It's Just A Jacket

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Hey everyone, sorry for the cliffy, I just had to! Thanks Dear_Diaress for the banner! 


“Okay so when I say this, don’t take it the wrong way. I’m not sorry for taking you to the warehouse the other night.”

Colton Jones had made me come all the way down a damn balcony to tell me that? As if I already didn’t know…

“Can you tell me something I don’t know,” I replied trying to keep my tone cool.

He sighed. “But there’s a reason, I need to show you something.”

Colton took off his leather jacket and tossed it on the ground. My eyes instantly drifted to his arms, which were tight against his white v neck. He played with the camera in his hands, and my gaze focused on his face. Two concentrated blue eyes looked down at what was in his hands, and I couldn’t look away. The freckles that lightly dotted his nose and cheeks stood out in the moonlight, and I thought about how dark my thousands of angle kisses must have looked under the stars.

His eyes darted up and a smile spread across his face. “Admiring my handsome face?” he asked amused.

I could feel warmth on my cheeks and thanked God that it was dark out. “No, but I think you have a bugger.”

Colton’s hand instantly flew to his nose and I burst out laughing. When he realized I was joking, he grinned. “So you were admiring my dashing good looks?”

“In your dreams Jones.”

“You are in my dreams freckles.”

The words left his mouth and in an instant it felt like everything, even the noises of the animals and bugs went silent. He watched me closely and my cheeks felt like they were on fire. Suddenly, the sound of my own voice rang out through the night, but my mouth was closed. I looked down at the device in his hand to see me climbing up a latter.

The surroundings of the warehouse were similar, and my stomach turned at the thought of almost being caught by the cops.

“Don’t doubt yourself,” Colton said from behind the camera, “once you do it, you’ll be satisfied.”

The scared look on my face was evident, and before I knew it, I was in the air and falling down to the foam pit. Colton quickly snapped the camera shut and looked at me.

“Why did you show me that?” I asked, hugging my arms to my chest.

Colton noticed my movement and leaned down to grab his jacket. He handed me the heavy leather coat and I shook my head. “Just wear it your cold,” he told me.

Sighing, I pulled the material over my shoulders and slipped my arms into the coat. It practically swallowed me whole, but it kept out the chilly night air. Suddenly Colton’s familiar scent made its way to my nose, and I took a deep breath.

“I wanted to show you this because even though I should have told you it wasn’t my place, you had fun and you did something courageous. I know it might be something small for someone else, but you got over a fear and that sort of accomplishment is amazing. If I would have told you we were breaking and entering, you never would have gone in.”

“You’re darn right I wouldn’t have,” I said right away.

Colton sighed. “Look I know I should have told you, and I’m sorry I lied to you but I’m not sorry I did it. It felt amazing to watch you do something like that.”

His words hung in the air, and thoughts buzzed around in my head. Maybe Colton was right, maybe I was just a little uptight, but it wasn’t stupid to feel the way I did; conflicted and confused. So yeah, we had a fun time and I jumped even though I was deathly afraid to. Colton made me feel so alive, so not ordinary.

This was what scared me the most.

“What are you thinking freckles?” Colton finally asked.

“I think you should find a new nickname for me,” I said rolling my eyes.

His laugh echoed across the empty yard. “So do you forgive me?”

Even though I already knew the answer, it was hard to say out loud. Giving in and trusting someone you feel so vulnerable around isn’t easy. I opened my mouth to utter the words, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw my parents light switch on.

Panic erupted though me, and my eyes went wide. “Just climb onto my shoulders and I’ll lift you up so you can reach the bottom of the balcony.”

Colton must have noticed the light too, and I followed his instructions quickly. After climbing onto his shoulders, I was lifted into the air just high enough to reach the railing. Carefully, I pulled myself up and over onto the floor of my balcony.

“You still haven’t answered my question yet!” Colton hissed up.

I poked my head over the side of the railing. “Yes.”

A smile reached his lips, and he waved me goodbye. Unable to think about what all just happened, I snuck back into my room and dove under the covers.


