Crazy Eyed

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“Well should we just leave?”

At the sound of someone else’s voice, Colton and I looked away. Standing in the doorway was one of the boys with the number 3 pinned to his chest. Colton shifted underneath me and it was then that I realized I was sitting on top of him. As if I had sat on a pin, I shot out of his lap and straightened out my shirt.

“Ah yeah, you guys are free to go,” he finally choked out.

The bell rang once again and we were left in silence. Thankfully, the cook came out from behind the kitchen and saved us from any awkwardness.

“I got the regular,” he said setting a try of steaming hot food on the table.

My eyes were glued to Colton as he thanked his friend. His lips looked extra red, and his shirt was all wrinkled in the front from where I had grabbed him.


Breathe I told myself.

Colton sat down at the booth before looking up at me. “You hungry?”

“I have to go.”

The words came out of our mouths at the same time. I bit my lip as he looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “You sure?”


“Yeah, I mean I have stuff, and some other stuff, and my sock so yeah.”

I turned around just as Colton’s hand wrapped around my wrist. He motioned for me to take a seat, and I reluctantly lowered myself down.

“You seem—“

“Weird? Freaked out? Yeah I am, just a little!”

Colton sighed. “Look I though you wa—“

“Just forget the whole thing happened Colton. We can think about it as a friend helping a friend.”

A funny expression crossed his face, and I couldn’t quite tell what he was thinking. Who knew what went on in Colton Jones mind, but I sure didn’t want to.  Before he could reply, I was back on my feet and heading out the door.

“See you tomorrow!” I called back.

Rushing out to my car, I started the engine and was out of the parking lot in less than five seconds. While I drove home, only one thought filtered through my head.

Did I just make out with Colton?


The rest of the day went by with a blur and ended with me trying to avoid my parents. It didn’t work out well…

As soon as I walked through the front door my mother and father both appeared from the kitchen with stern faces. “Finally she arrives,” my mother said in a dull tone.

Taking a deep breath, I prepared myself for the worst. “Come with us to the table Sutton, we need to talk.”

My father’s voice was firm and demanding, and I tried not to notice how tense the muscles in his shoulders looked as I followed them to the kitchen table. We all sat down slowly; me first and then my mother and father. For some reason, the sound of the clock handing above over kitchen doorway seemed to increase as the silence wavered on longer.

“Sutton, your mother and I were always aware of Melody’s actions. The nights she snuck out, the nights she snuck Mark in: everything. We chose to let he live her life the way she wanted and we hoped that she would learn from her mistakes, but we shouldn’t have let it go one for so long. If we would have grounded her for sneaking out the night before, maybe she wouldn’t have gone out to that party.”

My mother’s voice cracked after she said the word party, and my father continued on for her. “So now that you seem to be acting up, we are making it clear that you will never get away with the stuff your sister did. We can’t lose you too.”

I could tell they both were worried, but I didn’t understand why. “Just because we got in a fight once doesn’t mean I’m acting up.”

My mother sighed. “Yes but’s so unlike you Sutton, and then just to not come home until two in the morning?”

“That was one time.”

“But that’s how it started with Melody,” my father interjected.

Slowly, I nodded my head. There was no other way to get out of this situation then agreeing with them. Usually I wasn’t the one to back down, but after what happened with Colton I had way too much on my mind to stress about my parents.

I made my way over to my mother and put my arms around her. She squeezed me tight to her chest and let out a long, shaky sigh. “I’m sorry,” I said quietly.

My dad trapped me between my mom in a bear hug. I hadn’t been this close to my parents in a while…but it felt good. I felt normal.

“I need to do some homework,” I said finally detaching myself.

They nodded and I hurried up the stairs, my thoughts already on Colton. The day ended with a sleepless night, and by morning I was running on about three full hours of sleep.

Thank the lord for coffee.

“Are you okay Sutton, you’re looking a little crazy eyed?”

I quickly turned my head in the direction of Blaine. He was sitting across from me on the schools stage looking up from his binder of lines. The musical was just stating auditions and he and Mark were battling to see who would get the lead.

His question came into my focus and I looked down at my hand. There was a large, extra espresso latte gripped between my fingers, and in my bag an empty 5 hour energy shot. Plus I had managed to drink about three cups of coffee before school, and two during. To say I was a “little crazy eyed” was probably an understatement.

 “Yeah no I’m good nothing crazy going on here just a little line listening and what not.”

Mark managed to look up from his lines, a smirk spreading across his face. “She’s had about ten coffee’s today if you were wondering, not including that one in her hand,” he told Blaine.

