Lets Ditch

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Just thought I’d let you all know…


Haha, sorry I’m a little happy if you couldn’t tell.


I watched in horror as three main things happened. One, Vee’s expression went from confused to even more confused. Next, Colton realized what he had just done and closed his mouth as if he didn’t know what to say. The last thing that happened; which under different circumstances I would have thought to be funny, was steam practically poured out of Marks ears as he looked back and forth between me and Colton.

“I can explain,” both me and Colton said.

Wait, what was he doing? Colton loved pissing off Mark, why was he trying to help me? Colton opened his mouth to ramble out some extreme lie when I stopped him.

“Look really Mark it’s none of your business, I really don’t have to explain to you anything.”

Everyone, including Mark looked at me in awe. Colton’s surprised expression turned into a cute, lopsided grin. I guess he was happy I chose him over pleasing Mark, I know I was.

“Why the hell would you lie to me Sutton?” Mark practically shouted.

Blaine spotted us from across the hall and made his way towards the very scary looking Mark cautiously. “Mark I lied to you because I knew you’d react like this.”

Turning away from him, I grabbed Vee’s arm and pulled her after me. I got about one step before someone’s hang gripped painfully around my wrist and pulled me back.

“Ow stop it Mark!” I hissed tugging my arm back.

“Were not done talking about this,” he raged, not letting go of my arm.

Colton stepped in between us and pushed Mark back. He stumbled a few steps before regaining his balance, but he looked more pissed than before.

“What the hell was that for punk?”

“You were hurting her, and she asked you to stop,” Colton stated calmly, a hint of a smirk on his face.

I could tell he was enjoying this moment a lot more than I was.

Mark glared daggers at him. “Next time you put your hands on me, I-“

“You’ll what, beat me up? I’d like to see you try.”

I had to hold in a small laugh because I knew Colton could take on three guys at once and still come out on top; Mark would have no chance against him. Shaking the thought from my head, I took Colton’s hand and pulled him in my direction.

“Seriously Sutton, you’re choosing him over me?” Mark said as if he were disgusted by the thought.

I shook my head. “Melody’s dead and I’m not her replacement, just leave me alone Mark.”

I knew what I said was harsh, but it was the only way to get Mark off my back. Vee and Colton followed me down the hallway, and as soon as we turned the corner I made my way to the nearest locker and slid down to the floor.

Sighing, I rested my head against my knees and sighed. “You okay?” Colton asked quietly.

I nodded my head.

“What the hell just happened?” Vee said, speaking for the first time since Colton had approached.

Laughing, even though the situation was not funny, I raised my head and looked my best friend in the eyes. “Do you really want to know?”

She laughed and sat down next to me. Colton was next, and in no time I was in a Vee Colton sandwich.

“Well let me guess. Mark found a jacket in your room, and it was Colton’s, but you told him it was mine. Or at least you told him it was my “boyfriends.” And we all know the rest…”

“Bingo,” Both me and Colton said at the same time.

The whole thing was kind of funny if you really thought about it, or it would have been funny if Mark weren’t such an ass.

“Hey Colton?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he turned to me.

“Promise if you and Mark ever get in a fight you won’t send him to the hospital or mess up his pretty face. I mean, I think it would devastate him if he would have to get a nose job.”

Both Vee and Colton burst out laughing, and I followed right after them. Who knew I’d be sitting next to Colton Jones, laughing like I knew him and we were friends. If someone had told me that would happen a week or two ago, I probably would have laughed in their face.

After the laughter died down, I rested my head on my knees and took in a deep breath. The bell rang, and once again I was late to class.

“Well that’s my cue,” Vee said hurriedly standing up. “See you at lunch Sutton, bye Colton.”

Without another word, Colton and I were left alone. The silence in the hallway was so prominent you would have been able to hear a pin drop from across the school, but for some reason it wasn’t uncomfortable.

“I don’t want to go to my next class,” I admitted, thinking about seeing Mark.

Colton stood up and reached down to pull me to my feet. “Then don’t go; it’s called skipping.”

Once again, the thought of me a few weeks ago skipping class with Colton Jones would have had me laughing, but things were different now. Melody was gone, Mark was crazy and I was about to skip class with the schools bad ass.

“Why not.”

An evil smile crept onto Colton’s face as he grabbed my hand and ran down the hallway. I did the best pumping my little legs to keep up, but it was hard matching Colton’s long strides.

“I feel so good corrupting the innocent!” Colton hollered down the corridor, no doubt interrupting some classes.

We burst out the front doors of school and ran towards his bike. The whole time my heart was thumping like crazy in my chest. “I’m not that innocent Colton,” I told him as we stopped in front of his motorcycle.

