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I'm suprised I got this done in time before exams! I had a little free time so I hope you enjoy.


I felt weightless for not even a second before gravity did its work and pulled me down into the foam pit, screaming like crazy. My eyes were still squeezed shut for a few seconds after impact, and I didn’t peel them open until I was able to catch my breath.

The first thing I saw was white and blue foam squares surrounding me, and then a smiling Colton. “You did it!” he shouted, fist pumping into the air.

My lips formed a genuine smile at the thought. I did it, I really jumped. I faced my fear…

I let out a nervous laugh and tried to pull myself out of the endless foam. After a few very frustrating seconds of pure struggle, Colton hopped into the pit to help me out. First he grabbed a lot of the foam surrounding me and threw it to another part of the pit. Next, carefully grabbing my arms with his big hands, he pulled me towards the edge.

“That was amazing; I can’t believe you got me to do it!” I gushed, finally being released from the claws of the foam pit.

Colton laughed. “Yeah and I can’t believe I got it on camera, screams and all.”

I spotted the device a few feet away, thinking about how I could manage to get rid of the video evidence. Colton noticed my gaze, and right as he opened his mouth to say something I darted towards the camera.

Just as I was about to grab it, Colton’s hands gripped my waist and hauled me back fast. I was barely able to let out a scream by the time he had me pinned onto the ground underneath him.

“I’m definitely saving that video for the project,” he said with a playful smirk.

“Jesus kid, were you trained as a ninja or something?’ I asked, appalled that he was able to get me on the ground so fast.

I mean, yeah he was much bigger than me, but damn he moved fast. How come he didn’t play any sports?

“Are you impressed?”

Biting my lip, I nodded my head and slowly moved my hands to Colton’s stomach. He seemed surprised by my actions, but he seemed even more surprised when I started tickling the crap out of him. He leaped back faster than I thought, and as soon as he was off me, I was on my feet and running away.

“How’d you know I was ticklish?” he shouted over to me as I jumped up onto one of the trampolines.

I smiled. “I didn’t but now I do!”

I could tell Colton was about to say something smart, but the sound of sirens nearing distracted us both. A panicked look crossed Colton’s face as the noise grew.

“Let’s get out of here!” he said frantically, nodding towards the door and sprinting off.

I ran after him immediately, confused by his actions. What’s the big deal? This was his place anyway. I caught up to Colton outside. He jumped onto his motorcycle, camera in hand. I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what was going on.

“Get on freckles! Now!”

Deciding that his demanding tone was enough, I strapped on his helmet and climbed onto the back of his motorcycle. He turned us around and we sped down the long gravel pathway. As soon as we were on the street and down the bend, I could hear cars pulling into the warehouse.

Colton took us through winding and unfamiliar roads until we had done quite a lot of circles. Soon enough, we were heading back into our familiar town. The motorcycle came to a stop at Oak Wood Park, and I hopped off the bike.

“That was seriously amazing,” Colton said with a grin as he unzipped and took off his leather jacket. “I thought for sure we were going to get caught.”

“Get caught for what?” I asked.

Colton looked somewhat guilty as he studied his hands. “Get caught for what Colton?” I questioned again, knowing he wasn’t going to say anything.


“It wasn’t your warehouse was it?”

He shook his head.

Millions of emotions poured through my body, but the only one I could concentrate on was pure rage. How could he! How could he break into who knows place and not tell me?

“Look, it’s not that big of a deal, really I’ve done it a lot and I’ve never gotten caught and-“

“It’s not a big deal? I could have gone to jail Colton, I could have gotten arrested! What were you thinking!”

“I just wanted you to loosen up, have some fun,” he stated sadly.

I shook my head. “You are just like I thought you were, God how could I be so stupid and trust myself with you. Is your bike stolen too? What about the camera, where’d you get that?”

“I’m not some criminal who goes around stealing stuff Sutton-“

“How should I know, you lied to me just a few hours ago. How could I know you’re not lying about everything? God Vee was right, I shouldn’t have come tonight.”

Turning my back to him, I stormed off in the direction of the party. “Sutton wait!” he called.

The sound of footsteps echoing around the empty park filled my ears. In seconds I could feel Colton’s presence behind me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me around.

“Just stop!” I shouted pulling my arm back.

There was a pained expression on Colton’s face. “I just wanted to have a fun time, and I knew you wouldn’t go if I told you it weren’t my place.”

“Damn right I wouldn’t go, I’m not stupid and irresponsible.”

“Yeah you’re snotty and uptight!” he responded, his eyes glaring daggers at me.

I laughed. “At least I’m not some sort of juvenile criminal.”

