Nothing Good Lasts Forever

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I lied across the little wooden bench, my head in Colton’s lap. The stars seemed to be shining even brighter tonight, and I sighed in pure bliss.

“Isn’t this the part where you tell me you named a star after me, certificate and everything?”

Colton’s body rumbled as he chuckled. “Man I thought I had covered everything. Twinkling lights, perfect night, amazing kisser…”

“Amazing?” I asked sarcastically.

He looked down at me with a smile. “If you need another reminde-“

Before he could finish his sentence I leaned forward and placed my lips against his. His mouth felt warm and tingly against my lips as I pulled back. “I need to get home.”

Colton opened his eyes and studied me for a second. I wish I could have stayed in the moment forever, but I knew my parents were already freaking out, and I needed to get home. He nodded his head and we both stood up, our hands entangled together. We didn’t talk as we walked out to his car and drove towards my house, but the silence was comfortable. I knew something was wrong once we pulled up to the house and a cop car was parked in the driveway. Flashes of the night Melody died flew through my head and I tried to catch my breath. I saw my mom and dad, along with Mark standing on the front porch talking to a cop in uniform.

Colton pulled over to the side of the road. “I can walk up with you if you want.”

I nodded my head and stepped out of the car. As soon as my mother saw me she started across the lawn in a fast walk. “Sutton thank God I was starting to get really worried,” she said as she pulled me into a hug.

My arms hung awkwardly at my sides. “You called the cops on me?” I finally managed to say.

She pulled away. “Well we didn’t know where you were and you weren’t answering the phone.”

No freaking way!

“That was the point.”

Mark and my dad were beside my mother now, both looking past me and at Colton who stood close enough that I could feel his breath on my neck.

“What’s he doing here?” Mark asked sourly.

I grabbed Colton’s hand and squeezed him for some reassurance. “He drove me home.”

My mom sighed, her face full of emotions. My dad on the other hand looked completely unreadable.

“What did he take you for a nice street race?” Mark bit out. 

“Actually no, we were at the mall babysitting my two little sisters. I’m Colton by the way,” he said holding out his hand towards my mother.

She looked at his hand bitterly. “Did you know that she snuck out to see you?”

I hadn’t told Colton about the dinner, or sneaking out. “I’m sorry I take full responsibility,” he said shortly after.

“No he doesn’t, and no he didn’t.”

“I think you should leave,” my mom said coldly.

My father still hadn’t said a word, and I wasn’t expecting him to. I was glad he hadn’t said anything. With mixed emotions, I turned around to face Colton. I didn’t want him to go, but I knew it would be better if he left. Not better for me but better for everyone else.

“See you tomorrow at school?” I asked.

He nodded before bending down to kiss my forehead. Then, Colton turned around and got into his car. Once he was down the street and out of sight, I turned back to face my parents and Mark.

“You are more immature then me,” I hissed towards my mother. “He was nothing but nice, yet you insisted on being the biggest bitch!”

“Young lady you watch your mouth!” she snapped back.

“Sutton I think you should go to you room, it’s been a long night.”

I looked at my father as he spoke for the first time. His words were calm and his eyes showed understanding. Nodding my head, I brushed past my mom and Mark before heading towards my room. I could feel someone following close behind, and once I got to my room and plopped onto my bed Mark was standing in the doorway.

“This is where you tell me I’m a jerk and you never want to be friends with me again,” he said after a few minutes of complete silence.

I turned to look at him. “You’re a jerk and…and you’re worse than an over protective brother. You’re annoying and you always know how to get on my nerves, but you’re one of my best friends. I don’t want to lose you.”

Mark looked down at his hands. “I don’t think I’ll ever like him.”

“That’s because you already think you know him, but you don’t. Won’t you just give him a chance? Please Mark?”

He nodded. “I thought you said you were just friends. But do friends kiss each other goodnight?”

Was Mark Jealous? “Oh my God don’t tell me you love me or something!”

“Oh God no Sutton, you’ll always be Melody’s little sister to me. I just don’t want you to get hurt; I would never forgive myself if I let him hurt you.”

“How many times do I have to tell you, I can take care of myself!” I exclaimed.

Mark sat down at the edge of my bed and fell back onto the covers. “I believe you.”

I turned to look at him in confusion. After all this time, all his annoying over protectiveness, he was just going to let it be. “So you’re done being-“

“I’m done making a fool out of myself. I’m sorry Sutton.”

I let myself relax in the moment. Finally, after everything Mark was willing to let me be happy without his constant fighting. I knew why Melody loved him. He was loyal, and a really good friend, but damn was he stubborn.

