Drug Lord?

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Hey everyone! Ready for one crazy night? Hope you like this chapter, it was fun to write!!!


When I said it started with one drink I meant it, but let’s backtrack just a little.

“Why are we at a club?” I asked skeptically.

Colton chuckled as he hopped off the bike and looked around. From the silence I was receiving, I realized that he wasn’t going to give me an answer, so I hopped off myself and took off his helmet. The building was built with big old ugly bricks that had been painted dark gray. The sign on the side of the building sizzled to life, even though there were still a few hours of sunlight left.

Bad thing about Wisconsin; it got dark really fast when the seasons were changing from summer to fall.

“No really Colton, why are we at a club at five at night?”

Colton turned around and smiled. “I want you to meet someone.”

Clapping his hands together, he motioned for me to follow after him. Shrugging my shoulders, I fell into pace closely behind him. We crossed the street and stepped into the little club. I could tell by the dark walls and the many black lights that the place got crowded later on in the night, but it was practically empty at the moment.

A girl with crazy red hair and an exotic look on her face jumped in front of me and Colton. She wore a small bartending outfit that hugged her curves like a second skin, and by the way her eyes traveled down Colton’s body, she was VERY into him.

Not once did her dark brown eyes even glance in my direction, I’m sure she didn’t even notice me. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you around here Colton, where’ve you been?”

I checked out her name tag, and in big bold letters was the name Caroline. Caroline smiled slyly up at Colton with a twinkle in her eye. My eyes traveled up to Colton who wore a boring expression. “Not here,” he said simply, shrugging his shoulders.

Colton motioned down at me a second later. “This is Sutton,” he said.

Caroline’s eyes sapped to me seconds later, first baring a very nasty glare, but then her eyes lightened up and a smile spread across her face. “Aw how cute, you’re babysitting.”

“No, this is my friend Sutton, from school,” he corrected.

The sassy red head eyed me once more. “I didn’t know you took in charity cases Colton,” she said coldly.

I raised an eyebrow in her direction before turning back to Colton. “Oh, I forgot to tell you I’ll give you your jacket tonight when you drive me home, it’s still in my room.”

Colton looked down at me like I had just performed an amazing feat. I had never seen him so happy in his life. “Well, nice meeting you Caroline.”

Colton grabbed my hand and led me away from the very angry looking Caroline and over to the bar. His eyes still twinkled like I had just done something as amazing as winning a Nobel Prize.

“Sutton, you must be picking up pointers from me, because that was awesome. I’ve never seen her look so mad before.”

Rolling my eyes, I looked down at the floor. “Well I must look like I’m ten years old if she thought you were babysitting me…”

Colton’s hand was under my chin and forcing my head up to face him in seconds. “She just said that to piss you off, trust me, you do not look like your ten.”

With that, his eyes traveled down the rest of my body before coming back to my eyes. “Colton Jones did you just check me out?”

A little gasp came from his mouth like he was surprised at my accusations. “I’m just admiring what I have to look at.”

Biting my bottom lip, I looked away and over the bar as my cheeks flamed red. Thankfully something crashed in the back room, distracting me and Colton from the little moment. I didn’t want him to know he made me blush so easily.

“Gramps you alright back there?” Colton called back.

Seconds later, someone looking a bit too young to be called gramps came barreling out of the back room. His dark black hair had a few gray streaks in it, but besides the few crinkles in his face he looked too young to be a grandpa.

“Damn bird flew through the back exit when I was taking out the trash. He almost took out my eyes that shithead!” he shouted.

Holding in a little laugh, I watched as the man’s expression changed from upset to happy. “Colton, I’ve been wondering when you were going to visit again!”

He opened a little side door on the bar and slid out. In seconds, Colton had the man enveloped in a tight hug. I could tell by how affectionate Colton was being that the man was someone close to him.

“Gramps, this is my friend Sutton,” Colton said, pulling away and pointing to me.

“Nice to meet you young lady, the names Rupert,” he said, extending his hand.

Rupert’s hand practically swallowed mine, and after the brief handshake I smiled. “Nice to meet you too.”

He starred down at me like I was some three headed freak, and after a long moment of awkward silence, Colton cleared his throat. Rupert shook his head and laughed. “Sorry, Colton doesn’t really introduce me to new people very often, I’m a little surprised.”

I looked over to Colton; a little surprised that I was one of the only people he brought to meet his grandpa. His freckle covered cheeks turned bright red, and I couldn’t help but grin. “Aw, is Colton blushing,” I teased, reaching up to pinch his cheeks.

