The List

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Okay, so I do think it’s a little annoying that I put an author’s note in front and at the end of every chapter, so today is the last day I put an author’s note and the beginning of the chapter. Anyway, enjoy this last little one, hope you like the chapter.


It was my first official “grounding” day, seeing that my mother allowed Blaine and Vee over the first day I was actually grounded, but I didn’t feel grounded. No, I actually felt relieved. I was back to my normal schedule: school, home, homework, bed. It almost felt like Melody was just in the other room, texting Mark and painting her nails; well that’s what she usually did on Wednesdays.

 My mother had kindly given me back my computer for school purposes, but she still held my IPod captive. Not that it mattered; I had all my music on my computer. Opening Spotify, I went into my favorites and clicked on I Choose You by “Timeflies”, my new obsession. Cal’s sexy voice poured through my speakers just as my mother’s voice called up to me from downstairs.

“Sutton, I’m meeting your dad at the airport, I won’t be back before you go to sleep so goodnight!”

Muttering an okay, even though she wouldn’t hear me, I grabbed my bowel of chocolate Cheerios from my night stand and popped the food into my mouth. Thankfully, I had finished my homework and had some time before bed to go on imgfav, my all-time favorite website. I refreshed the page, and a picture of a list popped up onto the screen.

“Bucket list,” I read out loud, scanning down the list of twenty things to do before graduating high school.

The girl who posted the list, who went by the name of CrazyB**TCH must have had a wild side, because I would never imagine doing half the things on her list. Steal something? She was crazy. Suddenly, a thought came to mind, but I instantly pushed it away. I could practically hear Melody’s voice in my head, telling me how I was such a little baby.

Biting my lip, I opened a work document and quickly titled it “Bucket list”.

Okay Sutton, be creative, you can do this. Shaking my head, I cracked my knuckles and placed my fingers on the keyboard. After about ten minutes, the only thing I managed to type was the number 1.

Come on Sutton, just think of Melody, what would she do? What has she done that you haven’t?

1.       Sneak out.

The words appeared on the document quickly. Melody snuck out all the time, it couldn’t be that hard. If anything, I would have to go to her room and use the tall tree next to her window. See, this isn’t so hard. Smiling to myself and the tiny accomplishment, I thought of another thing to type down.

A sudden thought popped into my head and immediately my fingers were working.

2.       Steal something.

If CrazyB**TCH could steal something, so could I. It wouldn’t really be that hard, right? Walk into a store, stick something in your pocket and walk out, anyone could do that!

Feeling a little surge of confidence, I typed down my next crazy idea.

3.       Break into school.

At first I was going to add breaking and entering, but Colton already helped me accomplish that one, even if I didn’t know I was doing it.

4.       Stand in two places at once.

The thought came to mind quickly; it was always something I wanted to do, as cheesy as it sounded. Ever since watching A Walk To Remember, and crying my eyes out, I’d wanted to stand in two places at once.

5.       Get a tattoo, and not the washable kind.

6.       Drive a motorcycle.

7.       Buy lingerie.

8.       Make out with someone.

9.       Go skinny dipping.

The crazy thoughts poured onto my word document, each number getting crazier and crazier. Melody would have laughed at my pathetic list, she’d managed to accomplish a good number of things on my bucket list before she was gone.

At last, I was stuck thinking about number ten to my list. Ten seemed like a good place to stop, but I had no idea what to put down for it. Finally, a thought came to mind, a really girly not thought out idea. Smiling to myself, I lowered my hands to the keyboard and started typing.

10.   Fall in love.

A picture of Mark and Melody together popped into my mind. They were in love, everyone, even I could see that. I don’t know if it was the way the held hands, or the way they looked into each other’s eyes, but there was no denying that they were in love.

My eyes watered at the thought of my sister, but I blinked them away, not wiling myself to cry. I hadn’t yet, and I wasn’t planning on. Overtaken with tiredness, I printed my list to the printer that was conveniently plugged in at my desk. After shutting of my laptop, I snuggled down into my blankets and let sleep override my buzzing mind.


Sometime in the middle of the night, my bladder had warned me it needed to be emptied. I shuffled out of bed and practically zombie walked my way to the bathroom attached to my bedroom. After relieving myself and washing my hands, I made my way back towards the bed.

