Brother Issues

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I took the long way to the art rooms, and by the time I got there I was already starting to calm down. Maybe it was wrong of me to be mad, but I had already opened up to Colton in so many ways and he was still a complete mystery to me. He didn’t deserve to know my venerable spots if I couldn’t know his. This thing we had wasn’t a one way street.  And what in the world gave him the right to tell me I was being selfish? I was allowed to be upset if I wanted to.

“Are you just going to stand there looking pissed off or are you going to say something?”

I peered up and through the doorway of the art room. Vee was looking at me in an amused expression from behind her painting easel. A streak of blue paint was speared across her face and I could tell she was in her artist mode.

“It’s Colton,” I huffed. “And my mom.”

Vee chuckled. “Trouble in paradise already?”

I could feel tears welling up in the back of my eyes as I took a few steps into the room. “My mom left Vee. I don’t know if she’s coming back.”

In a second my best friend was beside me, her arms wrapping around my body. “Sutton it’s okay, she’ll come back. You’re mom’s not the type of woman to give up so easily.”

I nodded my head into her shoulder and sniffled. Vee was right, my mom wasn’t someone to give up easily but this time it felt different. What If she didn’t come back? Sometimes I felt like slapping her silly but I knew I’d be a complete an utter mess if she left for good.

I pulled away from Vee and smiled. “You’re right.”

“I always am,” she replied.

We both laughed like we were too crazy kids once again. “So what happened with Colton?”

I was dreading that question actually…

“He just doesn’t understand. But I don’t want to talk about him.”

Vee nodded her head but didn’t push the topic. That’s why I loved her so much. She always knew when to stop and when she needed to be there for me.

“So I know you don’t want to talk about Colton but he might have let something slip the other day…” she trailed off.


“Blaine, Mark and I all know about the list. I mean, you know I can’t keep secrets and I told Colton that but he insisted on telling me. I think he wants us to help you cross off some things too.”

I could barely understand what Vee said, but after picking out a few words the realization hit me. “I’m not mad,” I admitted.

Maybe a little embarrassed but not mad.

She sighed in relief. “Good because we have something planned for you after school.”


"What is the devious plan I’ve heard about all day long?”

Blaine and I were sitting in the back of Mark’s truck as we drove further and further away from town. Vee looked at me through the rear view mirror to check if I was okay. After school I had tried to talk to Colton but when I got outside his car was gone. I was a little more than let down, but I didn’t want my current state of sadness to bring anyone else down. Giving Vee a small nod, I turned to Blaine and waited for him to reply.

“It’s a secret.”

I rolled my eyes. “Well it obviously has to do something with the extremely embarrassing list you all know about.”

Mark chuckled. “Maybe we’re going to buy some lingerie”

“That one’s already checked off,” I said without thinking.

Mark’s car swerved to the left and Vee and Blaine turned to gawk at me.  I could feel the heat on my cheeks as I silently cursed myself for bringing it up.

“Did you buy it?” Vee finally asked.

I chuckled nervously. “Of course not…”

“Yes she did I can see it on her dirty lying face!” Blaine exclaimed.

Everyone burst into laughter and I was suddenly very thankful to have Blaine around. Only he had the capability to make me laugh in the most awkward of situations.

“What color?”

I glared at Vee as the car came to a stop. “We’re here,” Mark called out.

I looked out the window to see we were now pulled over to the side of the road. A large weathered sign that looked like it was about to topple over read “Welcome to Richfield!”. We were in the middle of nowhere with trees surrounding us and I had absolutely no idea what the hell was going on.

Before I could ask, everyone besides me was out of the car and stretching their limbs. It wasn’t a long car ride, but Mark’s truck was pretty small. “What’s going on?” I asked as I stepped out of the car and slammed the door shut behind me.

“I believe we are here to cross of number four,” Blaine said with a grin.

Number four…

Stand in two places at once.

I looked up at the sign and grinned. Mark grabbed my hand and led me over to the edge of the sign. Vee and Blain joined us, and on the count of three we all took one foot and placed it down on the other side.

“You, Sutton Bran, are now in two places at once.”

I raised my hands in the air and jumped up and down like a little girl. Vee looked at me with a smile on her face right before Blaine gasped. I turned to face him in confusion.


