The Painful Memories

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Whoa, lots of juicy drama in that last chapter, I hope you all liked it! Summer is finally here, at least for me it is. God I couldn’t be happier, anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter, please vote I really want this story to get popular!!

Whoa that sounded just a bit depressing and desperate… oh well. Love you all!


The instant I was done chugging my drink, I regretted it. My throat burned and my stomach twisted. Playing it off cool, I tossed the empty cup at Colton and threw my hands up.

“Let’s party!” I shouted.

Everyone around us hollered and cheered while Colton looked a little bit stunned. “Jump with me,” I said grabbing whatever his names hand. His bright green eyes lit up in excitement and he shook out his medium length brown hair.

“What the hell,” he said before grabbing me and jumping into the pool.

We both shouted on the way down, and I practically chocked after plunging under the surface. The water was cool and refreshing, and as soon as my feet hit the bottom I pushed back up.

Everyone was cheering and hollering, and the guy next to me laughed. “My names Chris by the way,” he said grabbing me by the waist and pulling me closer.

I smirked at him, but I couldn’t help but glance up at Colton. He was glaring daggers in the back of Chris’s head, and once he saw my gaze on him, he looked away.

“You’re crazy Sutton! I can’t believe I haven’t partied with you before!”

Smiling, we swam our way to the edge of the pool. Chris pulled himself up first, and then snatched me out of the water like I weighed nothing. My wet hair hung in messy curls, dripping water like crazy.

The buzz from my drink was just now hitting me, and I smiled at the fuzziness. “I want another drink!” I called out.

Suddenly Vee was by my side, a look of concern on her face. “Ah Sutton maybe you should chill for a second, you know sit down or something.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m fine!”

A drink was thrust into my hand and I happily took a huge sip. “Seriously?” Vee asked, putting a hand on her hip.

“Don’t be such a downer,” I said in a baby voice.

Mark appeared out of nowhere before Vee could reply and frowned at the sight of Chris’s hand on my waist. “Come on I’ll show you the bathroom Sutton,” he stated, grabbing my arm and pulling me away.

I waved back at Chris and he sent me a little wink. Giggling, I pulled myself away from Mark. “I can walk myself man.”

He rolled his eyes and let me follow closely behind him until we were at the bathroom door. “I’ll wait out here.”

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed the clothes in his hands and entered the bathroom. My eyes found the mirror instantly, and I laughed at my drenched appearance. My auburn hair was a wet mess, and my shirt was pretty much translucent. Who knew red could go see through?

I shrugged off my shirt and grabbed the clothes I had set on the counter. The shirt was just a regular black tank top. I peered down at my bando wondering if I should leave it on or not. It wasn’t like I had huge boobs, and tank tops had built in bras anyway. Shrugging, I pulled off the wet bra and tossed it on the floor.

After putting in the shirt, I unzipped my black skinny jeans and struggled for about a minute straight before peeling them away from my wet skin.

“Hey Sutton, she said you can keep the clothes too, just letting you know,” Mark shouted over the loud music and part goers.

I pulled off my soaked panties and pulled on the pair of shorts left in the bag. They were a little too short for my taste, but there was nothing I could to about it. Grabbing a hair band from my wrist, I pulled my locks up into a messy bun before opening the door.

Mark looked me up and down and a weird expression crossed his face. “What?” I asked looking down at myself.

He coughed uncomfortably. “You’re not wearing a bra?” he questioned.  

I could feel my cheeks growing warm. “It’s all wet, and there’s not much there anyway so what’s the big deal?”

“Just go put a bra on,” he said looking up at the ceiling.

Rolling my eyes, I pushed past him and back towards the party. “Or not whatever,” he called after jogging to catch up to me.

The good thing about being small is that you can make your way through crowds a lot easier. Before I stepped outside, I found myself another drink. This time I sipped at it slowly.

“Hey can I talk to you for a minute?”

The sound of Colton’s voice threw me off edge and I slipped up a bit. Some of the alcohol in my cup swished back and forth before crashing to the ground. An arm shot out and grabbed me before I could too.

Looking up into Colton’s eyes, I frowned. “What do you want?”

“You know you don’t have to try and act like your some wild party animal Sutton, I know that you’re not,” he told me.

