In The Doghouse

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Hey everyone, it seems like in every romance teen fiction story on Wattpad, the parents either just disappear, or are really really really bad parents. It’s really not believable if you ask me, so yeah some of you might think this is harsh, but truthfully it’s not. Haha, it’s actually realistic compared to other stories where a girl’s parents let her sleep over a get guy friend’s house every night because they are such “close” friends and have been for ever and ever… Come on now, that just doesn’t happen.

Anyway, enjoy! 


I took a deep breath before turning the knob to my front door and stepping inside my house.


My mother’s usually calm and quiet voice boomed through the front room. She stood only a few feet away from me, with her hands on her hips and the coldest expression I had ever seen her wear. I swallowed some spit in the back of my throat before opening my mouth.

“You know what; I don’t even want to know! What, were you out drinking? Out having sex? God this is so unlike you Sutton!” my mother carried on without letting me speak.

I decided this was one of those times that I really shouldn’t talk back. Instead, I lowered my gaze to the floor. “You had me so worried! Good thing your father is out of town, because if he were here, he would have had the whole town searching for you! How embarrassing would that have been?”

 “I lost track of time, and I forgot my phone at home so—“

“So you just decided to not contact me. How could you put me through that after what happened with Melody?” she choked out, visible tears gathering in her eyes.

I could feel the familiar tingle of tears at the back of my eyes just from seeing her so upset. She was right, I was horrible for putting her through this after what happened with Melody, but it wasn’t my intention, I never meant to make her worry so much. Truthfully, I was just enjoying my time with Colton and his grandfather.

Sighing, I walked over to my mom and threw my arms around her. She was slightly taller, and leaned down into my embrace with a shaky cry. “I know you’re a good kid, that’s why I didn’t call the whole town, not because I don’t care, but because I know you’re not stupid enough to make bad judgment calls.”

I squeezed my mother tighter, welcoming her familiar scent. I rarely hugged my mother or father; this was a treat I wasn’t really used to. “I’m so so sorry mom,” I said truthfully.

Finally, we released each other and I looked up into her watery eyes. Tears were streaming down her face, leaving a trail of black mascara.

“Don’t you ever do that to me again,” she scolded, putting her hands on her hips and hardening her expression.

I almost laughed at this because I rarely saw my mother trying to be stern with me. Well usually my father wasn’t stern with me either because I didn’t do anything wrong, but on the rare occasion I got in trouble my father was always the mean cop.

“And don’t think you’re getting off easy. I want your computer and IPod. This weekend you’ll have double the chores, and you’re grounded for a week!”

I nodded my head in aw, surprised that my mother didn’t give me a harsher punishment. I was expecting three weeks and chores every day. “Goodnight mom,” I said before turning away and heading up to my room.

I thought about what my mother said, and silently agreed with her. She was right; this sort of thing was so unlike me. I had never done anything like this before; I had never in my life been so irresponsible. Melody had always been the rebellious one; sneaking out and partying at night. At least she never got caught doing it.

I wasn’t cut out for this stuff; the first time I did something mildly irresponsible I didn’t even think to contact my mom. Maybe it was because I wasn’t used to lying to her, but the thought of her being mad at me never came to mind.

This was not me, I wasn’t rebellious or irresponsible.

Was this because of Colton?


The same question was on reply in my mind as I slipped into the cool water of my backyard pool. The contact of cold liquid on my skin almost put me in a relaxed trance, but then I remembered the problem on my mind. Holding my breath, I sunk to the bottom of the shallow end until my butt grazed the pool floor.

Was Colton rubbing off on me?

Last year, I never would have imagined even talking to Colton Jones, let alone having his bad boy attitude change mine. Never in my whole life would I have stayed out past curfew, let alone ten at night without texting or talking to my mom or dad, and the bad part was, they didn’t even come to mind.

It’s like Colton had the ability to make me forget everything in my life when I was around him, and as relaxing as that sounded, I couldn’t forget about my life. Melody was dead, and my parents only had me. I couldn’t go off the deep end, they depended on me; I was their last child.

