{CS}The Timekeeper [Rantaro Amami] (AU)

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Before we begin with the last normal {CS} chapter, I'd like to say I don't hate y'all. I love you with all of my heart! <3

Where is this coming from? Well...


"Time is not measured by clocks, but it is measured by moments."



I am not an urban legend.

I am not a magical spirit.

I am a timekeeper.

Time ticks by no matter how much you want it to stop. It will continue to push you forward into tomorrow. It'll push you until the day you lay on your death bed, sick and pale. Only then will it forfeit and stop pushing you onto the next day.

It truly is a blessing if one has the power to change and warp time in their hands. Well,  one of those lucky fellow is me.

I pulled out the pocket watch from my coat and stared at the building made with old red bricks in front of me.

'Right on time.'

Stuffing the watch back into my coat, I pushed open the glass door, and the small bell above chimed.

"Welcome to Panta Express!" A lady smiled.

'She has three years left to live. Cause of death: asphyxiation.'

"Hello." I murmured quietly, my eyes scanning the restaurant for a certain somebody.

"Uh... are you looking for someone?" She asked, trying to follow my gaze. "I can look through some of the reservations list--"

"It's fine, Miss..." I read her name tag. "Miss Akamatsu. I'll wait another five minutes before leaving."

The waitress nodded. "Is there anything you'd like to order while you wait?"

My eyes quickly traveled over to the fold-up menu placed neatly on the table. "May I get a bottle of Panta?"

She smiled. "Of course! I'll go and get it right away!"

Before she left, I had spoken up. "What's the price?"

Turning around, she revealed her everlasting and cheery nature.

'It's too bad her death is in three years.'

"It's on the house! I'd be glad to pay for it. Happy Holidays!"

There I sat at the small table near the back of the restaurant. People and families were gathered together for the holidays, sipping on their drinks and happily chatting over their food.

Bored out of my skull, I decided to look at the lifespans. After all, being a timekeeper has its perks like seeing who will die in the near future; not to mention, it gives the cause of death and sometimes the precise time and location.

I was immortal. Yes, I can live forever, but no, that doesn't mean I will live forever. I could die at any given moment due to car crashes or murders. Natural causes and illnesses wouldn't claim my life.

My eyes finally rested on a little girl who was six years old according to the information I had gathered on her. Her lifespan seemed to be at least fifty-seven more years, and the cause of death was illness.

"Boring..." I yawned, trying to find a new candidate. A man in his late thirties caught my eye. He seems to be the father of two beautiful girls.

'He has forty years left. Cause of death: natural causes.'

I leaned back in the chair, kicking my feet onto the table.

"Miss, here's your Panta!" The same waitress came out looking a bit worn out. "I'm sorry it took a while. Many of our customers needed service, and I was one of the three on the job."

I nodded, a sign of acceptance of her apology.

As I cracked open the bottle of Panta, I noticed a couple looking as happy as can be. My eyes softened at the two: a girl with dark chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes and a boy with caramel hair with vibrant blue eyes.

They held hands, and I felt a sense of nostalgia hit me.

Ah, yes. I had wanted to warp time and travel back to when my love was around. His name was Rantaro Amami, and he was one of the last timekeepers.

It was forty years ago when I had lost him, yet I never aged a day. I was still physically twenty-two.

Warping back time was very risky, and it could cost me my life. That was the only thing holding me back from turning back the clock to forty years ago.

It was a curse. A timekeeper could not fall in love with another timekeeper. We... We fell in love... we fell in too deep to let go of each other.


"Rantaro!" I screamed as I happily rushed towards my lover.

He swiftly turned around, his green eyes flashing a look of surprise. "W-Woah! Y/N!"

As if he had predicted that I would run to him, his hands were open, ready to catch me. A big yet adorable smile adorned his face.

Our bodies crashed together, tightly holding each other and not letting go.

At this time, I didn't know that both of us were timekeepers and I didn't plan to tell him that I was one... until the engagement ring showed up four years later...

We had never kissed before, mainly because I never had my first kiss and neither did he.

I stared at the ring, my eyes practically shining with gloss from all of the tears of joy.

"Rantaro..." I murmured as I noticed him getting down onto one knee.

"Y/N..." He started, a bit of nervousness filling his eyes. "Ever since I met you, I thought you were perfect in every aspect. You were beautiful, charming, smart, and have a dry sense of humor which I had grown accustomed to and love very deeply. Even on those days where you said you were ugly, I still felt like you were a walking goddess on Earth..."

I bit my lip, feeling my emotions being poured out in tears.

