Chapter 20-Begining to an End

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My breath echoed in my ears.My fists were tight in the air,my eyes staring into my opponent.

He went for my side,I ducked low and kicked him in the knee.He fell to the floor,but just as I went to get him in a hold,he yanked me down and sat on top of me.He leaned in closer.

"You really are bad at this."Bart says with a grin.I roll my eyes and flip my hair out of my face.

"Just you wait you insufferable,little..."I growl but I get cut off.

"Who here has you in a hold?"He says with a knowing smile.I smile back.

"That would be you."I say.I kick him on his side and flip forward onto him."So you were saying?"I grin.Bart laughs with me.His face hardens all of a sudden.

"Bart,what's wrong?"I ask,slightly tilting my head.He sighed.

"Have you ever felt like you loved something,but every time you moved forward,they moved out of your reach?"I give him a confused look.

"You should know I understand that feeling better than anyone else."I lift my eyebrows."Where's this coming from?"Bart sighs and gives me a goofy grin.

"Oh nothing.Also,do you think you could get off?"He says,obviously trying to exit the conversation.

"Bart......"I start to say.Before I can get another word out,Tigress walks into the training room.I quickly get off of Bart,the heat rising up to my cheeks.Why was I so flustered?We were just training.

"There's a mission,and everyone is going.We are receiving details now."She says,her voice trying the best to sound gentle.It must be hard.....I think,to loose the person most close to you.

Of course,I do know what that feels like.I lost my mother,but I haven't experienced the loss of my lover,and hopefully I never will.I give her a nod and stand up.

We talk sometimes when I'm here but not a lot.My grandfather hasn't asked questions yet,so he usually doesn't mind me spending most of my time at the base.

"We will continue this conversation later."I prod at him.I walk out and change very quickly.

The time that I arrive in the main entrance,everyone is already there.Though I haven't been made an official member of the team yet (since I'm not really a sidekick to anyone),everyone on the team treats me like everyone else.

That includes inviting me onto missions.I jogged right next to Blue Beetle as I heard Batman speaking to us on the hologram.

"It appears to be somewhat of an energy source.It's like an EMP almost, a strong pulse will shut down anything electronic.Except,this will destroy anything in it's path.Within hours,it will expand over metropolis,and maybe countless others.Your mission,is to shut it down.Also,after what happened last time..."His voice goes quiet.He coughs."Stay safe.Batman over and out."The transmission ends.

Everyone was quite for a moment.It took a while before Aqualad spoke up.

"You heard him.I want Alpha Team 1 at the site and working out the problem.Beta Team 2 will fly around, surveying the area.Tigress,"He looks over to her.She cuts him off.

"I'll lead Alpha Team 2.I want Blue Beetle,Kid Flash,Bumble Bee,Caitie,and Batgirl."She says to Aqualad.He nods.

"Also,Caitie,"He turns to me.I gulp."The team and I have spoken.Since you have proven yourself time and time again,we are officially making you a member of this team.Tigress will be your mentor and oversee your training.Welcome to the team."

I stood for a few moments before it hit me.I was on the team.I WAS ON THE TEAM!My mind shouted.Bart grinned.

"Way to crash the mode."He says.The rest of the team was smiling as well.I finally had my family back.

"Now back to the matter at hand."Aqualad states and continues giving us information about the mission.I listened intently but the thought still stuck in my head.Things were finally turning around.

The next chapter will be the final chapter of Red Mask.Dont worry though! Black Mask will soon follow. Get ready for the final chapter of Red Mask Book One!

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