Kicking off the bottom of the pool I shot towards the surface. After breaking through the top layer of water, I rubbed the water away from my eyes only to see a very happy looking Vee standing at the edge of the pool. Next to her stood Blaine; wearing a pair of bright orange swimming trunks.

“Sabotage!” he shouted, leaping off the edge and into the pool.

His impact on the surface sent water everywhere, and Vee let out a frustrated sigh as unwanted water droplets pelted her shirt. Blaine resurfaced right as Vee sat down to dip her feet in the water.

“Hello?” I said slowly, wondering why they were at my house when I was in a very grounded state. Why did my mother even let them in?

Vee clasped her hands together. “I bet you’re wondering why were even here, seeing as your mother grounded you for a week, which by the way, is something you usually tell your best friend.”

“Oh no she didn’t!”

I turned around to glare at Blaine, who was standing in the shallow end of the pool hands on his hips.

“By the way, she only let us in because she wanted us to talk some sense into you, and she also wanted to know if there happened to be a particular reason for your sudden behavior change,” Vee stated calmly, bringing my attention back to her.

Oh no, Colton. “Don’t worry I didn’t tell her about him, but if you start coming to school wearing skank fish nets and stinking of old beer and nasty cigarettes, I will tell your mom who you’ve been hanging around.”

Even though I hadn’t said his name out loud, Vee knew, and so did Blaine. But Vee was wrong, Colton wasn’t like that, sure he got into trouble once in a while, but he wasn’t really as bad ass as everyone made him out to be. In reality, Colton Jones was all big talk.

“Vee, you will never, not ever catch me alive wearing fishnets.”

At this, both Blaine and Vee let out a little laugh. “But really guys, Colton isn’t like people make him out to be, and what happened last night was weird and unexpected. I only plan to get this project done and get out.”

“Yeah who knew Ms, Goody would ever skip school,” Blaine added.

Rolling my eyes, I splashed him with some water. “I think I left the whole innocent act behind last night while Colton and I were being chased by some drug lord’s thugs.”

Vee practically fell into the pool. “What?”

Sighing, I dove into the amazing, yet terrifying events of last night. Even though I never imagined being chased by thugs, it was actually nice meeting someone important to Colton. He seemed like one of those guys who didn’t really need anyone, but I could tell by the way that he interacted with Rupert that they needed each other.

It was a side of Colton I wasn’t used to seeing. Not that I saw a lot of him, I still barely knew the guy.

“So from that description of Caroline, I take that she’s hot. Did you get her digits?” Blaine questioned after I was done explaining everything.

Raising my eyebrow in his direction, I tried not to laugh. As much as a ladies man as Blaine was, he would NEVER go for a girl like Caroline, he liked the sweet ones. “Yes, as she continued to humiliate me by saying I looked like I was twelve I managed to get her number.”

Blaine shrugged his shoulders. “I was just wondering.”

“Was Colton’s brother hot?”

This came from Vee, who was eagerly awaiting my answer. “Of course, I mean he’s a Jones, their parents must have done something right.”

Vee’s eyes lit up. “No I didn’t get his number either.”

“So,” Blaine said wading his way closer to me and Vee, “on a more serious note, have you talked to Mark since the whole, you know—“

“No, I haven’t and don’t plan to,” I cut him off.

“But you have too!”

“If he wants to talk, he can come and apologize for getting into my business.”

Blaine sighed. “But you know he won’t, he’s too stubborn.”

Vee laughed. “And so is our little Sutton.”

“Hey I’m not little,” I complained, “stop making me feel like a munchkin over here. What, your one inch taller than me? Big whoop!”

“Someone’s trying to change the subject,” Blaine chimed in.

Grumbling, I took in a deep breath and let my body sink beneath the surface. The calming silence only lasted for a few seconds before two hands grasped my upper arms and pulled me towards the surface.

“You can’t avoid this for forever,” my best friend told me.

I nodded my head. “I know, but it’s only been a day. Give it at least a week before I try and make contact with him.”

They both looked at me with smirks on their faces. “We won’t change your mind, will we?” Blaine stated, more than asked.

They both knew me way too long to know I was just someone to give up…

I know this chapter was a little boring, sorry! Don't forget to vote and comment! Love you all! 

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