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Lucky O'Cléirigh

"Your d-daughter?" I stutter through a sniffle, my heart beat returning to normal and a quiet humiliation heats my chest..

Of course I had assumed the very worst.. I am so used to men betraying me that I've come to expect it.. But I never thought that Konstantin would do something so terrible..

I want to believe him.. I want so badly for what he says to be true that I have no choice but to take his word as gospel..

"Da, Moya luybov.. I have known Ekaterina since she was juzt a child.. It iz true she iz not my blood, but she comez from the same place az I do.. We are kin.. If I were to die today, it iz Katya who would inherit my wealth.. I wish only for her to have the best life--" Konstantin takes me by the shoulders to pull me closer, two dark caramel pools of passion plead with me for understanding.. "I do not make sex with my daughter.. I am not thiz sick man.. Lizten to me, Kiska, believe in me.. I have never lied to you."

"I--uh-- O'course I believe you.." I wipe my eyes hastily and offer a wobbly smile up at my gentle giant.. "I'm so sorry, Big Bear.. I saw you together and I just thought--"

He smiles with a breath of relief as his liquorice and cocoa cologne comforts my senses.. "I know what it iz you think, Malishka, but I would not ever betray you thiz way.." Warm hands coax me closer, stroking over the contours of my petite frame as his neck crooks downward and he leans in to kiss my cheek, so feather soft it is like a tingle of static.. "You are only light in my life, My Solnyshko.."

"Do you promise?" I whimper while he kisses my cheek again as his fingers trail through my hair in slow, appreciative strokes..

Before he can reply I turn my face so that my lips steal his, pressing passionately to find pleasure.. I have to kiss him, I have to feel that certainty that he is mine and mine alone..

"I swear it to you.. My crazy, beautiful, Kiska.." He utters on a low gravelly groan, mumbling against my mouth before deepening the kiss..

His lips were made to fit the curve of my own and all my doubts are burnt to dust.. He kisses me slow and soft, the sweet roll of his tongue and taste of black cherry-candy and tobacco weakens my knees and he has to squeeze me tighter to hold me up..

The crackle of our connection courses like a flood of fire, the flowing currents as powerful as ever as my arms wrap around his neck and my tiptoes are lifted from the sidewalk as he picks me up and we melt into one another..

"I love you-- I just can't help it.." I breathe as we break apart and he smiles, stroking his tattooed fingers through my hair.. "I don't care if you never say it back, Konstantin, it doesn't change how I feel.."

"It iz not that I cannot, Moya luybov'.. It iz that I should not.. And you know why.." He wraps a heavy arm around my shoulders tucking me against his side to keep me warm.. "Come-- I would like for you to meet Ekaterina.."

"She's going to think I'm totally insane!" I blush..

"Perhapz.." He chuckles.. "But she will adore you for 'zat.."

He links his fingers through mine to lead me back up the sidewalk and as we pace side by side he waves the envelope I'd given him in his other hand.. "So, what iz thiz?"

"Your pictures.. I developed them.. Did you forget?"

"Ah.. You did see 'zem?" He stops dead and I am yanked back in surprise..

I nod meekly.. "Your wife was lovely, Konstantin.. And Ivar was the most perfect young boy, he looked a lot like you and you all seemed so happy.. The way you smile in these pictures.. They're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

"I have not looked upon the people in theze picturez for vury long time, perhapz you are right, Malishka-- it will bring to me comfort to hold 'zem in my handz once again.." He sighs, lifting his begging brown eyes to meet with mine.. "But somehow, I cannot stand the thought to see them alone.."

"Oh, my sweet Bear.. You don't have to do anything you're not ready for.. And you're not alone, Konstantin, I'm here for you.."

"Will you look on 'zem with me, Lucky?" He asks softly, his dark gaze shying away from mine and for the first time I see something vunerable in the Big Bear..

I squeeze his warm paw in mine.. "O'course I will, Big Bear.."

"Spasibo, Solnyshko, I do not deserve the warmth of your glow.."

I giggle.. "You're so welcome.. For the pictures and the warmth.."

As we walk hand in hand up to the front of the building, the beautiful blond woman who waits there waves to us with a dazzling smile that is strangely familiar..

I feel like I know her, or at least I have seen her somewhere before..

"Katushya, thiz is my--err-- Lucky O'Cléirigh.." Konstantin frowns appearing almost unsure of what to call me, opting last minute for my name as the stunning creature extends her perfectly manicured hand in my direction.. "Lucky-- thiz iz moya doch', Ekaterina--"

Suddenly a lightbulb flicks on in my brain and clarity crashes over me like a tonne of bricks..I have definitely seen this woman before..

On my freaking television screen!

"You're Katya Czarina?! Oh my god.. I absolutely loved you in Black Bloods! Chloe is my all time favourite vamp-girl!" I can't contain the fangirl gushing praise that pours directly from my brain and out of my mouth without a thought in between..

I stare at her in disbelief, starstruck by her shiny presence.. I've never met anybody famous before, let alone somebody so insanely talented..

"Oh, you watch the show?!" She giggles, chirpy and kind with a twinkle behind her pretty sky-blue eyes.. "Thank you so much, Lucky, you're too sweet! You know, I was originally cast in the role of Vivian, but I wanted to play Chloe so badly.. I actually fought the producer for that part!"

"No way!" I squeak in excitement.. "You were totally born to play Chloe!"

"I really was! Now if you could just write that in a letter to the studio for me, that'd be amazing!" She tosses her head back as she laughs and it's like watching a movie in motion.. The way her hair shimmers and her perfect skin radiates.. It's like seeing a unicorn beneath a rainbow..

"Anytime!" I smile back at her, breath taken..

She is impossibly perfect with her stunningly symmetric features and perfectly straight white teeth..

"So 'Lucky'?" She looks me up and down with a curious eye.. "That's such a pretty name! It really suits you.."

I twist my hands together nervously.. "I guess.. My father was an Irish gambler with a terrible sense of humour.."

She smiles, waving a hand towards the Russian.. "Well, it certainly seems lucky for Kostya, huh.. Fortune never smiled on him quite so bright.. But I can see that has all changed now that he's found you.."

The Big Bear reaches for my hand, lifting my knuckles to his lips to kiss them kindly.. "Indeed, I have won the mozt beautiful prize.."

"Oh good lord! Has he always been this sweet?" I giggle and blush, becoming a melted mess at the doting affection..

Katya narrows her amused eyes on her father figure and shakes her head with a sly grin.. "No.. Not at all.."

"Ah, my darling'k girls!" Konstantin smiles between us, pleased by our pleasant exchange before he nods to the bottle of amber liquor in Katya's hand.. "We drink now, da?"

"Opa!" Katya cheers in mischievous delight as she lifts the bottle triumphantly above her head and Konstantin turns to unlock the door..

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