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Carefully, I pulled my car into the parking lot of Rosewood Custard. Colton’s bike was nowhere to be seen, and a little shred of hope entered my body. Maybe he had something going on, or maybe he just forgot. Trying to control my shaky hands, I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the list. Taking in a deep breath, I searched until I found number eight.

Make out with someone…


What was I thinking? I hadn’t even ever held anyone’s hand. The thought of just a peck made me nervous, and Colton had already kissed me before.

Suddenly there was a loud tapping noise to my left. I practically craped my pants as I turned to find Colton, who had his face smashed up against the glass. Rolling my eyes, I reached over and opened the window.

“Don’t scare me like that!”

He rolled his eyes. “What are you doing sitting in the car?”

I gulped. There was no way I would let Colton know I was nervous, no way.

“You’re nervous aren’t you?”

Shit. “No, I just, I had to get my sock!”

The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could even process what I was saying. I felt the familiar warmth of blush creeping up my cheeks and Colton laughed. “Your sock?”

“Yeah, my foot was cold...”

“Just one?”

I nodded slowly. “Sometimes this thing happens where only one of my feet gets cold, so I usually carry around a sock. It should be here somewhere…”

I had the urge to hit myself on the forehead as I opened the glove department and started to shuffle through my things. I knew I wouldn’t find a sock in my car, but I had to make it look believable, even if Colton didn’t believe me.

“Yep looks like I left it at home, oh well.”

With a shrug I grabbed my keys and motioned for Colton to move back. Stepping out of the car, I closed the door behind me and locked it.

“You have sandals on Sutton,” Colton said with a chuckle.

As if I didn’t believe him, I looked down at my feet and turned even redder. Every time I blushed a hot sensation blossomed over my cheeks and neck, and right now I felt like I was on fire. Peeking up at Colton, I noticed the grin that had started to form on his perfect face.

Perfect face?

God I needed to put my mind on a leash; I couldn’t think these things about Colton, he was just a friend, that’s all.

“Well it’s not like I couldn’t wear a sock with my sandal!” I exclaimed in a “duhh” tone.

“I’ve never seen you wear a sock and a sandal, much less socks and sandals. Either way, both are horrible fashion choices.”

We started towards the custard place, my heart picking up pace. “Well I mean it’s not like you always check my feet when we hang out.”

“I notice everything about you Sutton,” he replied so casually as if it weren’t some sort of intimate compliment.

I followed behind him so he wouldn’t notice my blushing face and jittery hands. Why was I so nervous? Never had Colton made me feel this way, and suddenly the thought of kissing him was in my mind.

As we walked in, a bell above the door signified our entrance. A young woman, probably in her twenties looked up from behind the counter and smiled kindly at Colton.

“I though you weren’t going to show up!” she exclaimed.

I noticed the name on her tag wrote “Beth” as she walked around the counter and towards us. Her dark brown hair was pulled back into a bun and two enormous gray eyes shined brightly. Like always, I had no chance against this girl, she was way more Colton’s type. You know the attractive kind.

Not that it mattered, Colton and I were just friends.

“I wouldn’t rent out the whole place and not show up,” he said holding his arms out to hug the girl.

Rent the whole place out? What the…

“Sutton this is Beth, my sisters babysitter.”

I smiled up at Beth forgetting about what Colton said. “Nice to meet you,” I managed.

She smiled back. “You two cutie, now I’ll be back soon you two have fun!”

Without another work the brunet was out the door. The whole place was empty besides a guy who was working behind the counter in the kitchen. Just as I was about to speak, he yelled over to Colton.

“The usual?”

Colton nodded back before turning to me and clapping his hands together. A grin spread across his face. “Boy do I have some fun in store for you!”

“Did she say you rented the whole place out?”

He nodded. “Why would you do that?”

“It assists me in my helping you. Remember, we have number eight to check off on that list!”

“But why would you need to—“

Before I could answer, the bell above the door chimed and a line of guys I had never seen piled into the room. All of them were attractive enough as they lined up in front of me and Colton.

“Take a seat young padawan,” Colton told me.

Reluctantly I slid into one of the booths, Colton following right behind me. When we were both seated across from each other he nodded over to the guys. I looked over and noticed for the first time each of them was wearing a number, and they totaled up to seven.

“What’s going on?” I asked unsurely.

Colton grinned. “It’s quite simple actually. Just choose one of them and they will help you cross off that pesky number eight.”

My eyes bulged as I looked back from the strangers and at Colton. “You want me to make out with a random stranger? With someone you hired?”

He nodded slowly as if it were no big deal.

“I most certainly will not!”

“Just hear them out, they’ve all prepared something for you.”

Sighing, I turned to face the line of attractive young men. Number one, who sported a blue sweater and dark jeans stepped forward. His light brown hair fell into his face as he begun.

“I’m Jake, I’m seventeen, and I go to a private Lutheran school. My hobbies include singing in the school musicals, reading and writing. I also participate in our schools basketball team, and I am president of the student body.”

The boy finished his statement by stepping back and allowing the next boy to step forward. Before the blonde even spoke a word, I interrupted.

“This is crazy, and I won’t do it.”

I pushed away from the booth but before I could escape Colton’s hand was around my wrist. “Guys could you give us a second please?”

They nodded quickly before shuffling back out into the parking lot.  

“Sutton I’m—“

“If you say trying to help I might be tempted to punch you,” I warned.

“Okay so maybe this idea was a little absurd.”

“A little?” I scoffed. “You mean a lot!”

“Okay a lot,” he confessed, “but I thought it would be funny and I just couldn’t wait to see your reaction.”

“So you like terrorizing me?” I inquired.

He laughed. “So you find it terrifying when I supply you with a ripe batch of young and attractive boys to snog?”

Did he just use the word ripe while referring to boys? Did he just say snog?

“No Colton I find it terrifying that you think of these crazy things.”

He laughed. “So you hired them to file in here just to see my reaction? What about the list…”

I knew I shouldn’t have mentioned the list but it came out of my mouth in a mumble.

Suddenly Colton was across the table, his hands pushing up through my thick auburn locks. His eyes reached mine for a second before he dipped down and softly touched his lips to mine. The sudden contact was surprising enough, but the shock of energy that surged through me when his mouth connected with mine was electrifying. Just like the first kiss we shared, it was unexpected but there was something different about the feeling of his hands tugging roughly through my hair.

My lips parted as a moan made its way to my mouth, but it was silenced by Colton’s tongue. I had never felt anything quite like it before, it was strange and terrifyingly pleasant. So many things were going through my head, but the thought of pulling away didn’t even come to mind. With a surge of confidence, I moved up, grabbing Colton’s shirt in the front to pull him closer. Suddenly his hands were around my waist pulling me across the booth as the kiss deepened. I could feel my heart thumping inside my chest, ready to burst at any moment.

 And then just like that, the moment was ruined by the sound of the bell above the door. A wave of reality struck hard and I pulled away fast as lightening. Colton’s eyes shot open and his hands slid down from my hair to my waist. We both watched each other struggle for air, unsure what to say.

What the hell just happened…


I’m evil and will just leave you with that…don’t forget to vote and comment.

Much love! 

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