{CS}Take Away the Pain [Monokuma] (AU)

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[Monokuma is going to be human in this.]

POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNINGS: Brief mentions of rape/domestic abuse/human trafficking

--Last Christmas Special Chapter--

"It's not hard to sacrifice yourself for someone you love, but it's so hard to find someone who's worth your sacrifice."



Booze. Booze was everywhere. It was in everybody's mouths and throats, except mine, and it stank like crazy. Yes, we were all underage.

Just the scent of the alcoholic beverage made me a bit woozy. Everyone was gathered at the most popular Christmas party in the city. It was Sonia's party, and she decided to hold it in a "small" mansion her father gave her for her thirteenth birthday.

She was spoiled like a princess.

"C'mon, Y/N..." slurred Akane. "Take a sip... take a sip... take a sip..." She repeated. [If you get the reference, you are amazing]

I stared at the half-empty bottle in her hands. Her eyes were slightly glazed over, and she couldn't resist the urge to stop drinking.

"Er... No thanks..." I muttered, slightly weirded out. "I think I'll pass."

She sulked. "You're no fun... Y/N!"

I nodded, awkward and confused.

Well, I had planned to call it a night and head home until I heard the drunken host yell from the top of her lungs.


'The Christmas... Ritual?'

"Are we like, gonna summon a Christmas tree?" Leon asked, scratching the back of his neck.

"No..." Sonia smiled. "We're summoning the supposed Christmas Demon!"

"The Christmas Demon?" Ibuki asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Does he have a dick?" Ouma asked.

Kiibo fumed at Ouma's comment for whatever reason. I did not know.

"He does!" Miu laughed. "He's like a normal human, except he hates Christmas and will kill and destroy it. Talk about hot!"

I bit my lip, cringing internally from her comment.

'You can never have Miu without her pervertedness...'

"Y/N, aren't you going to join the circle?" Hinata asked.

My eyes looked over the people sitting in the circle. Everyone but myself was present.

Hesitantly, I looked back at the door which seemed so close. "Fine..." I mumbled, walking back and sitting in the spot between Chihiro and Fuyuhiko.

"This seems like a cult activity, doesn't it?" Chihiro whispered with a small smile on his face.

"Yeah, I guess so..." I said. "You didn't drink?"

He shook his head.

Relieved, I faced back into the circle. Sayaka had placed a miniature version of a Christmas tree inside the circle and other items such as a circle of salt around it.

I was utterly confused when Sonia placed in the last item: a brown teddy bear with a pink bow around its neck.

"I don't have the exact plush..." She admitted nervously. "But this will do..."

"I'm going to explain the rules." Sayaka said. "Don't let go of each other's hands. It'll allow the demon to escape and cause chaos. Don't look at the demon. He will get very angry and kill you on the spot."

"I'll take over." Sonia said with a drunken smile. "He's going to bribe you into making a deal with him, and remember to NOT accept. The most important rule is don't ever, no matter how much temptation fills you, don't ever say a word about the ritual."

"If it's successful," Sayaka picked up, "then all of us will have great fortune in the future. It guarantees us a long life. If it is not successful..." Her eyes met with everybody's with a serious look. "Run."

"Okay, now let's start!" Sonia cheered. "Everybody, hold hands!"

I slowly grasped onto Chihiro's and Fuyuhiko's hands and let out a deep breath.

"Close your eyes. Do not open them. If you feel a presence near you, don't even open your eyes into tiny slits. Keep them shut."

"The demon will judge all of us. He will either deem us worthy or unworthy of great fortune. If you feel a hand on your head, that means you're worthy. If you feel two hands on your shoulders, say your last goodbyes..." Sonia said grimly, no longer under the influence of the booze.

"If you are worthy, he will most likely try to strike a deal with you. All of his deals don't end well, so never--EVER--accept it. Kindly reject it, and he will move on."

We all nodded, some of us ecstatic while others were nervous. I was on the nervous side.

Everyone closed their eyes, and soon, I heard Sayaka uttering something in what seemed to be Latin.

[I'll just write it in English]

"The last days of the snow are nearing. The trees die in your midst as you walk through the Earth. Skies tremble when your name is whispered in the wind. Judge us not only from our minds but also our hearts. To you, we offer up ourselves for your presence."