He knocked my hand away with a swat and rolled his eyes. “No, and it’s not like I didn’t catch your little blush earlier.”

“Did not!”

“Did too shortcake!”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “I like freckles better, and I’m not that short!”

He laughed. “I think I like freckles better too, but shortcake makes you mad so I think I’ll stick with that.”

I opened my mouth to reply, but a small chuckle left Rupert’s mouth and I remember we were in the presence of his grandpa. “You two fight like a married couple!”

Both Colton and I shut our mouths instantly, as if we were embarrassed. Before anything could get even more awkward, the club door opened and a boy stepped in. As he moved closer to the bar, I could see that he was no boy; but a young man. His features were strikingly familiar, and the instant he stopped in front of us I knew he had to be related to Colton.

“What is he doing here? I thought he wasn’t working today?” Colton said, his voice sounding aggravated.

A raspy chuckle came from the man’s mouth. “Well that’s not a very nice greeting for your brother who you haven’t seen in months. I almost get the feeling that you don’t like me.”

The sarcasm in his voice was evident, and by the way he and Colton exchanged glances, they weren’t too fond of each other.

“He’s not working today,” Rupert said. “What are you doing here Jack?”

The man—Jack—sighed. “Just came to pick up some things I left behind last shift.”

His eyes traveled from Rupert, to Colton, and then finally landed on me. He inspected me closely before a smile formed on his face. “Who’s this?”

“No one,” Colton hissed out immediately before dragging me away from him and into the back room.

He slammed the door behind him and leaned up against the wall. I stood awkwardly, wondering when a good time to say something would be, but it was obvious that Colton had some issues with his brother.


“Just don’t,” he cut me off.

Biting my lip, I sat down on a box labeled “extras”. Rupert emerged from the front club area and handed Colton a deck of playing cards. “Thought you might want to redeem yourself from that last game of rummy.”

Instantly, Colton’s frown faded and was replaced with a wide grin. “Let’s play!”


“Sutton must be your good luck charm because I don’t remember you winning a game against me before.”

Rupert sat on a chair on the other side of the box we were using for a table. He had a hand full of cards, and ours were placed out on the makeshift table; another win. Colton smiled down at me and gave me a quick nudge.

“Freckles does have some game,” he stated.

“Some game?” I questioned.

Rupert grabbed the cards to start another game when Caroline popped her head into the back room. Strobe lights flashed through the club, and loud music poured through the open door.

“It’s getting busy, I need some help,” she said, looking a little frazzled.

Rupert nudged Colton. “Why don’t you go help out, I have to make some calls.”

Colton nodded his head and motioned for me to follow him out. As we entered the club area, my eyes were assaulted by way too many underdressed girls. My eyes shifted from person to person; the black lights on the wall giving an eerie glow to the whole room.

“Just sit down at the bar so I can keep an eye on you,” Colton instructed.

Nodding my head, I pushed my way out of the bar area and through the crowd of people. I finally made it to an open bar seat and sat down. Colton worked away, making drinks like he had done it his whole life. You wouldn’t have been able to tell that he was only seventeen.  

I felt silly watching him like an amazed little girl, but the sight was breathtaking. A thin coat of sweat layered his freckled cheeks, and under the light his beautiful blue eyes seemed even more vibrant. Every time he reached for a drink, or some alcohol, the muscles in his back tensed and then relaxed.

I watched as female after female shamelessly flirted with Colton and couldn’t help but get a funny feeling in my stomach.

“Now you look much too young to be at a club.”

The words were whispered in my left ear, and I practically jumped out of my chair. Placing a hand on my fast beating heart, I turned to face a younger man, probably in his twenties. His jet black hair was slicked back, and from the color of his sink and his slightly Spanish accent I could tell he was at least part Mexican.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said with a friendly smile.

“Oh it’s alright,” I replied slowly, looking back over to Colton. He was still bus working away.

“But I won’t tell,” they guy whispered quietly.

I looked back to him and raised an eyebrow. “Won’t tell what?”

“That you’re under aged.”

His smile grew, and he placed a hand on my thigh. I squirmed uncomfortably under his touch, but he didn’t seem to notice. “Let me get you a drink.”

“Oh no that’s okay,” I stated.

“I insist, by the way my names Max.”

Max called Caroline over, who barely even acknowledged me. After she was done grabbing a beer and making a cocktail, she placed them in front of us and sauntered away.

“So,” Max said leaning in closer so I could hear him over the loud music, “I didn’t’ catch your name.”