I noticed Colton’s hand was still wrapped securely around my arm. I tugged back and away from him quick as lighting.

“Yeah because I’m uptight and snotty. Are you just going to insult me again or can I go?”

“You insulted me first! I’m not some common criminal, I just wanted to-“

I cut in. “To have fun, I know. But right now you’re ruining my fun.”

He sighed. “Look Sutton I know I shouldn’t have taken you there…”

“So why did you? Did you think you’d get a kick out of seeing me scared shitless? Well I hope you enjoyed it because it won’t be happening again.”

“What’s going on here?” Mark was suddenly next to me, his eyes trained on Colton’s face. They both stared at each other, glares on their faces before I said anything.

“Nothing’s going on, I want to go home,” I stated quietly.

Both their gazes shifted to me. “I’ll take you,” they said at the same time.

Sighing, I grabbed Marks arm and led him off towards the front yard. This party was over.


“Look, I don’t know what got into me, it was really weird.”

Vee looked up at me from across my bed and laughed. “Yeah but I just have to say it was funny seeing you so, so-“

“Not upight,” I stated through a frown.


Rolling my eyes, I let myself fall back onto my pillows. So what, maybe I was a little uptight? At least I wasn’t some criminal like Colton. When I go to college, he’ll be doing community service. But hot damn, Colton would look great in one of those orange jumpsuits.

No Sutton! God what are you thinking?

Shaking my head, I concentrated on my phone which had been buzzing like crazy. As if three missed calls and two message from Mark weren’t enough. Didn’t he get that I didn’t want to talk to him? I wouldn't tell him the reason I was mad at Colton on the way home from the party, and I wasn't going to tell him now.

Anyway, there was no way I could tell him why I was actually upset.

“Well maybe we should actually start the clean-up,” Vee said carefully, mentioning the thing I wanted to do the least.

I nodded my head stiffly and rose from the bed. Vee followed me across the room and into the hallway. Melody’s door was open, and I entered her bedroom slowly. Most of the things were already in boxes, but there was still all her clothes to get through, and a few other sentimental things.

“Should I bring in your laundry basket for the stuff you want to keep, I mean you mom wants to take as much of her clothes as you want, and it would make Melody happy. Anyway, she had great style don’t let it go to waste.”

Nodding my head, I kneeled on the ground next to her closet. The door was open and clothes were spilling out from our frantic outfit changes before the party. A painful swelling feeling filled my chest, and I did my best not to cry, something I had managed not to do since her death.

Was it wrong that I didn’t even cry for my dead sister?

Inhaling a deep breath of air, I reached out and picked up the first clothing item I saw. It was Melody’s favorite pair of jeans, and I quickly folded them and put them into the box next to me. As cute as they were, they would never fit my short legs.

Suddenly the memory of her trying them on at the mall for the first time came to mind. We had been shopping non-stop, and for some reason she hadn’t been able to find a good pair of dark blue jeans. Finally, we walked into American Eagle and the pants practically called out of her.

I had waited outside the dressing room, ready to tell her how good they looked. Everything looked good on Melody; there was never anything that didn’t compliment her. When she came out of the dressing room looking as beautiful, maybe even a little better than always, I couldn’t help but smile. I thought to myself, how did I manage to get this pretty, funny, amazing older sister?

And now she was gone and there was nothing I could do about it.

Sorry everyone, I know the endings a little sad, but trust me, the next chapter will be better. So, I have some questions…

For my next book, which won’t be out until I’m fully or almost done with this story… I had two ideas, now I’m not going to tell you the ideas because they are not fully developed, but..

1.       Teen fiction, romance, humor sort of story….


Or…..wait for it..

2.    Werewolf. I’ve always sort of been against werewolf stories because the whole mate aggressiveness thing really gets to me, but I have a cool idea, so which one should I do?    

Please tell me!! I would really appreciate what you guys think, because then I can start writting it and the uploads will be faster because I'll have some of them done already.!


If any of you would be willing to make a banner for this story, I would happily accept them, and then when I put them up, I'll make sure to thank you, and dediate the chapter to you. So all of you arts people, please help a sista out! 

Love you all, Peyton. 

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