At first, I felt nothing happen. It was completely still and silent in the living room.

"This is bullsh--"

Before Fuyuhiko could finish his remark, I felt a faint wind sweeping my hair.

"Guys, I'm going to go and close the wi--"

"DON'T OPEN YOUR EYES!" Sayaka warned.

Panicked, I shut them even tighter than they had been.

Then, I heard it. Footsteps walking around the room in the cutting silence.

A low yet irritated voice rung out.

"Looks like I got me a bunch of stupid teens playing this game." He scoffed.

I heard him walk around, examining everyone. He stopped in front of me.

A finger was placed underneath my chin, lifting my face upwards. Still, I kept my eyes shut.

"Hm... interesting woman." He commented. "Look at me."

My mouth kept shut as I resisted the urge to open my eyes.

"Such a shame." He sighed, most likely stuffing his hands in his pockets from the sound of fabric rustling. "You piqued my interest."

I let out a shaky breath as tears crowded in my closed eyes. Why had I agreed to this game anyways? If I opened my eyes, it would result in an immediate death.

"Now," the masculine voice said once again, seeming disinterested. "Who will be deemed worthy and blah blah blah."

He went around the circle.

"Duck. Duck. Duck. Duck. Duck... Goose."

I heard someone hold in a cry of terror. Did... Did he touch their shoulders when he said goose?

"Sorry, kid. Good luck in the future." He said.

He went around the circle, and I heard about thirteen more geese. I was the last one...

I felt him standing in front of me, towering over my crouched frame.

While I was panicking over whether he'd touch my shoulders or pat my head, I felt both of his hands on the sides of my face.

'What does that mean..?'

I felt something warm touch my forehead gently.

'Did he just--'

He leaned in close and whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "I'll see you again in a little bit, Y/N..."

I nervously gulped.

"Well, thanks for the offering. This teddy bear will make a great addition to my collection of idiotic-teens-who-tried-this-ritual shelf. Don't worry, there's only two heads on there."

Once Sayaka was sure that he was gone, she chanted the closing in Latin. All of us opened our eyes to see the small Christmas tree trashed with a monochrome bear on the top in place of the star.

The teddy bear was gone, and the circle of salt was ruined.

Once everyone had settled down their nerves, Sonia spoke up. "Wh-Who got patted on the shoulders?"

Thirteen hands rose up hesitantly, most of them nearly bursting into tears.

Miu Iruma.

Akane Owari.

Hiyoko Saionji.

Ouma Kokichi.

Mondo Oowada.

Kazuichi Souda.

Sonia Nevermind.

Leon Kuwata.

Maki Harukawa.

Tsumugi Shirogane.

Junko Enoshima.

Kaito Momota.

Sayaka Maizono.

I didn't know whether to raise my hand or not. He touched the sides of my face and kissed my forehead. What did that count as?

"S-So I'm guessing the rest of you got patted on the head..?" Sonia asked, smiling bitterly and ultimately regretting her decision to do the ritual.

"Y-Yeah..." Chihiro sighed, a bit of relief washing over him.

Sayaka slowly clasped her hands together, her breathing uneven and her skin paler than usual. "M-Merry Christmas, guys... G-Good luck with school without u-us..." She spoke quietly.

Everyone seemed more glum than usual. Christmas had been ruined with fated deaths and the ritual, but the person behind it said they would see me in a bit...

'How long was 'in a bit'..?'

I sighed, pulling on my coat and walking home.

Thoughts swirled in my mind of what scenario would unfold the next time that man and I met. I tried to clear my thoughts as I walked into my empty apartment.

A small Christmas tree was sitting in the corner of the living room, unlit. Small and empty boxes wrapped with wrapping paper sat underneath it. Stockings were either hung by the hearth or were strewn across the carpet.

I headed into the bathroom, stripping all of my clothes and took a warm shower. After the cold air had taken over my senses, a nice and hot shower allowed my muscles to relax.

The mirror most likely fogged up, so I was a bit excited to get out and write a quick "Merry Christmas!" with my fingers.

I opened the curtains and froze.