Even through my tired eyes, I managed to detect a flicker of movement outside my balcony door. Heart racing, I made my way over, an all too familiar feeling creeping inside my stomach. The last time something was going on outside my window, it was Colton. Before I could make it to the door, a figure stepped in front of the glass and waved

Instantly, I knew it was Jones. His tall figure and toned body gave him away every time. Rolling my eyes, I reached out and opened the door.

“Surprise surprise,” Colton said, stepping into my room without waiting for me to ask.

Shaking my head, I walked over to my bedside table and switched on my purple lamp. A dull light illuminated the room, and I wined and shut my eyes.

“You need to clean your room missy, there’s clothes everywhere Sutton, I thought you’d be the clean type.”

“Are you going to be making a habit out of this?” I questioned, turning back to face him.

He was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and boyfriend tank top. The weather had been getting nicer, and he was a sight to see; big muscly arms, tanned to perfection. Scolding myself silently for thinking like that, I looked away.

“Make a habit of what?”

I raised an eyebrow. “Coming to my house in the middle of the night.”

“Only if you want me to,” he said with a wink before further inspecting my room.

I looked over to my alarm clock to see that it was two in the morning. My mother and father were home by now, and the thought of them walking in on me and Colton scared me half to death. They were just down the hallway…

“I like my sleep,” I finally answered.

Colton chuckled. “I bet you’d rather study than sleep.”

He was riffling through my desk top which was covered in school books and a few assignments that I had finished. Rolling my eyes, I laughed. “Unlike you I plan to go somewhere after high school, you know this place called college.”

“I plan on getting out of here too, trust me.”

“How do you plan on getting out of here? You miss way too much school; you were gone today and yesterday. And you don’t look sick to me,” I pointed out.

No runny nose, no red eyes or spreading rash.

He laughed. “Aw did you miss me Sutton?”

“Please, you wish.”

I was waiting for a cocky reply when something on my desk top caught Colton’s attention. As soon as I saw him reaching for the printer paper, I leapt over and snatched the list out before he could get his hands on it.

“That’s private,” I scolded, holding the paper close to my chest.

He smiled. “Aw come on just let me peek at it?”

I shook my head. “This is for my eyes and my eyes only.”

Without waiting for a reply, I turned around and headed over to my bedside table. Colton’s hand shot out the second I moved, but I was ready and jumped out of his reach. A mischievous gleam filled his eyes as he advanced towards me, backing me into the corner by my bathroom.

“Be quiet!” I hissed as he stumbled over a few things on the ground.

My eyes darted to my door and I waited for my parents to come barging in. In the seconds I shifted my gaze in the other direction, Colton plucked the paper from my hands.

“No!” I lunged for the list, but he held it high above his head, which was way out of my reach.

Holding me back with his free arm, he brought the list down to his face. “Number one,” he read out loud, “sneak out.”

His eyes darted over to me, and all I wanted to do was slap the smirk right off his face. “Colton sto—“

“Number two, steal something.”

A raspy chuckle came from his mouth as his eyes moved down the list. His eyes stopped halfway down the paper and he raised an eyebrow. “Make out with someone, go skinny dipping? I could possibly help you out with those—“

“Oh shut up Jones,” I seethed, my face heating up.

Another laugh escaped from his lips as he looked from me and back to the paper. His smile disappeared once he read the last number on the list, and I stopped struggling to get a hold of the paper. It didn’t matter anymore; Colton already read all my embarrassing bucket list ideas. I was humiliated.

“Fall in love.”

At this, my eyes shot down to my feet. Colton handed me back the paper, and a grumpily snatched the list from his hands.

“How about I help you with that little list of yours,” he proposed.

I rolled my eyes. “Colton it’s not like I’m actually going to do that stuff.”

“Why would you make it then,” he asked, taking a step towards me, “I mean you obviously want to do some of that stuff, and I would be happy to help.”

From the twinkle in his eye, I knew he would be more than happy to help, especially with a select few numbers on the list. Sighing, I looked down at the paper.

“Fine,” the word came from my mouth without thinking, and seconds after I said it I was already regretting it.

“Alright,” he said clapping his hands together, “then I think it’s time to sneak out.”


Hey Guys, hope you liked the chapter! Please remember to vote and comment, and thank you to all the people who were kind enough to make me banners! Anyway, for those of you on summer right now, how hot is it? Because here in Wisconsin it’s unbelievably hot! 

Also, I looked through the chapter, but I'm guessing there are still a few mistakes, sorry everyone! 

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