I'm Fine.

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Chapter four:

Hey everyone, let me just stress that Mark is NOT dating Sutton, he was Melody’s boyfriend and acts like a protective older brother to Sutton. Some people were wondering, so I thought I’d make it clear, even though I already explained everything in the first chapter. I’ve had a really busy week, I’m working on crew for the musical and it’s like four hours or longer every night.

Please vote and tell me what you think! I don’t want to rush this story; I’ll be taking my time. I feel like some of my other stories have been a little rushed, and I want this one to be more…or should I say less rushed. Sutton and Colton aren’t going to fall in love in the next chapter, so don’t expect that.

 Pic of Vee to the side>>

Unhappily, I stepped inside the guidance office and looked around the room for the first time. It wasn’t as gloomy and gray as I expected. A few picture stands were scattered around the room, showcasing Mrs. Harvey’s husband and kids. The walls were painted a light blue color, and the nasty green carpet made me feel like I was standing outside.

“You can have a seat,” the women told me, walking around her small brown desk before sitting down.

Biting my lip, I lowered myself into one of the scratchy looking brown chairs and clasped my hands together. Mrs. Harvey looked down at the file on her desk. “So Ms. Sutton, you’ve been through quite a stressful week, haven’t you?” she asked, even though she already knew the answer.

All I did was nod my head.

“Would you like to talk about it?”

This time I shook my head.

She sighed. “Look Sutton, holding everything in will on-“

“Only make it worse, I know. But that’s what I do, I hold things in. You seem like a really nice lady and all, but there’s a reason I’ve never been in your office before. I’m a perfectly capable young girl, and I can handle things on my own. If there’s nothing else, I would really like to get to class.”

Mrs. Harvey pressed her lips together in frustration. “I really think it would help.”

I could feel my face burning red with anger. Knowing it wouldn’t be right to slash out on someone only trying to help, I took in a few deep breaths. “Look my best friend and sister died a few days ago. I’m never going to see her again, and nothing will make it better. Nothing you or anyone else do will ever make this situation easier for me. I just need to move on.”

Without another word, I stood from the chair and turned my back on Mrs. Harvey. She didn’t seem to object as I opened up her office door and slid outside into the hallway. I felt a weight being lifted from my chest as silence enveloped me. Even the sound of my own voice had been bothering me.

I made my way down the hallway in the direction of my first hour class. The last thing I wanted to do was walk in late, but there was no other option, unless I skipped. But who was I kidding, I had never once in my life skipped a class, or ever been late.

Taking my time, I thought about how rude I must have come off to Mrs. Harvey. It’s not that I wanted to seem mean, but I really didn’t want to talk about Melody. Just her name made my panic attacks more likely to happen. Every time anyone got on the subject of her, by breathing went all over the place. I think Vee was the only person I was comfortable talking about Melody with.

After a few minutes of walking past my bio class, I decided that I didn’t really want to walk in at all. I pulled out my phone and texted Vee.

-Meet me outside my bio room

Knowing that it would take her a little while, I turned the corner of the next hallway searching for a bubbler. Colton Jones stood only a few feet away, leaning against a maroon locker. I froze in my spot hoping that he wouldn’t notice me, but it was inevitable. His head crooked sideways and a smile spread across his face.

God, lately I had seen more of Colton than I ever had in one year. “Skipping class freckles, I didn’t know you had it in you?”

My face immediately scrunched into a frown at the nickname freckles. Deciding it would be best just to ignore him; I stepped around him and made my way to the nearest bubbler. After a few steps, I could feel his presence behind me.

“What do you want, I feel like you’re stalking me?” I finally asked before reaching down and taking a sip of cold water.

The liquid ran down my throat, and I straightened my back as I felt Colton move over to the wall next to me. “If I were stalking you, you wouldn’t know.”

I studied him out of the corner of my eye. He was wearing dark blue jeans with white v neck and a leather jacket, typical bad boy outfit. His dirty blonde hair was going in all directions, and as soon as he noticed me watching him I directed my attention elsewhere.

“So Sutton, why aren’t you in class?” he finally asked, following me as I turned the corner and sat down against one of the lockers.

Colton slid down right next to me. “Do you really want to know, or do you just like bothering me?”

“No, I want to know what got goody goody Sutton Bran to skip class,” he said immediately, like he was actually interested.

Rolling my eyes, I leaned my head back against the locker. “Well technically I didn’t skip; I’m just supposed to be in the guidance office.”

“Oh even worse, ditching out on a special appointment with the therapist.”