In the morning I was greeted with unusual warmth. After turning off my buzzing alarm clock, I pushed off the covers to find myself entangled with Colton’s heavy leather jacket. I shrugged off the coat immediately and tossed it onto my desk chair.

After convincing my mother I felt much better—which was almost the truth—I hopped into the shower quickly. I washed up and pulled on my favorite pair of skinny jeans and an old sweatshirt of Melody’s. Even though I had told myself not to wear any of her things, I couldn’t resist. I was almost done getting ready when Mark barged in without knocking.

I was I the middle of pinning my hair up into a messy bun as he took in my appearance. “Is that-“

“Yeah it is,” I cut in glancing down at the sweatshirt.

A moment of awkward silence fell over us.

“Well it looks good on you, she would be happy to see that it was getting some use,” Mark told me.

I grabbed my backpack that was hanging off my chair and glanced down at Colton’s leather jacket. The black material had smelt exactly like him when I woke up in the morning; I had almost not wanted to take it off.

“What’s that?” Mark asked walking over and grabbing the jacket. “Did you get a new coat?”

I bit my lip as he took in the size and style of Colton’s biker jacket. “It’s nothing,” I said quickly before snatching it from him and tossing it back onto the chair.

Mark raised an eyebrow at me. “Who’s jacket is that?”

I rolled my eyes. “Doesn’t matter now let’s get to school.”

Without waiting for an answer, I marched out the door and downstairs. After waving my parents goodbye I made my way out to Marks car, and I was already buckled by the time he was seated in the driver’s seat.

“So are you going to tell me about the guy that was in your room last night?” he asked casually backing down the driveway and into the street.

I almost chocked up the coffee my mom had made me. “Excuse me?”

“I said-“

“I know what you said. There was no boy in my room last night, and even if there were, it would be none of your damn business.”

Mark turned the corner sharp and I almost spilt my yummy wakeup call all over his expensive car. “Don’t lie to me, whose jacket was that?”

God Mark was just like my overprotective brother, oh yeah except I didn’t have one. Melody could have told him to always look out for me, but man was he taking it an extra step. I never asked him to be like this, and I’m sure Melody wouldn’t have wanted him to act like this either. Heck, she would have congratulated me for having a boy in my room, hell and Colton wasn’t even in my room!



“You can tell me these things, you know that right?” he said as we pulled into the busy school parking lot.

People were used to seeing us together now, so no one really made a big fuss about it anymore. I stepped out of the car and turned to Mark. “Look, no one was in my room last night Mark.”

He sighed. “Then whose jacket was that?”

I ignored him and made my way towards the front door of the school. I could feel him hot on my heels, but I did my best to ignore his ever annoying presence. God I liked Mark better when he was the reason my sister ditched me. At least then he didn’t butt into my life every second.

I stopped at my locker to drop off a few books, and of course a few seconds later Mark was by my side. “Can’t you go annoy someone else?” I asked as he opened his mouth to speak.

He opened his mouth again. “I guess not,” I cut in before he said anything.

“All I need to know is whose jacket that was, it’s simple.”

I rested my forehead against my metal locker just a little too hard. A thudding pain spread throughout my head, and I made the very stupid spilt second decision and lied.

“The coat is Vee’s. Well not hers actually, she met this guy at the party and brought him over to meet me. He left it in the room.”

Mark must have been expecting a different answer, because a strange expression crossed over his face. He looked like he was about to say something when Vee spotted us. I was usually happy at the sight of my best friend, but I instantly regretted my decision to lie.

“Hey guys,” she called to us.

I shook my head in her direction hoping she would get the signal, but of course that would have been much too easy.

“Spill,” Mark said the second she was by my side.

“Spill what?” she asked.

Mark hardly ever cared about girl business…

Mark smiled. “The guy you met at the party the other night. He must have been special if you introduced him to Sutton.”

Vee gave me a confused look, and on the inside I was practically screaming. “What are you talking about?” she asked.

And as if things couldn’t get any worse, Colton appeared out of nowhere and sent me one of his trademark smile. “He freckles do you have my jacket?”

Great, this day was starting out just peachy. 

Hey eveyone, hope you liked the chapter. Please don't forget to vote and what not! 

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