Mark marched over to where I was standing and lifted the edge of my shirt up. I looked down in horror at my tattoo. Gaining some of my composure back, I slapped Mark’s hand away and shrugged him off.

“It’s not like it’s a surprise it was on my list anyway.”

“Well I really like it,” Vee piped in.

I smiled at her. Of course Vee loved it, she already had a few of her own tattoos. “What about you Mark?”

He looked at me before kneeling on the ground and lifting the edge of my shirt back up. This time I let him inspect the design.

“I love it.”

Mark kissed his pointer finger and brushed it against the ink work.

“I think Melody would love it too.”

Smiling, he stood back up and pulled me into his arms. Once he released me, we all headed back to the car.

“What’s next?” I asked.

Blaine laughed. “I think this one’s something we can all cross off our list…”


“Are you sure you’ll be fine walking home?”

I looked up at Mark and nodded my head. “It’s only a ten minute walk, I’ll be fine.”

He gave me a small wave and pulled out of the dinner’s parking lot. Once his truck was out of sight I stepped inside and took a seat at the closest booth. My heart was still racing from our earlier adventures. After stepping in two places at once, we all drove back to school which had already been locked up for the night. It was easier breaking in than I thought it would be. One of the ground level windows were open and it was just wide enough to fit Mark and Blains big shoulders. Out of all of us, Vee seemed the most calm and collected. Mark and I on the other hand we walking on our tip toes the whole time.

As for Blaine, he just looked terrified. 

We didn’t stay in school for long. First we went around and tried to find any unlocked doors. A few of the teacher’s rooms were open, which allowed us to pick through their things and laugh at the weird stuff we found. Mark and I were already jumpy enough, but when we heard something a few rooms down, it was good enough of a reason for us to get the hell out. We were almost out of the building when I remembered number 2 on my list. I told Blaine and Mark to wait for me and Vee outside and led my best friend towards the principal’s office. One of his most prized possessions hung from the wall right behind his desk. It was tacky plaque that he won his senior year of high school for being and outstanding student. I don’t know why he thought it was such an achievement, but it would help me cross off number 2 on my list. After snatching the stupid thing off the wall, Vee and I got ourselves the hell out of school.

It was a successful day in checking off things from my list. Three whole feats were now overcome, and I had overcome them with my best friends.

“Can I get you something to drink?”

I looked up at the waitress and nodded my head. “Just tea please.”

She scribbled the order down on her notebook and made her way towards the kitchen. The bell above the entrance door rang and a tall, well-built man with short dirty blonde hair stepped inside. When he turned in my direction my first thought was that it was Colton, but as he walked closer to my booth I knew it was Jack, Colton’s older brother.

He sat down in the booth across from me and waved a waitress over. I could see them flirting together as she wrote down his order. He really was Colton’s brother…

Suddenly a very risky thought popped into my head. Lacking in the confidence department, I stood up and made my way over to his booth. He didn’t look up at me until I sat down in the seat across from him.

“Colton’s girl.”

His words surprised me at first, but I slowly nodded. “And you’re Colton’s brother.”

He laughed. “So what do you want to know? Dirty secrets, past girlfriends, past criminal records…”

I looked at him in confusion. It almost seemed like he had been through this before. What was I supposed to say?

“Why does he hate you?”

Jack looked a little startled by my words. “Well that’s a new one.”

“I didn’t think Colton had a lot of past girlfriends.”

“He’s had some, but none that he’s ever let into the house before,” he said truthfully.

I thought back to the day I had surprised Colton at his house.

“Sutton, right?”

I nodded my head.

“You seem like a good girl, which is why I’m going to tell you to get out now. Colton’s a really complicated guy, and he’s never really gotten involved with a girl like you. You’re the kind of girl who sticks around, but he’s not that guy. He’s the guy who makes irrational decisions and doesn’t think things through.”

“Oh you mean like this?”

Jack didn’t look surprised as I whirled around to face Colton. His fists were clenched together tightly, and in one swift moment he lunged forwards and punched Jack square in the jaw. 

EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I couldn't be more happy than I am right now:D

Anyway, I think there will only be like two..maybe three chapters to this story left. A lot of people want a sequal, but I'm not a huge fan of sequals at this point. But, I will be posting a new story when this once is finished, and I'm really excited for it! 

Love you all! Don't forget to vote!!

 Also thank you to rrrradicalll for the cover/banner. 

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