I was about to reply that I didn’t give him my name when a familiar voice interrupted. “Who the hell bought you a drink?’

I peered up at Colton, who was now on the other side of the bar, standing dangerously close to me. He eyed up Max wearily before grabbing my arm and pulling my away from him. Max’s hand slid off my tigh as Colton stepped in front of me.

“What’s going on here?” Colton asked.

Max eyed Colton up with a bored expression on his face. “I was just buying the pretty lady a drink.”

Colton’s posture tensed. “You couldn’t possibly think she’s of age,” he growled out.

Max shrugged his shoulders. “You’re the one letting under aged girls in.”

 Colton’s hands balled up into fists, and I grabbed his arm and tried to pull him away. “It’s not worth it,” I whispered into his ear.

Thankfully, Colton turned around and pulled me along with him. The situation was almost over when a hand reached out and grasped my arm. Max tugged me back and away from Colton gently, but I wasn’t expecting it.

“You don’t have to go with the grump,” he chuckled. “I can take care of you too.”

I pulled my arm back and away from Max. “I’d rather go with that grump, then stay here with y—“

Before I could finish my sentence, Colton’s fist collided with Max’s face, and the guy was on the ground in seconds. The whole club went still, and three beefy looking guys came limbering over.

Max sat up and spit out a mouthful of blood before yelling over to his guys. “Teach this son of a bitch a lesson!” he seethed.

In normal circumstances, Colton probably could have held his ground, but the three men looked like they were heavy weight champions. Colton didn’t waste a second as he hopped over the bar.

“Come on freckles!” he shouted, grabbing my arms and helping me over the bar.

We rushed towards the back door as Max’s three men barreled after us. Who was this guy? And why the hell did he have three body guards?

Crashing through the back room, Colton led us through a maze of bar equipment and food before we reached another door. He grabbed the handle and the door flew open to revel a kitchen. The club must have been attached to another building, because a man wearing a chef’s hat labeled “Cake Bake” furiously worked away at frosting some cupcakes. He looked up at us in confusion, but Colton grabbed my hand and pulled me after him.

I peeked behind us to see Max’s men just entering the kitchen. “Colton they’re coming!” I shouted to him, looking back in front of me.

Seconds after I looked forward, two men carrying a gigantic cake stepped in our way. There was no way Colton and I could have slowed down, and in no time we were colliding with the cake. Frosting and filling flew everywhere as we crashed to the ground. The cake fell right on top of me, splattering yummy dessert all over my clothes.

Before I could react, Colton stood up and pulled me with him. We slid across the kitchen floor as the men behind us got closer, but thankfully we manage to get outside before they could catch us. Without thinking, Colton grabbed me by the waist and dove into the nearest bushes…

Thorn bushes.

So, I guess everything really did start over a single drink. It was actually sort of funny if you thought about it, me and Colton had managed to get away from Max and his macho men.  The thing was, I wasn’t worried about them, I was worried about my mom.

Colton pulled his bike into the driveway and turned it off. The engine rumble went silent as I climbed down and onto the ground.

“So I’m guessing he was some drug lord or something,” Colton threw out.

I rolled my eyes. “Why, just because he was Mexican, that’s kind of racist.”

Colton shrugged his shoulders. “It was just a guess, I mean I’ve seen him around the club before, never really liked him.”

“So that gives you the right to punch him in the face? What were you thinking Colton?”

Colton’s eyes darted to me in seconds. “He had his hands all over you!”

“Hand, and I could have taken care of it myself.”

“When I got there you weren’t handling it at all, you can’t just let guys—“

“Colton, I was fine. I was just about to leave anyway; I can take care of myself. Everyone always tries to take care of me like I’m some baby, but I’m not.”

I thrust the helmet into Colton’s hands before spinning around and heading towards the house. I listened as he got off his bike and followed after me, and just before I got to the front door he stopped me.

“Wait, you’re right, I may have over reacted.”

I laughed. “May have? You punched the guy pretty hard.”

“I did, didn’t I,” Colton stated with a little chuckle.

Smiling, I looked up at Colton. He was just watching out for me, I understood that. I just didn’t want everyone to treat me like I was some breakable doll. Colton reached down and his fingers brushed against my cheeks. I held in a shiver once his hands finally left my skin.

“Goodnight freckles,” he said quietly before turning around and heading towards his motorcycle.

I whispered back a small goodnight, but he was already too far to hear me. Sighing, I turned around to face the front door.

Oh God, I had to face my mother…

Hey everyone, hope you liked the long chapter! I usually don’t write them this long, so don’t get used to it! 

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