had a little crush on the guidance counselor. I made sure to give him my best glare as he left in the opposite direction.

"Please Sutton, step inside my office."


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