"I can't imagine a life without you. You brought me out of my shell, and you helped me with all my darkest secrets that I couldn't have gotten through alone. You and I both know it's cheesy, but nothing can hold a candle up to my love for you. Even if we go down like Romeo and Juliet, please know that I love you..."

Little did I know we were going down like Romeo and Juliet...

My hands covered my mouth as the warm tears ran down my cheeks.

"Y/N L/N... will you marry me?"

He knew of the consequences if a timekeeper fell in love with another timekeeper...

"Yes...!" I managed to let out a joyful cry. "Yes, a million times!"

Yet... he took his chance which ultimately took his life...

He stood up, his face slightly tinted with pink as he slid the diamond ring on my finger. It gleamed in the sunlight as I held my hand in different angles.

Rantaro knew that I was a timekeeper and never said anything...

I ran into his arms, the both of us hugging so tight that we were practically glued to each other. This was one of the happiest moments of my life... and possible my last...

I never knew that he was like me until the moment arrived...

He let go of me, and held me so that I was looking right at him.

"Close your eyes..." He said softly.

My eyelids fluttered shut as I anticipated what was to come.

His lips pressed against mine, and they started to move in sync. I could feel the butterflies erupt in my stomach as different emotions coursed through me.

Then, I noticed something strange. My eyes opened, and I saw Rantaro pull away with a sad smile on his face.

"Rantaro... what's wrong?"

His smile didn't falter as he took my hand in his. "I love you, Y/N... Always remember that... my little timekeeper..."

The moment that he died in my arms...

Shock was shown on my face. Rantaro's body went limp, and I felt no pulse in him.

More tears cascaded down my cheeks as I stared at his body. He looked so peaceful with a smile forever present on his face.

My tears dripped onto his face as I held him tight as a final hug. By that time, I had already realized he was gone... forever...

I wanted to warp time so badly, yet it would cost me my life and send the world into chaos. There were only four timekeepers in the entire world, and one had just died.

If another one was gone, the world's time portal and deception of time would go haywire.

I stared at my deceased fiancé before finally arranging him to have his hands in the center of his chest. I picked a red tulip and placed it between his cold fingers.

I proceeded by making him a flower crown.

Once I was finished, I gave a longing look one last time.

He was laying on his back in the bed of flowers next to the long grass that swayed gently. Rantaro... Rantaro was my angel...

What were the chances among the billions of people in the world that out of four timekeepers, two fell in love?

-Flashback End-

I emptied the last few drops of Panta into my mouth before heading out of the store.

He had proposed to me on Christmas, but where we lived, it was about seventy degrees in the winter which was heavenly.

It's the 40th anniversary of his death, and I can't seem to get past the melancholy that stirs inside of me.

I want him back...

Forgetting about the person who I was supposed to meet up with, which was another timekeeper, I headed out of the store and stood in the middle of the busy streets. My eyes were now filled with sorrows called tears.

Nobody bothered to glance at me because of how busy they were.

I grabbed my pocket watch and smashed it onto the ground, the only known way to warping back time.

I cried hysterically while stomping on it and chanting.

"The time is cruel! The time is kind! The true king of time may have the power to save all salvation! Warp back the time to save someone dear to me and save them from damnation!"

The people around me disappeared, and the bright watch appeared in front of me. I winded up the time to forty years ago and thought about Rantaro. My body began to feel light as I saw him emerging from the portal, naked and bare.

Though I would've been blushing from his bare skin, I didn't have time. I saw the clothes form around him... his usual clothes that I've gotten used to after so long.

I was enveloped in the white, my eyes barely open. My body felt weaker and weaker as I laid there in the oblivion.

As I lifted my head, I saw Rantaro Amami, running towards me with tears streaming out of his eyes.

"Y/N!" He yelled tripping amidst the whiteness. "STAY WITH ME!"

His expression was despairful, and I couldn't stand it. At least I got to see him before I... I died...

The last thing I felt was his arms around me and the hot tears landing on my cheeks like I had done for him when we were in the meadow.

I wished I was human.

I was a timekeeper whose fate bound her by chains.

I wished for a happy ending, but I never got it...

'Merry Christmas and Happy Anniversary... Rantaro, my love...'

Christmas Special: Rantaro Amami


{If I have enough people who want a part 2, then I'll do it after Christmas... Don't worry... it'll be a fluff ending... Hnnnng... That's only if at least, uh, 10 people want me to continue. Honestly, it's not everyday I do this... Man would I love to leave it at an angst note! :)}

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