There was a man sitting on the counter and casually playing with his hair in the mirror.

"Oh, hey. So that's what you look like."

I let out a terrified scream, quickly grabbing the shower curtain and covering my bare body with it.

"Who the hell are you?!" I screamed, my face extremely flushed. "GET OUT, OR I'M CALLING THE POLICE!"

He calmly turned over to look at me. "Oh, honey, I can make them disappear in the snap of a finger."

My heart accelerated from the fear invading me. That voice... He was the demon from the ritual!

"You're... You're--"

"Don't waste your voice, Y/N." He hopped off the counter and handed me a towel.

I gladly took it and wrapped in around me. "What do you want?"

He pulled on his hood a bit, a bored and unchanging expression still on his face. "Well, you seemed to be quite something." He commented. "I couldn't read your thoughts. That's how I judge people, y'know."

"Then why did you--"

"Why did I kiss your forehead?" He interrupted, twirling the hoodie string around his finger. "Easy. To see your reaction." We both walked into my bedroom, and he laid down on the mattress with his hands behind his head.

"My... reaction?" I asked, picking out a plain t-shirt and lounging shorts. Well, underwear, too...

"Never really did something like that before." He sighed, running his fingers through his hair with a frustrated look on his face. "I guess you intrigued me."

"Oh, and how so?" I asked, going back into the bathroom to change.

"I won't lie, Y/N. I've never seen a human like you before. Your eyes seem to tell a different story."

"My eyes?"

"I can see that something happened to you on Christmas. Oh wait. I know!" He smirked.

I felt all the blood drain from my face as my knees grew weak. "Shut up..." I muttered.

"Little Miss Y/N was raped."

"Stop it..."

"By her own boyfriend..."

"Shut up!"

"And sold her into prostitution for his friends!"

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!!" I cried, running out and grabbing the teenage boy by his hoodie and slamming him up against the wall in nothing but my underwear and shirt.

"Is someone mad that--"

"You..." I mumbled under my breath. "You must never speak of that again! If you do, I will spend every hour of my life, shredding you down bit by bit until you're gone. You hear me?"

The demon in front of me just stared at me, seeming to try and examine my eyes and soul. A small smile formed on his face.

"You crave for blood like I do." He said.

I quickly retracted me hands from him, letting him fall to the ground.

He groaned as he made contact with the floor.

"I'm not a killer."

"Neither am I." He said.

"That's a lie!" I caught him. "You kill those who were deemed 'unworthy'."

"Actually, I don't do the dirty work." He shrugged, sitting back down on my bed. "My little minions wouldn't dare let their master dirty his hands on such a petty job."

"Then why do you do this?" I asked, pulling on my shorts.

His face suddenly dropped a bit. Just a bit, but it was just enough for me to notice. "I-It's just for fun." He laughed a bit sadistically.

"That's also a lie." I said.

"What makes you think that you know when I'm lying, hmm?" He asked.

"I kinda got used to it after talking to one of my friends who's a pathological liar." I replied, brushing the wet hair from my face. "I had to, anyways."

"Ah, Ouma." The boy replied. "And I do it for fun. It wasn't a lie."

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Monokuma. Why?"

"Well, Mono. I know there's a reason why you also hate Christmas and why you got caught up in this ritual. Spit it out." I demanded, sitting on the bed near him.

"Huh... Never thought someone would be so intelligent to be able to see through me like glass." Monokuma shrugged. "And don't call me 'Mono'. It sounds stupid."

"First of all, Mono, I don't care if you think it's stupid." I scoffed while crossing my arms. "Second of all, tell me."

"Well..." He started off, laying back down on the bed with his hands in the previous position: behind his head. "It's to take away the pain. The ritual helps me gain lives to live. I'm supposed to take a bit of someone's soul for me to stop the suffering for a little bit. Those myths about people dying from me are false. The worthy and unworthy thing is just a bunch of bull."

I nodded, trying to feel empathy. "Oh... so they're not going to die?"

"Nah," He chuckled lightly.

My heart rate picked up hearing it.

"They're just going to get a bit sick like a flu or something. Just a part of me taking a small amount of their souls. Kinda like a mosquito sucking some blood."

