Make Up Or Make Out?

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Jack was gone once I looked around, but I didn’t ask Colton anything. Instead, I followed him to his car and slid into the passenger seat. The radio hummed quietly as we pulled out of the parking lot and in the direction of his house; the silence between us filled with tension. I tried to concentrate on the houses rushing by my window, but Colton’s steady breathing was very distracting.

“My mom and sisters are out,” he said as we pulled into his driveway.

I noticed his motorcycle was parked on the left side of the garage as we pulled in. He turned off the car and we waited in silence for someone to say something.

“Just come inside and we can talk,” he finally said.

Nodding my head, I got out of the car and followed him inside. This time the living room wasn’t a complete mess, and the whole house smelled like a really yummy candle. He led me down a back hallway and into what I presumed to be his room. The walls were almost bare, besides for a clock and a motorcycle poster hanging up. His bed was made; the black and maroon sheets without a wrinkle. For a guy, Colton was pretty tidy.

“Sorry if it’s a little dirty,” he said grabbing a pair of shorts from the ground and tossing it into his laundry basket.

I chuckled. “It’s cleaner than mine.”

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his bed so that we were lying on our sides, my body pressed to the inside of his. I had to fight against the urge to turn my head and kiss him senseless. I was supposed to be mad at him.

I was mad.

“How did you get a hold of Jack, I don’t even remember—“

I cut him off. “I didn’t. We just happened to be at the same place at the same time.”

He pulled me tighter against his chest and wrapped his arms around me. I felt my stomach turn with butterflies. Never had I been in a guy’s bed before, or in bed with a guy beside Mark. And I didn’t feel the same way about Mark like I did about Colton. He made me nervous and clam and the same time. It was dizzying.

“I’m sorry I make rash decisions. Jack was right, I don’t think.”

I laughed. “Everyone has flaws. If I wouldn’t have pushed you to tell me about your dad, none of this would have happened.”

“No you’re perfect,” he whispered in my ear. “I’m the one who messed up; I’m always the one who messes up. It’s hard for me to talk about that stuff because I’ve done my best to not think about it.”

Colton left a searing kiss on the back of my neck that made me sigh out in pure bliss.

“My dad and Jack are complicated.”

I shook my head. “No you don’t have to tell me. Tell me when you want to, and if you never want to tell me then I can respect that.”

Colton sat up against his headboard which left me lying down, my head in his lap. I looked up at him admiring the light speckle of freckles around his nose and his beautiful blue eyes. I could tell he was having a hard time coming up with the right words.

“I want to tell you. I’ve never wanted to tell anyone about my life until I met you.”

He grabbed my hand and closed his eyes before beginning. “Well I was thirteen when my mom found out that my dad was cheating on her. She was pregnant at the time with Bella, so when she approached him about the whole thing her hormones were out of control and so was she. She ended up hitting him with a lamp. Before he left to go press charges he said that he was happy he was leaving her for his girlfriend and baby on the way. The next day he was gone and so was Jack.”

Looking into Colton’s sad eyes almost caused me physical pain. It must have taken a lot of strength to tell me everything. “Why did Jack leave?”

Colton let out a nasty chuckle. “He was really athletic in high school, and some scouts watched him play baseball and knew he would make it into the major leagues. My dad always knew Jack would be famous, so he took the better son and left his other two children, and on the fourth on the way.”

A long silence followed before Colton said, “But I never understood and still don’t understand why Jack left.”

I sat up so that I straddled Colton between my legs and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I won’t leave you like they did, I promise.”

He nodded his head and pulled me in closer. “I know. I was just afraid that if I told you, you’d end up leaving me too. Everyone ends up leaving me.”

“That’s not true. You have me, Bella, Charlotte and your mom.”

“One day my mom will be gone and Charlotte and Bella will be all grown up.”

I laughed. “Everyone grows up. And you’ll have me.”

“But I’m graduating next year and you’ll be—“

“Colton,” I cut him off, “don’t think about all that stuff now. When we get to that point, we’ll figure it out. For now, let’s just use the time wisely.”

A smirk spread across his overly gorgeous face. “What would you call spending our time wisely?”

I was barely able to contain myself. “I have a pretty good idea…”

Colton’s head was buried into my neck, leaving a trail of hot, open mouthed kisses down and towards my collar bone. The sudden contact of his skin against mine made me gasp out loud, which was shortly followed by a throaty chuckle. It was hard to control my shaking hands as I eagerly trailed them down Colton’s arms and back. He flipped me over so that I was underneath him and tugged at my shirt as I tried to shimmy it off of my back.

“Are you okay with this?” he asked, his voice hoarse.

I nodded and grabbed the back of his head and pushed his mouth towards mine. Nothing felt as good as this. Being here with Colton was perfect in every way. I didn’t feel uncomfortable or self-conscience with him, even though he was so much more experienced. I was in love with Colton in every way. I love him when he is sweet and romantic, and I love him when he is being hot headed and snarky. The word love barely described how I felt about Colton.

By now we were pressed up against each other so tight that my whole body burned in delight. Both of ours shirts were on the ground, but we were in no rush. Colton’s mouth worked in amazing ways with mine as we ran our hands along each other’s hot skin. I wanted to tell him to take off his pants, but I didn’t want to stop our kiss.

“Colton we’re home!”

We pulled away from each other in a rush and Colton groaned in frustration. He leaned over the side of the bed and grabbed our shirts. I felt my cheeks going warm at the thought of walking out to see Colton’s mom. This was going to be horrifying…

I looked myself over in the mirror and flattened out my hair. “You look fine, come on.”

He grabbed my hand and led me out of his room and into the kitchen.

“We picked up some pizza—“

Colton’s mom cut off midsentence as she turned around to face us.

“Mom, remember Sutton?”

She gave a slight nod as her lips curved into a smile. “I do remember Sutton.”

I looked up from my feet and gave her a shy wave. No doubt she must be thinking I’m some school slut. This is the second time she’s caught me with Colton in their home.

“Why don’t you join us for dinner?”

Colton’s grip on my hand tightened at the suggestion. He looked like he was about to object but I took manors into my own hands. I wanted to get to know his family. “I’d love to.”

His mom smiled as she ushered me over to the table and set a plate down for me just as Bella and Charlotte ran into the room. They both came to a halt when they saw me sitting next to Colton.

“Colton’s girlfriend is here!” Bella squealed in delight.

Charlotte snorted. “Colton doesn’t have girlfriends…”

An awkward silence followed, and I was glad his mother came in holding two large boxes of pizza.

“She is my girlfriend,” Colton said with a smile as he snatched up three pieces.

Bella looked absolutely enchanted with the idea of me being Colton’s girlfriend, and so did I. I hadn’t asked him what we were because I was afraid of the answer. Now I wish I would have asked him from the beginning.

“So, did you two have sex yet? Or did we interrupt you—“

“Charlotte,” her mother hissed.

“This is going to be along dinner,” Colton muttered.


The song I posted on the side is my new addiction...and it's called "Addicted To Love" by Florence + The Machine

Okay everyone, we are nearing the end! One more chapter left! Crazy right, it starts and then it’s over with before you know it!

Thank you everyone for supporting this story. It would also make my day if you went and checked out the new story I posted just before the chapter.


It’s called “Puck You”

It’s a romance/humor story, so pretty much like everything I write. 

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