He handed me a helmet as I tried to catch my breath. “Then why are you so nervous Ms. Freckles. I can see you fidgeting with your hair.”

Instantly, my hand moved away from my hair and my cheeks went warm.

Colton smiled. “Oh and there’s the blush…”

“Oh shut up!”

The smiled faded from his face as I punched him the arm. He looked very surprised and I smiled gleefully at his confusion. “You hit me!” he accused.

Rolling my eyes, I climbed on the back of his bike and wrapped my arms around his stomach. My heart thumped in my chest as I pulled myself closer to Colton, and in no time we were heading off in the opposite direction of school.

With my arms wrapped around Colton, I could feel his every movement. When his stomach muscles tensed, his breathing, his heartbeat, everything was so clear. He could probably feel my heart beat too; I was pressed hard against his back so I wouldn’t fall.

Closing my eyes, I tried to think of anything but Colton and how close we were. At least Mark was right about one thing, Colton’s type hurt girls like me, and I couldn’t let him get to me. I couldn’t let the thump of his heart get me so giddy.

But it was impossible. Every movement Colton made had my heart pumping. No guy had ever made me feel so crazy, so love struck. Love? God, what was I thinking, it was just a little crush. There was no way Colton liked me like that anyway, he only kissed me at the party because he was messing with me.

At the thought of the party, my whole body went still and a picture of Melody popped into my mind. Was I selfish for thinking about a guy when my sister was dead? I mean, I couldn’t let the whole thing control my life, but everything was so recent, the last thing I needed was a guy in my life…

Even if Melody would be happy I was finally interested in someone, not that I was interested in Colton.

“Hey Sutton you alright?”

At the sound of his silky voice I bit my lip. Knowing he wouldn't be able to hear me over the loud engine, I nodded my head against his back. I practically jumped off the bike when he reached down and squeezed my thigh, and I could feel the rumble of his amused laugh.

Finally, after what seemed like an hours of driving, stoping for food and goofing off, Colton pulled onto the side of the street. We were downtown, in front of what looked like a swanky little club. It was almost five o clock, so why were we at a club?


Colton and I laid side my side, our cake covered shoulders brushing together. Thorns, frosting and leaves stuck to my entire body, and I held my breath as a familiar looking guy walked by our hiding spot; two big green thorn bushes, costumed picked by Colton. Mr. big guy tensed up as I let out a small breath that I couldn't keep in anymore.

Both Colton and I held our breaths, praying to God that he hadn’t heard me. After he glanced at the bush once, he continued his way down the city streets, leaving me and Colton finally able to breath.

“Out of all the bushes, you pick two thorn bushes,” I hissed at him, picking a thorn out of my hand.

I could feel several other places on my body where the little things had stabbed me. Colton sighed. “I wasn’t thinking about whether or not this bush had thorns, I was thinking about the giant guy with orders to probably kill us.”

I laughed. “No orders to kill you, It’s not my fault you—“

Colton slapped a hand over my mouth as another scary looking guy walked past. After he was out of sight, I stood up and backed away from the sidewalk. My brown leather jacket was no doubt ruined, and my black tank top underneath was ripped and covered in cake.

I took off the jacket as Colton appeared from the bushes and tossed it on the ground. I picked out way too many thorns from my arms and cursed under my breath.

Colton joined me and started doing the same thing. By the time we were done trying to clean ourselves off, the streets were mostly deserted. “Colton what time is it?” I asked, remembering my phone was at home.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out an IPhone. “Two AM.”

My eyes widened and I practically screamed right then and there. “Shit I need to be home, I needed to be home like six hours ago!”

Cursing again, I grabbed his phone and typed in my home number. After only one ring, my mom picked up. “Hello?”

“Mom, it’s Sutton,” I said calmly.

“Where the hell are you young lady! Me and your father have been worried sick, we were about to call the police!”

I bit my lip as the sound of my mom screeching rang out loud enough for Colton to hear. “Look I’ll be home in a second, I’ll explain everything when I’m there.”

Without waiting for an answer, I ended the call and handed Colton back the phone. He took a step towards me and reached out to pluck a leaf from my hair. His hand lingered, and then moved down to my arm where he wiped off a little leftover frosting.

“Let’s get you home,” he said quietly before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and leading me off in the direction of his bike.

Only Colton Jones was able to get me to ditch school, and take me home at two in the morning, covered in cake leaves and thorns. And it all started over one single drink…

 I only looked over this shortly, so there is probably a lot of mistakes! Sorry! 

Hey everyone, next chapter you get to see what happened on their crazy night! Hope you like this one!


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