I noticed a sad expression on his face. What was the pain that he felt? I just... really wanted to help...

"Mono..." I said, my hand patting his head. "What's the pain that you feel? I think I might be able to help..."

His solemn eyes glanced up at me. "I doubt you'd be willing to help. I'll explain it to you another time, but the only way to relieve of the pain I feel is to feed off of the souls of others. That's why I have to participate in the ritual."

Only then did I notice how attractive Monokuma was. His hair was divided down the middle with one side being black and the other side white. His eyes were heterochromatic with one being a dark brown and the other blood red.

His face was well structured, and his jawline was quite sharp. His nose was high, and his skin was pale yet smooth.

The hoodie matching his hair completed the look.

"Then take my soul." I offered. "Every Christmas, you can take a bit of my soul until it's gone..."

He skeptically raised a brow. "You'd give up your life for me? I guess it's time for me to call you out for your bullshit."

"No... It's just that..." I looked out the window and to the fluttering snowflakes. "I know of the pain that I felt when I was being sold to older men in the underground. Luckily, an undercover police officer posing as a buyer saved me. I don't want anyone to go through any pain that I felt that night."

Monokuma looked over at me, his eyes hiding the emotions that he might've been feeling at the moment.

"Y/N, you don't have to do that. We only just me--"

"I want to save you!" I blurted out, my face crimson with embarrassment.

"Save me?" He asked, a bit baffled.

"I read about this somewhere, but I know how to save you!" I said, my eyes slightly shining.

He just stared at me, but a small yet almost invisible smile was on his face. "Do what you must. Be my guest." He waved his hand.

I nodded, my mind now filled with determination. "I'd be happy to be a vessel to take away your pain and bring your happiness back! You'll get to have your normal life back!"

Monokuma slowly sat up and then stood up, his eyes now hidden under his bangs.

"M-Mono..?" I asked, watching him stand in front of me.

In a quick movement, he grabbed my wrists and pinned me down on the bed.

My mind filled with the memories of what happened when my ex had done terrible things to me. I felt a panic attack rise in my throat, but I couldn't let it out.

"Shh..." He shushed. "I'm not gonna hurt you..."

I stared up at him and saw his familiar eyes again. My breathing got heavy, and I felt heat rise to my cheeks. He was straddling me with my arms pinned on either side of my head.

"You... You're incredible..." He muttered, staring at me with warm eyes. "Do you know that?"

I shook my head.

"Well now you do..." He mumbled, using a hand to brush the hair from my face. "I was right when I first saw you. You were different. You are different."

"M-M-Mono..." I muttered, feeling tears brim my eyes. "Let's take away each other's pain... Not as demon and human... but as friends..."

"Friends?" He asked, a small yet cute smile adorning his face. "Y/N, I wish for more than just that."

He leaned in and I felt my lips collide with the ones I had felt on my forehead a few hours earlier. I could feel the passion rushing through my veins as I tried so hard to lift up a hand for my fingers to get tangled up in his monochrome hair.

I could feel my entire body warm up from his touch. He pulled away, a small yet visible blush on his pale face.

"I'll see you soon, Y/N."

He let go of me, and I sat up, staring at him as he walked towards the balcony. My heart thumped against my chest as I followed him.

Monokuma stood on the ledge, bowing and blowing me a kiss before leaning back. "Until we meet again, my darling."

I ran to the rails and watch him free fall down until he snapped his fingers. Just like that, he disappeared into white and black smoke.

I smiled, and waved towards the nothingness. Slowly, I went back inside and sat in front of the vanity mirror. My fingers gently touched my lips as the warm feeling that I had felt blossomed in me again.

Either way, I knew that in this deal, one of us would have to take the fall, and that someone would most likely be me. However, that didn't hinder my confidence in the slightest.

"I will save you... Monokuma..."

Christmas Special: Monokuma


I'm going to most likely do a part 2 for this anyways. I only got seven people wanting me to continue the Rantaro story, but I'll do it for fun. Ugh... Monokuma's story idea was pretty fun to write. If you want to find out where some of my ideas for the ritual came from, there's a creepypasta called "The Snowman Ritual".

Merry Christmas!


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