“I don’t have a therapist,” I snapped.

Colton held his hands in the air. “Okay, I’m just saying as hot as Mrs. Harvey is, she likes to think she’s some sort of miracle worker therapist. Trust me, I would know.”

I wasn’t surprised to hear that Colton had been in for a few sessions with the guidance counselor. He liked to get himself in trouble all the time. Ditching class, hitting on teachers to be funny, sending love notes pretending to be a teacher, but never fights or vandalism, he was more creative than that.

“So I’m not the only one who thinks you’re crazy?” I finally said, a little smile spreading across my lips.

Colton laughed. “Nope, I do too, especially when you wear red; I go really crazy then.”

I looked down at my outfit in confusion. There was not one article of clothing that was even a little bit red.

“The night of the party, when you wore those killer rep pumps,” he reminded me.

At the mention of the party, my chest tightened and my breath caught. I clenched my fists together at the very thought. Lowering my head beneath my knees, I sucked in as much air as I could, but the soft presence of Colton’s hand on my back was distracting.

“Hey I didn’t mean to upset you,” he said quietly.

Gulping in a few more breaths of air, I sat up straight and faced the other direction. I could feel my face redden in embarrassment, but luckily Vee turned the corner just as I was about to really break.

She must have noticed the warning signs of my panic attacks, or just my frustration but she practically ran over to me. Her face was a mask of confusion as she looked between me and Colton.

“You can go now,” I managed to get out, quickly looking at Colton.

His face was emotionless. “She said you can go,” Vee said before bending down and kneeling in front of me.

Colton slowly stood, and before he left he said, “Have a good day Sutton.”

I watched as he made his way down the hallway and turned at the closest stairwell. After he was out of sight, I focused on getting my breath back. Vee was looking at me worriedly, her hands rubbing deep circles into my back.

“I think I’m okay,” I finally said.

She smiled. “That’s good, you’re getting good at controlling them.”

I nodded my head and tried to convince myself, but I knew that my panic attacks had only gotten worse since my sister’s death. I felt like some helpless little kid, unable to control my emotions.

“Hey why was Jones talking to you? Did he say something about-“

“No, he didn’t mean to bring up Melody. I’m fine.”

She nodded her head. “Since when did you two talk?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Since he kissed me,” I said truthfully.

There was no way I could keep things from Vee, she was my best friend and I had never lied to her before. Her reaction was pretty priceless though, she looked like a fish as her eyes bulged out of her head.

“What?” she gasped a little.

“It’s true,” I stated with a shrug.

She gasped again. “No way, give me details. I can’t believe you kissed Colton Jones. Oh my God, if Melody could-“

Vee stopped after she noticed her mistake, but I just nodded my head. “She would be so proud of me getting my first kiss, especially from a boy as handsome as him.”

My best friend frowned down at me. “Colton’s bad news Sutton, you know that. Yeah he has a killer body and the face of an angel but you know his type.”

“Yeah, I know, Mark already warned me away from him. It just feels like we keep bumping into each other. It’s whatever; I don’t really like him anyway.”

For some reason, I felt like a liar after I shut my mouth. It was true that we kept running into each other, and it was true that Colton could be a pain in the ass and a jerk, but did I really hate him as much as I said I did?

Vee nodded her head and dropped the subject like it was nothing. Just as I was about to open my mouth to say something, Mark turned the corner by my bio room and spotted us. His face showed true concern, and I wondered what had him upset.

“Hey is she okay?” he asked, looking at Vee.

“She’s fine,” I replied for her, disliking the way Mark talked about me like I wasn’t there.

He kneeled down next to us and studied my face. “You look a little pale, how about I call your mom and have her come pick you up,” he suggested.

Sighing, I pushed myself off the ground and stood. Now that my breathing was under control, I was perfectly fine. “I’m fine.”

Mark rolled his eyes. “Look Sutton, it’s okay I can drive you if you wan-“

“Mark I’m not a baby, and like I said I’m fine. You don’t have to act like some over protective brother I never had. I can take care of myself, so just stop it.”

He looked a little shocked from my words but only nodded his head.

“Colton kissed Sutton,” Vee suddenly blurted, clapping a hand over her mouth right after.

Mark’s eyes widened and I rolled my eyes. Normal friends might have been mad at each other in a situation like this, but because I knew Vee couldn’t hold anything in, and that she was the worst liar in the world, I wasn’t surprised.

“He what?” Mark finally asked. 

This is unedited, I warn you! Hope you all enjoy it!

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