He laughed. “At least I don’t spend my life studying in my room all night. It’s okay to live a little every once and a while.”

Biting my lip, I held back an insult. Mark and Vee were right, Colton was bad news. I should have listened to them from the start, but of course my stubborn self wouldn’t make that possible. “I’m done here,” I said backing up.

“Well me too,” he stated, a frustrated look crossing his face. “Oh and don’t worry I’ll make sure we get new partners for the project.”

“Good!” I shouted before swinging around and heading up a path that led to the nearest neighborhood.

My blood boiled under my skin as I reached the end of the park and turned off down one of the streets. How dare he call me snotty and uptight? Yeah, I didn’t go breaking into places and vandalizing crap but that didn’t make me uptight! And who was he to tell me who I was?

I let out a frustrated scream as I walked the mostly deserted streets in the direction of the party. I could feel the beat of the music and the sound of laughing before I could even see the house. Marcy was Marks very rich friend, and her parent always seemed to be out of town…

So, almost every other weekend she held crazy parties, mostly for the upperclassmen, but since she knew Mark, I was allowed to come. By the time I made it up to the house, it was already ten at night, but the party was just getting started. Who was Colton to call me uptight; I was attending an upperclassmen party where alcohol was being served.

As I entered the house, I shoved my way through rowdy teens, most of them already past tipsy. I knew I’d find Mark and Vee in the backyard by the pool, and Blaine was probably off with some girl.

“No sophomores allowed,” a tipsy blonde said with a snicker as he pointed her finger at me.

Ignoring the ride gesture, I pushed my way out into the backyard and spotted Mark right away. He was standing at the edge of the pool with a few of his drama friends. They all grabbed hands and on the count of three jumped, well everyone but Mark. He stood by the edge of the pool laughing as all of his friends surfaced.


At the sound of my name, I turned towards the hot tub. Vee was sitting on the edge with her legs in the water, surrounded by football players. I laughed at the sight and made my way over to her.

“I made friends!” she cheered listing off a whole bunch of names I wouldn’t remember.

They all had drinks in their hands, and one of the guys noticed my gaze. “Hey want me to grab you a drink?” he asked.

Normally, I would have refused right away, drinking wasn’t my thing, a few sips maybe, but that’s all. However, I was feeling rather pumped up since my jump into the foam pit and the almost getting busted by the police thing. Stupid Colton. 

“Yes please,” I said, and he jumped out of the hot tub and made his way up to the house.

Vee motioned for me to get in, and I looked down at my jeans. Rolling them up as far as possible, I pulled myself up next to my best friend and slipped my legs into the hot tub. My jeans still got wet, but I didn’t really care.

“So what’s your name pretty?”

I turned to face a boy with dark brown hair and ripped arms. He was attractive, but not my type. “Sutton,” I said as my drink bearer came back with a red cup.

I took a huge gulp, and the burning liquid ran down my throat. Damn, this was one strong drink. “And how come I’ve never seen you around Sutton?”

I opened my mouth to reply, but before I could two hands grasped the back of my shoulders and shoved me into the hot water. As quickly as possible, I resurfaced to fine Mark smiling down at me.

“You dick!” I shouted climbing out of the water and tackling him to the ground.

“You’re getting my all wet!” he complained as I pounded my fist into his chest.

Fuming, I pulled myself up, my clothes clinging to me like a second skin. My red shirt was going transparent and I shivered as the breeze picked up.

“You look like a wet dog,” Mark laughed as he stood up.

Frowning, I crossed my arms over my chest. “What the hell is wrong with you!”

He laughed, backing up. “Don’t be so uptight, I was joking around.”

At the word uptight, I heard someone near bye chuckle. My gaze shifted over to an amused looking Colton leaning against the pool shed. Of course he had to be here. 

“What’s so funny?” I asked with a glare.

He just smiled.

Biting my lip in frustration, I turned back to Mark. He seemed to notice my now see through shirt, and my black bando, and so had a few other males. I crossed my arms over my chest once again.

“I’ll got get Marcy, she might have some clothes you can put on,” Mark stated turning around and heading off towards the house.

Suddenly, a towel fell around my shoulders and I looked up at the same guy who had got me a drink before. “Oh and a new drink,” he said with a smile.

“Thanks,” I stated taking the cup from his hands and wrapping the towel around my body.

“Better back out now man, she’s a little uptight, trust me.”

At the sound of Colton’s voice, I practically screamed. “Don’t listen to him, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

And with that, I brought the cup to my lips and drained the whole thing. Uptight? Yeah right…

Hey everyone, I got this up before exams! Yay I’m so happy I had some extra time!!!!! I hope you liked this drama filled chappy!!!!

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