Blaine chuckled. “I don’t think that’s healthy.”

“Yeah well so is only sleeping for three hours,” I muttered under my breath. “Anyway, here let me help you practice.”

I walked over to Blaine and grabbed the extra paper. The musical was called “Working”, and the tittle was pretty explanatory if you asked me. We started running lines, and for some reason in my coffee comatose state I started getting really into it. I was so into the script that I didn’t hear the auditorium door slowly creek open and then shut.

When Blaine didn’t reply to my line, I looked up in confusion and followed his eyes. Mrs. Potter, the theater director, looked like she was escorting Colton towards us. I could feel the immediate tension as she stopped in front of Mark.

“Well Sutton I didn’t know you were such a good actress, why haven’t you gone out for any of the plays?”

I blushed at her comment and shrugged. “Just not my thing I guess.”

“Well that’s just too bad. Boys, this is Colton, he’ll be helping out with crew and stage these coming months.”

Mark stiffened. “Why?”

Mrs. Potter noticed the glare in both Blaine and Mark’s eyes. “All you need to know is that he will be helping out, now you all need to get along if you want this play to turn out okay.”

Without another word, she was walking away and towards the theater door exit. As soon as she disappeared out into the hallway Mark opened his big mouth.

“So what did you do to get in here? Another prank maybe, made a kid cry?”

Colton looked neither fazed nor amused by his comment. “Look I just want to do this and get it over with. No problems.”

“You are the problem,” Mark spat.

“No Mark, you’re the problem. He said he didn’t want any trouble, so just leave it at that.”

Blaine and Mark both turned in my direction looking equally stunned by my words. Colton smiled at me warmly, but I turned my gaze in the other direction.

“You’re actually sticking up for this guy?”

I sighed. “No Mark, but you don’t have to make matter worse. Let’s just go.”

Grabbing my bags, I made my way up and through the aisle. I could feel Colton’s eyes on my back, and a few seconds later I heard Mark and Blaine following after. We walked to the parking lot silently, me looking down at my feet. It sucked having to pretend I wasn’t friends with Colton, sometimes he was the only person that made me feel better.

Well actually, I didn’t know what to think of him anymore. We actually made out, me and Colton Jones. I told myself from the start that I wouldn’t get attached to him, and even though I wasn’t, something told me that might just change.

“Why did you stand up for him after he treated you like he did?” Blaine finally asked.

I shrugged. “Look, you guys don’t have to be friends with him, but making things worse won’t help anyone.”

Surprisingly, Mark shook his head in agreement. “You’re right, I just don’t understand how you do it so easily. I hate that kid.”

I cringed at the word hate just as my phone buzzed. The number was Colton’s, and he had texted asking me to meet him back in the auditorium.

“I think I left something back there, see you guys tomorrow!” I said hurriedly before fast walking my way back to the school.

I found myself standing on the school stage, waiting for Colton to finally make an appearance. He had texted me only about five minutes earlier, but I still felt like maybe he stood me up. Where could he have gone? I didn’t see him leaving in the parking lot?

 “So they don’t know we’re friends again?”

Colton’s familiar voice rang out behind me, and I waited as he sat down. Slowly, I shamefully nodded. “I was going to tell them, but then—“

“Let me guess they told you how much they hated me and how all I want—“

“Stop. You don’t have to say it.”

There was silence; its thickening presence almost made things awkward, but I never felt too out of place when I was with Colton. Even when we were lip locked.

“What are you thinking right now?” he asked quietly.

About or heart racing, goose bump spreading make out session.

Psh, but I would never tell Colton that…

“How much you probably hate me for not being able to tell them.”

Colton put his hand over mine, and I felt a jolt of electricity jump up my arm. “I don’t blame you for wanting to hide me.”

“Don’t say that,” I said immediately, “no one should ever be ashamed of the people who make them happy. I’m not ashamed of you; I just don’t want to lose my other friends.”

He nodded his head. “I know. So for now, tell them whatever you want, but eventually they’ll have to know.”

Eventually, that was the word I was dreading 

Dear readers,

I am fully aware that it's been a little while since I uploaded last, and I totally apologize. I have never been so friken busy in my entire life. Last week was homecoming week, which means I had powder puff practice everday, on top of homework and then the game. Also, I took off work Saturday to be with my friends for once, which meant this past week I had to make up eight hours of work. So after school I went home, did homework, went to work, got back at nine, showered and then went to bed. So, once again, I am sorry, but these past to weeks have been imposible to find time to upload. Anyway, love you all.! :D Sorry for any typos 


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