Chapter 21-EndGame

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We were silent,the only sound coming from the wind outside.Though I was building with excitement.

Bart stared out of the window distantly.I wonder what was wrong?I nudged him gently with my hand."You doing okay,Bart?"I inquire.He grinned down at me.

"I'm fine,Cat."I stifle a laugh."What?"

"Cat?Seriously?"I laugh a little.He rolls his eyes.

"Trying something different.Not working?"He says with a grin.I shake my head still laughing.

"Not a chance."We looked up at eachother.The world itself seemed to still.I shifted slightly.

"Speaking on different...."I pull out a mask with red,orange,and black spiral patterns.Bart looks at it with awe.

"That's so crash!Heh,you should be called Red Mask."He joked with a grin.I roll my eyes.

"Stop it with the terrible names."I slightly punch him in the arm.We both laugh.I then hear the bio-ship lowering to the ground.

"Don't die."Bart says with a wink.I rolls my eyes.

"Not in your dreams,KF."I smile.


"Beast Boy!"I yelled.I ducked down just as he swooped down above me.He pushed my attacker down.

Turns out,this was the League of Shadows doing.Can't say I am surprised though.

The EMP was designed to take down all Justice League communications,and it was about to go off.Blue Beetle and Robin were yelling science stuff I didn't understand in the mind link.

While they did that,the rest of us tried our best to keep the Shadows at bay.Which was proving to be difficult.Especially since Mysterious was here.

Ugh how I hated that guy.I swished on my heels just in time to see Mysterious aim a blow to my head with a sword.I clashed it with my own.

"So Mysterious huh?What kind of nerdy dark website did you get that name from?"I taunted.I smirked at him,noticing his eyes narrow.

"A battlefield is no place to talk."He growled.We continued to attack with our swords but I refused to stop bothering him.

"Aw that's cute.You actually think this is a battle.A battle,"I his sword off making it fall a few feet away."Is when two opposite sides are fighting to see who wins.Right now,"I sidesweep him to the ground,earning a satisfying groan."You are loosing."Last time I saw him,he was taking down Blue Beetle.Today,he got beaten by a midget.Something was off about him but I didn't care to ask.

Like he would give me an answer anyway.I decided he wasn't going to move for a while.I looked around the chaos.

The team was battling the Shadows.It looked like it was going nowhere.We only had a few minutes left to shut the EMP down.If we didn't,the League of Shadows wouldn't be in the shadows.

I ran over to Bart and kicked a girl down when I notice her coming up behind him.He looked at me and grinned.

"Thanks."Bart looked at the generator where the EMP was."How do we shut this thing off?"

"Good question.Wish I knew the answer."I reply.Bart looked at it and his eyes widened.

"I think I got an idea.What if we make a bomb of our own?"He glances at me with pure hope.

"Actually,that just might work!"I shouted and threw my arms around him."Not bad for a dork."I smile.

'Hey Blue,think you could create a bomb big enough to destroy that thing?'I say into the mind link.

He pauses before answering.'Of course.I just need to get a few parts and......'

'Okay good.Get it done ASAP and meet us by the bio-ship.' I say quickly.I hear him cut off from the link.I look over at Bart.

"I hope this works."


"Here it is."Blue Beetle hands it over to me."There's one thing you should know though."

I look at him."What's that?"

"The Scarab says it will only work where the energy is transmitting from.So,I looked the machine over and......the energy is coming directly in the middle.Once it explodes,anything in its distance range is BOOM."He makes an impact motion with his hands.

"That means...."

"No 'human' can get out of the range that fast."He finishes for me.Beside me,Bart throws up his hands.

"Duh that's why I'm here!I can run that distance no problem.No crash needed."He grins.Blue shakes his head.

"The distance covers a mass distance.There's no way you can....."

"Then pick me up from the bio-ship then.I got this."He looked at his friend with a goofy grin.Blue Beetle sighed.

"Alright.Good luck Ba....Kid Flash."Bart looked over at me and reached for the bomb.I hesitated.

"Promise me you'll be fine,okay?"I ask in a quiet voice.

"Hey,no sense in talking that way.Afterwords,let's see how well you do with Artemis as your teacher."He winked at me which made me smile.

"You're on ginger brain."

"Hey didn't you just insult yourself..."I shoved him slightly.

"Go."I smile at him one last time.He smiles back and kisses me briefly on the mouth.

Bart winked and sped off.I had no doubt in my mind my face was red as my hair.Blue coughed behind me.

"Did he just...?"I growl.

"Don't you even start."

To buy Bart some time,we tried the best we could to fight off the Shadows.Little did I know,a few of them are sharp as knives.

One female,the same that tried to attack Bart,was fighting me.She had brown hair and skin.She was oddly beautifully perfect.

Too bad she was evil.

I sweeped her feet from underneath her and transformed.I snarled with my teeth bared.My hackles rose,my ears folded back.

She glared at me,trying to sit up.I launched myself at her.I snarled as we both tossed eachother around.She stood up and brought out a short knife.

"Too bad kid.You're almost good at fighting like I am."She slashed her knife in front of me.I moved swiftly before a fatal blow could be hit.

I felt blood trickle down my forearm but I didn't mind.Just when I looked up,a green tiger knocked her down.

The impact hit her hard,causing her to fall unconscious.I heaved a sigh and transformed into my normal self.

"Thanks Beast Boy."I say with heavy breathing.He dips his head and runs off to help the others.Suddenly,I hear Bart through the mind links.

'It's in! Get to the bio-ship and I'll start the bomb!'

I nodded in silent agreement and ran to the ship.Everyone sat at their seats but I remained by the back along with SuperBoy to help get Bart.

All of a sudden,I hear a large explosion.I closed my eyes.

Yougotthisbartyougotthisbartyougotthisbart.I chanted in my head.

The bottom of the bio-ship opened.I looked down and saw a streak of red and orange.I smiled in relief.My smile faded as I looked behind him.

A giant wave of energy was hurtling toward him.I shouted into the mind link.

'Bart,hurry! You're almost there!'I mentally shouted at him.The energy was getting bigger.

"I can't get any closer!"Miss Martian shouted at us.I could barley hear her.

'Guess I'll have to take back on that promise.'

'Bart don't you dare!' I could feels tears rising in my eyes.

'Caitie,if I don't make it....."

'You'll make it.Just hold!' Blue Beetle yelled at him.

'Just know I lov....' He didn't finish.I looked down and didn't see the streak anymore.Miss Martian pulled up the ship.

"What are you doing? He's still down there!" I shouted.She didn't answer. "He..he has to be...."My voice became distant.

I sank to the floor.We all knew the answer.

Bart was gone.

I took off my mask and stared at it through blurry eyes.I griped it tighter.

The Caitie I knew has had so much taken from her.Everything she has loved is gone.The sad girl would be broken into pieces by what just happened.

Lucky for her,she now goes by a different name.One that shall ring out above the rest.The name shall forever ring truth for everything she has lost.The name her lover had given her.

Red Mask.

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