“You have to help me fix things with Vee. You owe me that at least,” I finally said.

“I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Vee loves you.”

I nodded my head. “But every time we get into a fight she can’t keep her mouth shut. This time she won’t even say one word to me.”

Mark stood up from my bed and flattened out his ruffled mop hair. “I’ll talk to her tomorrow. But you have to do most of the talking.”

“Hopefully she’ll listen to me.”


In the morning I woke extra early just to avoid my mother and father. I left a small note on the counter telling them I had to make up a test in fear that they might call the cops again. Who knew, maybe they’d think I ran off with Colton. But they should know me better; I would never do something so reckless. Once I got to school I made my way towards the art room where I knew Vee would be. She usually got to school early to finish the canvas she had been working on for the past six months. When I got to the art room, she was sitting down at a table across from Colton.

I stayed in the doorway and watched them talk, hoping maybe to overhear some of their conversation. When a smile appeared on Vee’s face, and seconds later she burst into a fit of laughter I almost gasped. When did they become so friendly? Last time Vee and I talked she asked me to choose between them. I stepped into the classroom half expecting Vee to start scowling at Colton, but they seemed like friends.

“Hey did I miss something?” I asked, finally making my presence noticed.

They both peered over to me and the same time. Colton’s face lit up at the sight of me, and I smiled back at him for a brief moment before looking to Vee. Vee was always easy to read, and right now I knew she was feeling both angry and sorry. I didn’t blame her.

Colton stood up after a few passing seconds of silence. “Well I’ll let you two talk.”

He made his way over to me and leaned down to kiss my forehead. I moved my head up and planted my lips on his instead, a bolt of energy travelling through my system. Colton grinned against my mouth and wrapped his arms around me.

“She couldn’t resist my charm. I mean I know I’m good but—“

I playfully slapped him across the arm. “There’s the arrogant guy I know.”

His smile gleamed a little brighter. “Arrogant? Maybe. But handsome? Definitely.”

Rolling my eyes I pushed past him and made my way towards Vee. Once I reached the table she was sitting at, I lowered myself down into the seat across from her.

“How’ve you been?”

She shrugged. “Okay. See lately I haven’t been able to tell my best friend about this guy I’ve been crushing on, because she’s always off with this guy who I thought was a total jackass. Turns out he’s not too bad, and turns out I probably could have told her about my crush if I hadn’t of pushed her away. But too be fair, she did lie to me, and that really hurt.”

I could feel tears filling my eyes. “I’m so—“

“No I should be the one apologizing. I asked you to choose between two people you really cared about, and I’m so sorry. I don’t know how you could forgive me.”

“I already have. I did the second you said it because I knew you were just mad in the moment.”

Vee looked at me with one of her trademark smiles. “He’s actually pretty cool Sutton.”

I smiled at the mention of Colton. “I know.  He really makes me happy. And speaking of happy, who is this guy you’ve been crushing on?”

And just like that, I knew Vee and I were as good as ever. Some people might think it’s ridiculous that we could get over stuff and move on so fast, sometimes I even thought it was weird. But it was actually really special that we could move on from a bad part of our relationship and grow from the experience. That’s why I loved her so much. She knew me like the back of her hand, and I knew her just the same.  I knew years from now when I was old and my grandchildren were running around the house that I would still be able to pick up the phone and call Vee.

“Well, I met him at this party the other night and man was he HOT…”

I tried to pay attention to the story about Vee’s new crush, but my mind was on something else. Recently I had been through a lot. Colton and my friends had been helpful distractions from Melody, but now I was starting to feel like everything was falling into place. I was actually happy.

But like I knew too well, that sort of thing never lasts.

As the day went on I thought that I was possibly having the best day of my life since Melody’s passing, but by the time I got home to see my mom packing her bags I knew all too well that this was possibly the worst. 

Hey everyone! Thank you to everyone who has been taking the time to vote. Some people complain about how I don't upload enough, or how my chapters are too short, but guess what...TOO BAD. I take time out of MY day MY life MY time to write something for all of you to enjoy. If my chapters aren't long enough for you, than don't read them. It just really gets to me that people are mad at me for doing something for them. 

Thank you to every single one of you who support my story and vote every upload. You guys mean the world to me. I really do appriciate that you hit the vote button and read my story every week without some sort of complaint. 

Without all you supporters my story would be nothing. 

So, please take the time to vote if you appreciate my story. It would really mean a lot to me! 


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